Have just developed a sore tender temple on left of head for no apparent reason and had been feeling quite a lot better recently apart from usual sore eyes, and think I am getting a stye in my left eye which is somewhat uncomfortable, and am just off to the chemist to get something for it. I am on 5.5 mgs Pred and reducing to 5mgs. Am I just being a hypochondriac, or is this usual? Bank Holiday weekend coming up so no one to ask!
Sore tender left temple: Have just developed a sore... - PMRGCAuk
Sore tender left temple

I had tender left temple in mid March with what felt like electrical discharges. I popped to the optician for reassurance.
Don’t forget you always have A&E, bank holidays included!
Yes thanks, the last place I want to visit!!
Panic over!! I managed to get a last minute doctor's appointment yesterday and he has diagnosed Shingles!! I was vaccinated 5 years ago against Shingles so should be mild. Now on more pills but the eye ointment is proving elusive. All goes to show you shouldn't diagnose yourself from the Internet! It's like reading a medical dictionary and having every disease in it! But at least I have some peace of mind.
That's great news...well not really shingles painful, but you know what I mean😁
There are a number of different things that can cause this. Possible gland from eye infection? Keep a watch and as Soraya says A&E or 111.
I see others have given excellent advice
I had a sore forehead the other week no other concerns,I worried alI day until I realized it was where I bumped my head on a bike pedal hung in the shed the day before .
what a numpty I felt

If it were me I would keep a weather eye out (sorry...) and if it gets worse remember A&E doesn't have BH's. If it gets significantly worse, an optometrist can advise as can 112 and make sure you have plenty of pred to hand if things take off - 40mg or more and a trip to A&E will do.
Thank you for advice (not good on abbreviations - BH?) at the moment both eye and head sore and sensitive to touch. Probably worrying unnecessarily and have plenty of pills! These things always crop up when everyone is on holiday - same as animals and vets!
Did you really mean 40 mgs? I have never had that amount before.
Should I start now or wait until the morning when I usually take my pills?
40mg is the usual starting dose for GCA. You shouldn't take it unless you have definite symptoms that could be due to GCA - and you really need to go to A&E at the same time because even that may not be enough and you must have medical advice and some tests. The sooner after the pred they are done the better because that sort of dose will start to reduce any inflammation quite quickly so the evidence may disappear. All we on the forum can do is tell you what you should really be doing in the case you show signs of GCA - we can't tell you to take the dose, that is medical advice and needs a doctor.
Bank holidays are always scary for us, even weekends sometimes! I can't say what is causing your sore temple and eye, but I thought I'd share my recent experience of eye and temple pain. This was the first time I'd had temple pain, even before diagnosis of GCA I'd had none. I did though have some slight eye pain in the first few months of pred. My temple pain was mild and intermittent, and temple was and still is slightly tender to touch. Wisely or not I decided to wait it out, took paracetamol when needed, and after about 5 or 6 days the temple pain went away. I had a blood test after that and my CRP was near zero. I don't think it was a taper related pain - it came on about 3 weeks after reducing - but I do wonder if it was related to my biopsy scar. You should obviously keep an eye on your symptoms, try painkillers, and get another blood test asap, and maybe increase your pred for a few days to see if symptoms subside.
Yes thank you, maybe I will take some paracetamol tonight which will also help me to sleep. My eye also feels a bit tender.
Can you do a little warm water bath for the eye? I use those makeup remover pads. A bad night definitely doesn't help. I have PMR but have had eye, cheek and temple pain. The problem is they are places that suffer when we get stressed too.

Yes I will do that