Sunshine On The PMR/GCA Journey. There If We Look! - PMRGCAuk


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Sunshine On The PMR/GCA Journey. There If We Look!

53 Replies

Different for us all with our life experiences & lucky me to have survived this far I feel!

Tricky this illness is! Hard to keep on the learning curve!!

Good people on this forum. I thank them for their enormous contribution to my coping. You would never know sometimes!!

Picture. Ranunculus "Brazen Hussy". (Celandine)

53 Replies

Tricky indeed pepperdoggie...brazen hussy 😂😂😂

scats profile image

And a beautiful shrinking violet, I love them!

True about the journey, going backwards again at the moment.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to scats

No you are not, you are just maintaining now you have a level that is working. Think about this time last year and what you were on.xx

scats profile image
scats in reply to Yellowbluebell

This time last year I was on 12.5. yesterday I needed 13.5 to be able to move properly. Last month I needed 9. Unfortunately the stress is still building here.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to scats

Will PM youxx

in reply to scats

Well spotted!

Hope you have better day today scats. The sun should be out!

scats profile image
scats in reply to

Thanks PD we need all the sun we can get.

Marijo1951 profile image

I can't imagine what my state would be without reading and contributing now and then to this forum - certainly more lonely and confused than I am now.

in reply to Marijo1951

Couldn't agree more Marijo.

Soraya_PMR profile image

Now that reminds me of my childhood. Age 6 or 7? At primary school, Mrs Furnell used to take us out on nature rambles to identify trees, flowers and bugs. She was obviously important to me as I remember her name all these years later, can still picture her too. Oh the days of innocence and little stress 🐛🦋🐌🐞🐜🦗🕷ooh a spider, I like spiders, have a very pretty one in my hallway, I call her Bangle, terrific HUGE web. I’m not clearing it, it’s her home! 🕸🕸🕸

in reply to Soraya_PMR

Had a great fear of spiders as a nipper! Don't know why!

Love the blighters now & regularly rescue them from the empty bath.

Morning dew soaked webs glistening in the sunshine are stunning aren't they.

Good old Bangle. Well looked after!

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to

“Morning dew soaked webs glistening in the sunshine ”

Oh now you’re talking! A web is a fantastic construction, then add sparkling dew drops. Amazing.

The Spider’s Web

It hangs where daisies mauve and white

Stand dreaming in the morning light,

A spider’s web, a fairy thing

Whose threads to daisy-petals cling,

And quiver in the sunlit air;

And on the cobweb here and there

Round beads of amber dew are hung

By elfin fingers deftly strung

Along each gleaming silver thread.

The hairy spider-witch has fled,

And crouches in a huddled heap,

Beneath a daisy, half asleep.

And for this hour of sun and dew,

The web belongs to me and you!

Believe it or not this was written by Enid Blyton. I grew up and learned to read with her.

in reply to Soraya_PMR

Brilliant!.... Big fan of "The Faraway Tree" books myself by her.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Tha Faraway Tree was my eldest daughter’s favourite book !

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Me too, teacher used to read it to us in class.......

in reply to Telian

Moon-Face (steroids) ,Silky ,Saucepan Man, Mr Watzisname, Dame Washalot, & the Angry Pixie.

Never forgotten! Climbed plenty of trees but never one like that!

crafty_grannie profile image
crafty_grannie in reply to Soraya_PMR

Beautiful. Thank you.

Hellyowl profile image
Hellyowl in reply to Soraya_PMR

Oooh couldn't live with bangle. Admiration for kindness to one so hortible

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to Hellyowl

Do owls eat spiders? 😉

Many moons ago when I was selling my house, I had a structural survey completed. The surveyor said my roof space was teeming with spiders. He said this was a good sign of a ‘sound’ house.

I’ll never kill a spider, on occasion I’ll move them outdoors. Always save bees. Flies on the other hand! Urgh! But no chemicals, just a fly swatter.

Yellowbluebell profile image

Glad to hear you feel the site is supporting you and everyone else hopefully. You in return give us the brilliant photos of flowers that cheer us upx

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Yellowbluebell

'Hear, Hear' YBB. ;-)

in reply to Yellowbluebell

Thanks. Least I can do YB. As a one finger typer it takes a long time to get a few words down!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

OH types like that! Sometimes feel like snatching his phone and sending messages myself.

in reply to Yellowbluebell

Now Now! Deep breaths & no swearing!!

markbenjamin57 profile image

Keep cheerfully posting with your lovely photos Pd. From the responses so far, it seems to help at least a few others of Us struggling PMR GCA Lot here.. ;-)

in reply to markbenjamin57

All I can do Mark! My joined up writing was never that good!

Are you growing those on purpose? They can get awfully out of control.

in reply to

Yes I am. These are a purple leafed variety & I haven't found them a problem. (Yet!)

Quite right. The ordinary ones can be a nightmare to get rid of in a garden!

Look great in the wild though!

Another sunny day here. Good Oh!!

