"Don’t Shoot… I’m an American!": Those that can't... - PMRGCAuk


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"Don’t Shoot… I’m an American!"

109 Replies

Those that can't do... RANT!


Warning: Please note, this blog piece is not directly related to PMR/GCA. It is related to having to deal with frustrating events that seem to happen in our lives, as we get older and while we are battling illnesses. If you have no interest in the subject matter, please don't click the link above.

109 Replies
Louisepenygraig profile image

What an awful experience. It's just as well you hadn't had a 3 hour train journey to get there. You would have thought they could at least have let you in through the door.

in reply to Louisepenygraig

Thank you!

PMRpro profile image

Sounds like some of the Immigration line staff at US airports are applying for receptionist jobs...

in reply to PMRpro

🤣 I know, right!

Marymon profile image

Bad day, turned into Good Day for you.

My daughter was there 2 weeks ago, as having worked in New York for 14 years, when she renewed her British Passport, needed US Visa transferred into it.

She was quite looking forward to a hitch, as the Company would pay for her to stay in a good hotel, and ‘Mom’ would go down and join her.

Not to be, went off without a hitch.

I suppose you will have to go through it all again. Plus the wine later. Shame 😉

in reply to Marymon

Ha! Damn them, just when you want them to be inefficient!

PMRCanada profile image

Geez Melissa...you just can’t seem to catch a break, not even on your home soil!! How bloody frustrating. How do you handle all this crap?? Oh yeah...you enjoy glasses of wine with SJ, and yes, the tears which are to be expected.

That’s just awful. More delays. Hope eventually they get it all sorted out so you don’t have to deal with those idiots anymore! Retirement/pension monies is a BIG deal, I know because I retired in 2017. Have to say that when I divorced in 2010 I chose to stay with our financial advisor and I’ve been so pleased with his services. Being an American living abroad complicates things for sure. You are very determined and persevere. They don’t know who they are dealing with. Enjoy the book, the wine, she’d the tears, then show them who their dealing with. Once you get your funds straightened out, rip them a new one!!

Hang in there hon!

xx Leslie

in reply to PMRCanada

Yes, life does seem to give me a LOT of material in which to "rant," with... and yes, the wine helps! Thank for reading and commenting. xxx

alvertta profile image

Omg. What an adventure

in reply to alvertta

It was indeed an adventure... if nothing else! thank you

CT-5012 profile image

OMG what a mess, pleased you had a meet up with SJ, lunch and wine consolation for an unnecessary and certainly unforgivable experience. Hugs and 💐 and 🍷🍷🍷

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to CT-5012

Contrary to rumour, I do not work for the CIA, but I am always up for solace and wine. 🍷

allykat profile image
allykat in reply to SheffieldJane

I'll keep that in mind next time I am in London!

in reply to allykat

She's good company!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to allykat

I’ll be there!

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to SheffieldJane

A Quantum of wine?!

in reply to Marymon


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marymon

In physics quantum is a very small amount - no fun! A magnum now - then you are talking ;)

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to PMRpro

I was picking up on SJ ‘s comment on wine, solace, CIA, and trying to make a pun on spies and Quantum of Solace.

Back fired, afraid my mind runs on twisted tracks these days.

Although agree the about the wine 🍷 🍷🍷

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marymon

Sorry. Only because your associations aren't in my mind - now you mention it, quantum of solace is familiar! Wouldn't go to see it - probably won't watch it when it's on TV. I'm very boring...

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to PMRpro

Not a Bond Girl then 😉

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marymon

Not really - not since Sean Connery...

in reply to CT-5012

Thanks CT, Yes, lunch with SJ, was the BEST part!

Rose54 profile image

A new book perhaps

The spy with PMR. American Embassy Highjack

What a tale

If its any help

I would have cried as well

in reply to Rose54

I like it Rose... of course that could definitely get me shot or put in jail, but I'm all about the writing!

PS - It is so NOT like me to cry... I have no idea where it all came from?!

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to

Are the thought police here, can you be jailed for thinking? Ah no you get jailed for writing it down, sorry just had a moment of panic there. Please excuse me while I have a lie down. 😨😱😂

in reply to CT-5012

My husband did mention last night, that since my "blog" is posted on a public site, (Wordpress) "they" have the ability to scan and look for key words, like... police presence, parameter wall, armed men, semi-automatic, US embassy... 😳 Needless to say I did get a little freaked out!!!!!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to

My heart races just reading your experience....feeling not so good at the moment, I imagined struggling there and going through that, you did well dealing with it all.......it's too ridiculous for words!

Fingers crossed when you go again!!🙏

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to

Frustration and shock

We are all human and can only take so much

scats profile image

OH is obcessive and jumped straight on this when I read it to him.

According to the web as both USA and UK are both signed up to the Hague Convention a UK notiseration should be acceptable. Read this americannotary.co.uk lots of info.

Evidently you are not alone by a long way.

in reply to scats

I love your OH , Scats!!!!! Thank you for the link AMAZING!!!!! Who knew!!!!

scats profile image
scats in reply to

Careful now!

