This is just a silly post for every one to laugh at. I quite happily got in my this morning whilst OH let the cat in. She wandered around the house calling for me and searching in all the rooms. She finally worked out where I was and took up this position to make sure I knew she was in and wanted feeding. Apparently OH feeding her is not acceptable.
I hate the cat!!: This is just a silly post for... - PMRGCAuk
I hate the cat!!

She's gorgeous - I don't believe you hate her. Are her eyes really the beautiful blue that they appear on my screen?
I love her really but her latest behaviour involves sitting on my chest, when i am asleep and constantly meowing till I get up. She doesn't want anything except me being awake with her!!
She sounds like my dog!
She starts sitting on me at about 1am and comes back periodically to see if I am stil asleep! Does your dog just want company?
My dog just wants to be where I am. She hates to be on the wrong side of a glass door so if she can see me she bounces up and down off all four legs like a Jack-in-a-box! I shut her in the kitchen at night because I hate anything on the bed with me, and she wouldn’t stay in her own bed if I had it upstairs. I adore her though...thing about dogs is they are always pleased to see you!
How adorable! You are her mum of course, you equal food and comfort.
Cats and basins are quite common.
It’s only when she starts cleaning her teeth with an electric toothbrush that you have to worry 😉🙂
Thanks for the adorable picture! I’m not a cat person...all dog lover. Mourning the death of my fur baby a few months ago. Post the pic on Facebook!
She does look quite determined as cats usually are! I have 3 and this made me laugh. Thanks and we know you love her ❤️
Oh she knows it as well. She stayed in the sink until I got out of the bath. There is no privacy in this
It does beg the question, where exactly were you?
Judging from the angle of the photo I'd say you were sitting down!
Nope I was wallowing in my bath like a pigmy hippo!!
Oooh too much info!
You did ask!! She only sits in the sink if i am having a bath. Not sure on why but even if i bolt the door she sits outside shoving her paw under the door!!xx
Love this pic. I remember years ago our cat used to love to jump up into the basin to drink from the dripping tap we left on for her. What a shock she got the day she jumped up and the basin was full of water because I was just about to wash my daughter's hair. I was just bringing daughter into the bathroom when we saw it all happen in slow motion. She (cat not daughter 😋) teetered on the brink when she saw the water but had no chance of not falling in. 🐱🐾🐱🐾🐱🐾💦💦💦💦💦 Laugh was on me though because a long haired very soggy moggy running around makes a mess. Worth the laugh though. I did love her
Dear Yellowbluebell,
You have a very beautiful looking cat, looks intelligent, a joy to behold.
Try dressing OH in a dress and see if tiddles will accept food from the disguised one.
Thank you for a beautiful picture,
I woke up to a gift of a dead mouse this morning. Not my cat but my neighbours cat who I look after sometimes. Suppose I should feel loved xxx
You should be eternally greatful you don't have my eldest daughters cat who is a real hunter. She comes down most morning to various bits of animals. Obviously the bits he doesnt want. When we went in to him to feed him whilst daughter was away we were met with a.pair of wings, a tail and a rabbits head!!! At Christmas he brought the daughter a robin!!
They are such characters aren’t they cats. I really miss my two- Joshua and Jordan!! Xx
We have 3 between us and they are all very different. Mine has just gone through the house from the garden at 300 miles an hour because the wind chased her!!
Love it!
She's very cute but a bit naughty. She went into grandson room at 5.30 am this morning meowing at him and wouldn't stop until he started stroking her! Luckily both cat and grandson went back to sleep until 7am
I had a GSD who wouldn't let my OH at the time feed her. If I picked the bowl up and stirred it, then placed it down again she would eat it immediately, even though it was the same food in the same bowl. Go figure!