York54 profile image
York54 in reply to

Lovely day here!! Brazen hussy got out of control in our garden. OH had to pull loads out!!

in reply to York54

The Brazen Hussy eh..! Thanks for the tip off! I'll keep an eye on it! It's on shingle rockery.

Mrs-CJ profile image
Mrs-CJ in reply to

The issue I have with spreading plants plus PMR is that I get the energy to tackle the plant, won’t stop until I have it all dug up, and then pay the price for over-doing!

Yesterday I was going after Lions Bane that has entwined with the delphinium roots so I did a lot of digging.....and now today I’m tired out, sitting on the sofa, barely having enough energy to write about it.

I’m in my 7th year of PMR.....I don’t think I will ever learn to Take It Easy! 🤪

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Mrs-CJ

Is that the same as Leopard's bane? I cleared a garden of ground elder - but I did something I would normally never do: used weedkiller! I sat on the ground and painted the leaves with a gel format. It took me weeks and getting up off the floor with untreated PMR was interesting but I did it!!

in reply to PMRpro

Yes it is. Proper name Doronicum. Attractive yellow flowers.

in reply to Mrs-CJ

I know what you mean CJ. Always been a " I've started so I'll finish" type of person! I get high on the activity & project! Feel great at the time but often overdo it. That's when the accidents & daft stuff starts as well!!!

I rather like Lions Bane (Doronicum) & have a patch myself. Delphiniums are majestic but the slugs murder them here! Same with Lupins. I've given up on them!

Always worth the effort though this gardening lark! ATB

bunnymom profile image
bunnymom in reply to York54

Well named then! 💐

Few years ago moved into a new house built on an ex field, what pretty flowers I thought, left them in, the following year they had taken over, then - big mistake- weeded them, nice fleshy roots composted them! You can guess the rest!

in reply to

Yes. Also difficult to dig out without spreading them. The compost pile must have looked pretty colourful!!

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to


Telian profile image

Love the shrub - and the name even more! Love this time of year when the garden is waking up - particularly when you see something you thought you'd lost!

Pleased you get some coping strength from the wealth of experience shared on here.

Lovely sunny, quiet day here today - just drinking it in.

Have a good weekend Pep.

in reply to Telian

You too T. Soak some of that sunshine & nature up.

We're off to feed the water birdies at the Lickey Hills & the Blues are on the telly tonight verses West Brom. What can possibly go wrong today!! ATB

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Bad result for you was it? Moving swiftly on - I'm going to see Bonny and Clyde this aft at local theatre, keeps me out of mischief for 2 hours. Lovely sunshine again - remind me not to got to Morrisons Sat morn it's full of old folks getting in the way!!

in reply to Telian

A decent game T... I can take it!.... Had a lifetime of the "Blues"!! It's a gypsy's curse apparently on the football ground!!!!

Really enjoyed that film it was a stunner at the time. Great drama! Presume you mean a play theatre!

Morrisons was my adventure on Thurs. Returning an expired kettle still under it's 3 year guarantee! Dodgy car parking & getting out again here! Crowded it was.

Grey brillo hair style qualified me with most of the rest of the pack!! I feel!

Layout had changed again since my last time here!

Now I know where the phrase "Going off my trolley" came from!!

OK with the exchange for a new one so full credit to them on that one!

You really have to watch your hands & feet with these senior shoppers though!!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Yes it was a Southend Operatic and Dramatic Society production, very very good. I love the theatre seeing The House on Cold Hill next week - Peter James premiere of his latest book - with famous folks in this one.... Good result for the kettle!

in reply to Telian

Glad you enjoyed it. Haven't been to a theatre for years.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Lucky to live quite near and lovely little theatres.

Jackoh profile image

Lovely photo, as usual - adds a bit of sunshine to our day!! Yes how would we manage without the group!! We wouldn’t be on any learning curve I fear.

in reply to Jackoh

Very true Jackoh!

bunnymom profile image

Spring is just beginning in Illinois have been walking again and have also been raking the yard. We had a new roof put on in December and we have little wood bits everywhere. I am surprised I can do the work but trying to push a bit to get back in shape. Going from 7.5 to 7 after 3 years. Love your pictures as always. Going to look for rhubarb today to plant. I have plants but want enough for the freezer.

Joaclp profile image

So nice to contemplate your posies. And read a little garden chat. It all lifts me from the depths of despond. 😎😎

in reply to Joaclp

Thanks. Different experience for us all on the coping! ATB

Mrs-CJ profile image
Mrs-CJ in reply to

Your garden pictures and a garden chat help me cope with my endless PMR days. 🌷

in reply to Mrs-CJ

That's great. It all helps to find a way through the difficult times.

I get the same from others contributions to the forum on different topics.

prunus profile image

Always look for your latest beautiful photo to enjoy. I haven't seen any celandine here yet although my muscari(grape hyacinths) are beautiful around the garden at the moment. What I cannot understand are people who deliberately destroy beautiful flowers with their strimmers. That is what happened to some of mine that were leaning a bit over my neighbours. It really upset me earlier last week.

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