He worked for the government for years and has a special hatred of unnecessary bureaucracy.

He's now glowing with your praise. He'll be impossible all day now!

in reply to scats

He "worked for the government???"

Cool... So maybe he knows a guy, who knows a guy???

With his hatred towards bureaucracy and my tenacity... we'd BOTH be arrested!


scats profile image
scats in reply to

Not as cool as it sounds, though the last few years were for the MOD!

in reply to scats

😬 Okay, I'll keep in line, I promise!

yogabonnie profile image

what an experience! As for the $ I have found the BEST way to exchange money is Transferwise. It is the BEST!!!!!!! saved a lot of $ by using it instead of the bank.

in reply to yogabonnie

I love Transferwise!!!! I just have to get stupid Wells Fargo to give me my freaking $$$ first!!!

Jean56 profile image

My heart goes out to you. You poor thing. I think I would have probably been arrested. All that way, all that effort and you are met with that response...argh! I’m going through a really bad patch , health wise and family wise. I have no patience, I don’t take prisoners. If it had been me I can’t imagine what would have happened. My poor husband is living in a flak jacket and tin helmet. I do hope you don’t have to go through all that again. There must be a way......

in reply to Jean56

Hu Jean 56, It's weird because my "usual" self would have had a much BIGGER MOUTH, given the poor lady a REALLY HARD time, and dropped the "F" bomb a few times.. it was not like me to cry, but under the circumstances it was probably the best thing! 😳

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to

Probably the safest.

Jean56 profile image
Jean56 in reply to

My husband thought your reaction safer. He quailed at the thought of what could have happened if it had been me. I’ve never been the most patient person and don’t suffer fools all that well. This disease has in someways made me go for the quiet life but I hate situations where people are obstructive, unhelpful and when there’s no common sense. I thank God for supermarket deliveries and on line shopping. Much safer for the general public.

in reply to Jean56

Tell your OH it was pure luck that I didn't "go off!" My usual reaction would have been to raise my voice, drop the F bomb, refuse to get out of line, or let the people behind me go ahead... My reaction was safer and in retrospect THANK GOD!!!!!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

I'm actually not surprised.

After a 35 day government shutdown when it is likely that either the folks you sought have not been paid (and won't get paid for at least another two weeks) or will not be paid at all for the shutdown period, they're not hopping to get anything done in a hurry.

And since the normal wait time is 3-4 weeks, you might want to try another course of action.

For future reference, or maybe as alternative to waiting weeks for an appointment:


or here:


Good luck!

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Thanks for the links GG!!!! I will check it out!!!! You're a star!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

And just a thought, you might want to try calling the American Express office in London. Their legal department there likely has a US notary, and they just might do it for you as a "cardholder service".

Footfairy-1 profile image

What an terrible time. Hope it goes better next time.

So pleased you were able to end the day on a high with the help of Sheffield Jane and wine 🍷🍷🍷

in reply to Footfairy-1

Cheers FF, That was the best part of the day!

Pongo13 profile image

Appalling. Would hope you might get an apology at some point at the very least. Such incompetence. Somehow I expected more efficiency. Poor you X excellent writing though, and has made me smile. X

in reply to Pongo13

Yeah, I think an apology is out of the question, I think I'm lucky I wasn't arrested!!!! 😳 . Apparently I should have received a "confirmation" email as well as that other email... something just went terribly wrong. Thank you you for reading, and the lovely compliment!

Rimmy profile image

How bloody awful !!! - but once again you manage to make it all sound brilliantly hysterical Melissa - I just LOVE the bit which implies virtually everyone else is contentedly 'smug' and 'non-limping'. Of course anyone who has ever broken a bone or had the kind of injury or illness which incapacitates them and who look around at those who do not APPRECIATE their mobility and (apparent) 'normalness' - can really relate to your frustrations - let alone ALL the other crap you were negotiating.

The pics of freezing England at present are also enough to make me quake in my light summer sandals her in OZ and I remember just how DAMP the underground was - and surely inhabited by even more vermin than humans on any one day. PLUS that pic of those militarised police officers !!! - WHAT happened to Mr Plod - the friendly policeman 'next door' with the the pretty helmet and friendly smile - there to 'help' us all and protect us from (real) 'baddies'. These days many police have returned from 'real' conflict situations and are just dying to catch a 'terrorist monster' in the act - and let's face it Melissa YOU look just like one of those .... 🙃

Pleased you 'survived' to tell the tale which I hope you send to the Embassy (after you eventually get what you need) as a testament to their idiocy - maybe they will see 'themselves' with new eyes. Just happy SJ was around to commiserate with - think I would have drunk the whole bottle !!

Lots of Love (still laughing but with great indignance for you !!)


in reply to Rimmy

Hi Rimmy! Thanks for reading and for commenting! I am thrilled you found it entertaining and "hysterical." That makes me very HAPPY!

