Hello PMRGCA Friends - I’ve just discovered this site and what a relief it is to read all your messages and responses. I’ve had PMR for 20 months now and have experienced most of the problems related to this horrible disease and side effects from the Prednisone. I haven’t seen a reumy and am mostly managing my own Pred reduction. I’m so enlightened now and realise I’ve been trying to reduce too quickly hence my recent flare. My GP is useless. I’ve just been prescribed Amlopidine for my high blood pressure - which she was blaming on my HRT!!! Thank you so much for all your valuable tips and of course your laughter- food for the soul.😄
Adrenals: Hello PMRGCA Friends - I’ve just... - PMRGCAuk

Welcome to the group Coriander000, its a shame you have only just found the site, my GP directed me here on day one six years ago. There is a wealth of information here , I’m sure someone more knowledgeable than me will be along shortly to give you some great advice on tapering . Meanwhile as you will probably know , most questions have been asked before and the search facility is just great.
Hi Coriander000, it's a relief when you find it isn't it. It sounds like you are taking control of your treatment which makes you feel much better. As you have probably noticed there are people with other add-ons as pmrpro calls them. If you look at the low carb discussions it might help you with blood pressure too. Mine has come down after low carb eating. It's still treated with linisopril. Sometimes get the white coat readings so I invested in a bp machine and when I do it at home it's always much lower than hospital or drs reading. I did get put on Amlopidine for a short time but my system couldn't tolerate it. I felt dreadful, so if it turns out that you start to feel even more fatigued and just bluergh just check it's not that. Happy reading!🌻
Just a note on Amlodopine: A very common side-effect is oedema in the feet and ankles. My feet blew up like balloons and were very uncomfortable. If this happens to you, go back and get put on a different drug. There are loads to choose from .I was told by one doctor that Amlodopine is a very old fashioned drug. I am on Candesartan by the way and it has also been more effective at managing my blood pressure. My GP and I are sure that the high blood pressure was caused by the steroids.

As others have said - high BP more likely to be a side effect of Pred, especially if only come on recently. That should reduce as you taper the Pred.
Not sure what dose you’re on now, but if it’s below 10mg then a reduction of 0.5mg on roughly a monthly basis is best. Plus using a slower taper like this one below makes life easier -
Also the slower you go the easier for your adrenals to catch up and start working again.
You titled your thread adrenals........problems?
And you have a second thread about eyes which you have titled adrenals 😂🤣😂🤣 it doesn’t take much to confuse me, I’m on steroids you know 🤪
You can change the titles if you wish, via edit, people might just scroll past otherwise, if they’re not interested in ‘adrenals’.
I have started double checking the main message when I post now. I have got confused a few times and wanted to make sure I was on the "right" thread for my reply.