I was wondering if my MRI/MRA of the head with contrast which I just had for pulsatile tinnitus ( nothing unusual was found) can also be a diagnostic tool for ruling out temporal artiritis. I have the disc. Maybe a knowledgeable doctor could have a look?
Recent MRI/MRA: I was wondering if my MRI/MRA of... - PMRGCAuk
Recent MRI/MRA

You could ask. I somehow doubt it or they wouldn’t using the temporal artery biopsy as the gold star treatment.
The above was without contrast and only a small study though.
Is your PT still constant? Mine stopped for a few months but is back again though quieter atleast. All the best.
PT is 24 hours a day. Before PMR and pred it was much quieter and I sometimes completely forgot about it. The ENT guy said a vascular doc would be my next step. I had a carotid ultrasound and there is slight blockage on the left carotid where the pt is, so maybe that is the answer.
Here's a link:
"Can Magnetic Resonance Imaging Help Diagnose Giant Cell Arteritis?
Jonathan S. Coblyn, MD reviewing Rhéaume M et al. Arthritis Rheumatol 2017 Jan
MRI might be useful, but temporal artery biopsy still is required for patients in whom GCA is strongly suspected."
I had an MRA of the chest when diagnosed with GCA which showed I don't have aortitis
causing an aneurysm. This will need to be repeated periodically.
did they use contrast in your MRA? If so, do you know what it was ..and di you fee ok afterwards? Thanks
It was gadolinium. I have some neuropathy in my hands and feet and the contrast did make my tingling and numbness worse for some time, I believe. But years ago, when I was healthy and had the contrast it was fine. Just drink a lot after. Water.
re: chest MRA contrast agent. Gadavist was used, a gadolinium based agent.
I didn't notice any side effects. Here is part of the report I received: "TECHNIQUE: Localizer sagittal 2-D fiesta sagittal T1 candycane axial FSPGR axial
SS FSE fat sat axial 2-D fiesta oblique sagittal MR a with contrast
administration. 19 cc IV Gadavist
REPORT: Caliber of the thoracic aorta is within normal limits. Visualized
portions of the great vessels and their origins are also normal in caliber
limited visualization the pulmonary vasculature is unremarkable."
NOTE: My GCA was biopsy confirmed Nov 2017. My sister was diagnosed with GCA & PMR in 2010. In 2017 was diagnosed with aortitis [aneurysm 5+cm & regurgitating aortic valve]. She had open heart surgery in 2018 which was successful.
Did you have contrast medium for the MRI? I know MRI can be used as a diagnostic but I don’t know if it’s . Try this.
I have pulsatile tinnitus,sometimes it causes missed heartbeats which l find very distressing,l am afraid to lower my prednisolone dose because of this,l am only on 5mg,that is just about keeping the tinnitus steady.lt seems to become louder when l am tired or forget to pace myself and overdo things,it never disappears .
Yes, the more stress and anxiety, the louder I hear the beating/pulsing in my ear. Even strong coffee makes the sound louder. But the MRA was clear so no tumor or anything like that. He suggested a vascular guy next. But I am tired of doctors and testing. Magnesium took away the skipped beats almost immediately. Try it.
Made an appointment with a vascular doctor. He does ultrasound right in his office. His office said he wants to see the blood flow himself not from a technician. So I will bring my MRA disc with me as they requested.They told me he also does biopsies for TA. Not that I want one at this point. But I need to plug away at the PT so I will see what he says. Sick of all this, though.