Hi , Thanks for the help and advice you have given over the past few days. I have a couple of queries:- I have been prescribed 15 mg Prednisolone together with Omeprazole every day and the pred is working fine. I am however suffering greatly since commencement with very sore irritated eyes and have worked out that it is the Omeprazole causing the problem. I understand that coated Prednisolone tablets are available but information seems to suggest that they are not as good at controling symptoms and many NHS areas are discouraging use. Does anyone have experience of this? I havent taken the Omeprazole today and my eyes are fine but the past two days have been miserable.
Prednisolone...: Hi , Thanks for the help and... - PMRGCAuk

I stoped omeprazole quite some time ago and take pred with very thick Greek yogurt as soon as I’m awake. It’s working for me at the moment.
I've never taken omeprazole, but I've been taking pred since the end of July 2017 (currently on 9 mg, soon to taper to 8 mg) I started with a sore irritated left eye about 4 months ago and it was diagnosed as blepharitis. I now have to follow a daily regime of eye wipes and drops to stop it flaring up again, although I can feel it lurking all the time in both eyes, the left still being worse. According to my GP, this is one of the many side effects of taking pred.
Coated ones work fine. Just take longer to kick in. I think people generally have yoghurt with their daily dose. The long term side effect of the "prazoles can be worse than pred on bone health. If you have been on it for a while you need to taper off it. I did one on one off. Hope your eyes get better👀
You can take an alternative- Ranitidine. The side effects are not so serious and you can take it as and when you may need it. I have the coated 5mgs and 2.5 kgs and uncoated 1mgs. I can't tell the difference! I always take them after breakfast.My Rheumy said he does not prescribe any of these with Pred. but would for any anti-inflammatory as they are harder on the stomach.

I used the enteric coated for managing PMR and they were fine - except for a dodgy batch when supplier was changed. They possibly work less well for managing GASTROINTESTINAL conditions - that doesn't necessarily extrapolate to other conditions. And the price difference is minimal before they try THAT angle!
I have never taken a PPI and have no problems. Many of us just take pred with yoghurt or in the middle of a meal, even a glass of milk is adequate.
And you can substitute ranitidine/Zantac for the omeprazole - different way of working, so different side effects.
I never took a PPI like Omeprazole but did get sore, gritty eyes from the pred. My GP gave me some eye stuff for it.
I take coated pred and since I swapped I’ve not needed PPIs or Ranitidine. I love that I can take it at bedtime and don’t have to wake at 2am.
This morning I took an extra 2.5 plain (that’s another story 🙄) and within the hour was grabbing the gaviscon and later 150mg ranitidine.