For the last three weeks I have had a pain when wanting to to urinate and then urinating which goes away till I want to go next time. I have tried a herbal tablet for cystitis and that didn't work so I have had a urine sample checked at my surgery which has just come back clear.... I feel I am going through a 'flare up' with my PMR so much so that I have gone from 8mg prednisolone back to 15mg where I started two and a half years ago... can PMR affect your bladder or is this just a coincidence?
Bladder this PMR?: For the last three... - PMRGCAuk
Bladder this PMR?

Sounds as if you might have a urinary infection. Make appointment with your GP and take a urine sample with you. Very common to get this as prednisone lowers your resistance to infections.

PMR can cause cystitis and so can pred - probably in the form of irritable bladder . And are you taking calcium and vit D supplements? The calcium used to cause grit to form in the bladder - result cystitis - especially if I wasn't drinking as much water as usual, when travelling for example.
Yes I am taking calcium as I also have osteoporosis :(.... this isn't a 'burning' feeling which I believe you get with cystitis it's more pain... I have been very fortunate to never have had cystitis so I'm not absolutely sure what sensation you get with that.... I think I will leave the calcium for a week or so and see if that helps...and drink plenty of water! thanks for your help
Cystitis is just pain and it can come in various versons.
Was it just a dip test the GP did or was it proper culture? It is well known that GP tests miss many infections - but try telling them that!!
It was sent off to a lab rather than just the surgery and when I asked what it covered the receptionist reeled off a long list of things...most of which I can't remember but I 'presume' it was quite comprehensive...
One article I read about the problem said that often they just don't incubate them long enough. But usually if you have an infection you run a temperature and feel ill - do you?
I have been feeling really rough...flu like symptoms and possibly a temperature... that's why I increased my pred as I thought I was having a ' flareup' but now I wonder if it still is a bladder infection but they didn't find it... I'm getting on to the surgery first thing in the morning... thanks again....
I think autoimmune conditions can cause bladder pain. Personally i've had endless uti's and bladder pain. Keep an eye in case you need to get checked again for a uti.
Are you drinking enough fluid? Pred can be quite an irritant. I had to drink loads to keep my urine dilute to avoid the burn which of course, was worse the higher the dose I had.
I have had this symptom intermittently during my 3+ years of PMR with no infection detectable. It is affected by what I eat and drink too ( acidic and spice bad , bland good). Sometimes my whole bladder seems to burn. I think Prednisalone has had an effect on the bladder lining in the way it has on the stomach if unprotected. My GPs just go down the urine test route. Milk has a soothing effect.
I stopped Adcal because it made it much worse and just take prescribed vit D now.
When I was on high doses of pred for GCA I started to experience really severe bladder pain, kept thinking I had urinary infections, but when tested by GP or in the hospital lab came back clear - eventually sent for an internal in estimation and scan, but all, thank goodness fine. The Urologist said it was due to the bladder wall being inflamed by the pred - I am sure he was correct as now down to 7.0mg and only very occasionally do I get mild symptoms.
But always sensible to have it checked by your GP - I hope it clears up soon as it is a horrid condition to have.
Yes, off and on I experience bladder pain, spasms or nagging urge to urinate, which are not an infection.I put it down to the prednisone or PMR. A hot water bottle to the tummy helps to soothe it, a spell lasts several days then goes away.
Really interested to read your post. I had appointment with urologist 2 weeks ago - turns out bladder is enlarged - retaining nearly one litre of liquid - now have temporary catheter fitted - which I hate! Kidney and bladder scan ‘unremarkable’. Started 6 months ago with infection then discomfort but not pain and just wanted checked out. Wonder now if taking the Adcal and AA over the past 2 years has had an effect on bladder or urinary tract? I have now been given appointment to see gynae/urologist in September.
It sounds, as others have said,very like cystitis. I get it more often than I would like and get an antibiotic from my doctor which works immediately. I now keep a supply in stock. You need to drink plenty of water as we all know. I have also been drinking Kefir at breakfast, and organic apple cider, diluted, disgusting! Goodness knows if they help but it's worth a try. Personally I would go to your doctor and ask for an antibiotic, it can be so painful. Hope it passes soon.
I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis after assuming I have painful UTI's, but showing no infection. This had been going on for almost a year. A diet avoiding alcohol, coffee, citrus etc. is helpful. .... drinking lots of water. There is a Food list for this problem, but difficult to follow. It can also be hormonal.
I am have been going through that very thing for the last week or so..this isn't new..over the years it comes and goes..I can successfully treat it with homepathic remedies..this time I will be going to the Immediate Care today for a test..
I have had so many problems with bladder and gynae in the last year or so I'm sure it's linked to PMR. I was treated as the being UTIs without actually checking for any infection, after I had what I thought was cystitis twice for no apparent reason. But it was probably neither cystitis nor a UTI. And then when I was given abx for what they thought was a UTI, that caused a burning pain which they are treating as though it is thrush ... which has taken months to get rid of and keeps coming back .... and so on and so on. But I'm not even convinced it is thrush. A few years ago, when down to 5 steroids, I started needing to wee more at night and my GP said that steroids cause muscle weakness so you wee more at night which may be true, but then why does taking more steroids seem to help ? Also various foods and drinks trigger bladder problems for me and what feel like UTIs but aren't, I've done a lot of research on histamine intolerance and all the things that cause that also cause interstitial cystitis. It is all so complicated. I had a wonderful long telephone chat with a bladder consultant on Weds who is going to arrange for bladder tests and also with a physiotherapist and it doesn't seem there is a simple answer. I asked the consultant if it could be mast cell issues and she said no, I just have what is known as 'an angry bladder'. But I know people who have mast cell issues that cause bladder problems and need a mast cell stabiliser - which is what steroids also do.
Sorry this is all very confusing, and that's the point I'm trying to make, I don't think there is a simple answer, but my hunch is that inflammation is causing the problems and steroids actually help, although it could of course be the other way round, the steroids cause the problems. Many people with autoimmune illnesses also seem to have bladder problems. But then we PMRers also all of 'a certain age' too. Two of the things I've looked up are vulvadynia and interstitial cystitis which both seem to partly fit.