So after several requests to reduce my hours at work only to be ignored I have just been offered a part time job elsewhere. On explaining my pmr difficulties the first reaction from my new employers was to ask if I needed any adaptation to my working environment. Oh the relief of an understanding employer, it will make all the difference to me, I was considering giving up work altogether. I am one happy bunny today, even the pain can't get to me today.
Yay there is a God : So after several requests to... - PMRGCAuk
Yay there is a God
That's good; hopefully the type of work you'll enjoy.
Well done, enjoy.😊
Having an understanding employer is great, already had some adjustments made and another set on their way.
Good luck with the new job
What a sensible new employer! Good luck
Hooray!! An understanding employer is invaluable. I didn’t have PMR when I was working, but had developed PTSD as a result of my work in the sexual trauma field. My supportive employer paid for my therapist appointment monthly for my whole career, provided wellness funds to go towards anything from golf clubs to reflexology. Near the end they reduced my hours to part time. They did all they could to support me but alas I gave up working altogether (sigh).
Good luck with your new position!! Hope it is manageable for you.
Well done and I hope you enjoy your new job.
Congratulations on the new job and a decent employer will make your life so much easierx
Thank God for people like her! Or him of course. May it all go beautifully.
Great News Trish, Good Luck 🍀 with your New Job! x
Many thanks for the interest. I am so very pleased.
So happy for you!!!
Great news, enjoy your new job
Well done you. It’s great to hear there are some understanding employers out there especially in the care sector. Pity the NHS isn’t so conside employer
Hi, I too have just started a new job provisionally only for six months to cover maternity leave. I work 12 hour shifts with only half an hour break so the manager has said that if I need a quiet break I could have one but no one else does so I would feel odd.She doesn’t know about PMR as I feel lucky as it is to have this job but in the middle of the afternoon I get the deadly fatigue and just want to lay down on the floor!A 10 minute power nap would do but it would be awkward.I really want them to keep me on and don’t want to make a show. I’m really pleased for you.
I'm pretty sure that you should be entitled to 2 1/2 hour breaks in a 12 hour shift, I am pretty sure that is the law. There is no way I could work for that amount of time. I hope you keep well and don't burn yourself out.
Thank you ,it’s the getting up at 5;15 that’s worse but it’s only 3 days a week.
For me it wasn't so much getting up early as having to go to bed so early at night.
Well that is the main problem for me too really. There is always something to stop my self imposed time of 9pm. Tonight’s delay ,for example concerns my daughter’s rabbits! They have eaten some toxic house plants and now she needs me to transfer some money to pay the on call vet. It already 21.43!!!
Well done for looking for a job that suites you, so many (mostly women) just give up work when PMR/GCA make it hard and then are miserable. I was told by lots of well meaning people to give up after GCA diagnosis and the high level of steroids making me feel terrible, but I managed to go part time and work from home, I have now set up as self employed. I am currently without any work having taken time out to finish my thesis but am looking hard and still consider myself to be working. It does so much for you, I don't think I will ever give up, I have thought that if I can keep fairly fit as I get older I will do anything to give me something to do, sitting with children or the sick to give carers respite is an option I have thought about, even using my skills as a volunteer is preferable to losing them, and if it brings in a few pounds all the better.
You are so right, this disease is such a thief of so many things I am determined not to let it rob me of my feelings of self worth. As I begin to recover I am determined to do as you have done and diversify into other fields of work. Good luck with your self employment.
So happy that life is smiling on you right now. I know you'll be a great, understanding asset.