Ater my 11 trips to ER (in Halifax), I got Dr. Das, who at this point, is my hero. He diagnosed 2 fragility fractures at L1, L2 and disc buldges at L4, L5, S1 from a CT scan of July 6th which no one had read. After calling Rheumatolgy Nursing Line on Monday last, for the first time ever, they returned the call the next morning. Nurse was disgusted. She went immediately to Rheumy's office and I got a call aroun 4 P.M. Once again a record because Rheumy has never called me back. She knew she was negligent. Then she tried to gaslight me. Didn't take the Alendronic Acid because I do have GERD and it messed my stomach up (my pharmacist faxed her this info, as thry do for any drug ussues). Obviously was not read either. I asked her why she told me I was osteopenic in Dec. 2022 (not osteoporitic? She said she told me I had osteoporosis. "Well these are terms that are loosely thrown about". Lucky I have a memory like an elephant. Then she tried the remember when I palpated the muscles innyour back route and I said "you said oh I think it could be your muscles" and gave me Flexeril, which didn't workIn the end she has arranged for annual infusion of zolendronic acid, which PMRPro had suggested.She did not know what Vetebral Plasty was. I said "what!" End of long rant about her.
Dr. Das referred me to Radiology and on Wednesday last I got a call from Dr. Smith in Radiology to talk about the plasties and we agreed to go-ahead with them. Muscle spasms for at least last 6 weeks due to spine being unable to support itself. Muscles in back, stomach, diaphragm doing all the work.
No date yet for plasties but asap sounded good to me.
Then my original Neuro called me the next day. Talked for a long time. He wants to bring me into his clinic. He said PMR is one thing but I want to make sure your back is looked after.
So there you have it. Not one specialist but two good ones and a very lax rheumy.
Persistence pays off. Tenacity pays off. People say to sue the rhemy. I'm choosing the most important battle get mobile again.