There was a tall, well dressed, very attractive, blond women behind me who was apparently sick of waiting. She said something like, "Do you think I can go in and then you two can continue this discussion?" I being nice (sometimes) said "Yes," and let the guard deal with her... As the woman walked in, I asked if she had received a confirmation email; she continued walking and held her iPhone "15" above her shoulder, turning her head (ever so slightly) just enough so that her smug, beady little eyes met mine... and then turned forward and walked into the forbidden building like she owned it!

It was bitterly cold an yes, my knee was "screaming!" ...but seeing SJ made it al worth it!

Love ya, xxxx

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

Don't like the sound of her - a shame you were so 'nice' ... XX

in reply to Rimmy

I know... 🤣 I was regretting being so nice as I wrote about it! Hahahahahahaha

Angiejnz profile image

Bloody hell bureaucrats of the world unite, the British high commission in Wellington, NZ is just as dysfunctional but with a stiff upper lip and no guns. The NZ passport people apologised for having to send me to them for some paperwork; they charged me twice (several hundred dollars - even though I showed them the money going into their bank????) and still hadn't sent the paperwork the day before flying out (I'd applied 3 months earlier). After a round trip of 11 hours driving and 2 hours ranting, got paperwork and could travel. Maybe you have to have a certain type of dysfunctional thinking to be a bureaucrat????

in reply to Angiejnz

11 hours!!!!!! OMG! I have NOTHING to complain about!!!! Wow, what a nightmare for you!!!! Yup, it all just "Bureaucratic Bulls*t!"

Oh Melissa, what an awful thing to have happened!........

It’s a wonder you didn’t collapse with the stress of it all!

Glad you met up with Jane for 🍷🍷🍷🍷

in reply to

Thank Mrs... Yes, meeting SJ was the best!

nickm001 profile image

Unfortunately, US Immigration is one of the worst in the world. I think one of the requirements for the job is " must be psychopath ", "don't care about people, and similar skills. I have traveled extensively for work and always dreaded going thru US immigration. Recent example, while traveling to visit son's family in US, I brought presents, wrapped nicely (Japanese do wonderful job). The custom's officer asked me "why are my presents wrapped"? and wanted to open each one of them. I asked him - Don't you wrap the presents, not even fro Christmas? and talked him to run the presents thru Xray rather then open each one of them.

To top that I was also selected to be searched/padded . And they have those new scanners that pretty much show your naked body outline, but that was not enough. It is rather humiliating .

I think with recent changes in culture about immigrants, Customs and immigration services, and TSA attract certain type of personality, and the impact is not only on southern border, but on everyone.

in reply to nickm001

Agreed! ...thank goodness you talked that guy out of UNWRAPPING gifts! I can't imagine!

whitefishbay profile image

I have had to do that before for my Well Fargo account but I have an excellent fund manager in Boulder, CO. They email me the documents - why can't yours. Bureaucracy is the worst. You can find a notary that will be accepted by American banks but they are not cheap - starting at £80 per document. The US EMbassy charges I think 50$ per document. It is all a huge rip off and I get wound up just thinking about it. Sorry for your crappy day. Glad you could laugh about it.

in reply to whitefishbay

Yup, Wells Fargo is the WORST! I can't begin to tell you the muck ups they have made in last 5 months!!!! Unbelievable!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

They are cowboys! Used to see them on TV when I was little. 😉

York54 profile image

Beaurocracy at its worst☹️. So glad you had SJ for a comforting chat afterwards. Melissa, you should write a book, I love reading your posts, Lo!!

So sorry you had to hang around in the cold though😢😢😢.

What's the outcome, wait for yet another appointment? X

in reply to York54

Thank for reading and enjoying York54, I appreciate it! Yes, I have to wait till another appointment opens up, or find another way.... Or come out of retirement! 😩

Telian profile image

I'm sorry you had such an ordeal but love that you can still entertain us with your writing. Think it was a blessing you met up with SJ to let off steam afterwards. I'm not surprised at anything these days but the frustration that rises in us when this happens doesn't mean a sod to them - they're untouchable...I agree with your OH that sometimes it's looked on as a distraction for mightier intent.

On our first visit to OZ we had rough treatment and it didn't matter that OH was in a wheelchair and they still examined him and the chair - at the time I thought it was disgraceful but we are just a number and they were angry because I hadn't declared dry roasted nuts!! They read the riot act and threatened to fine me etc and were suspicious we were druggies as the Enos white powder had spilled everywhere in the case - even x-rayed his walking stick!

Good luck with the next episode, as I'm sure there will be one. Hope they're paying you interest on your money in the meantime!! xxx

in reply to Telian

Thank you Telian! I am happy to hear I could entertain you!!! I was so upset I called SJ to "cancel," luckily her phone was on the blink and I could not get through! Oh my goodness your OZ ordeal sounds no fun at all! You're lucky you didn't end up in the clinker!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

My cheap no frills phone decided to die that day. OH has arranged a bells and whistles one that I’m dreading. Lucky though!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to SheffieldJane

Me too, lucky, got an iPhone for my 70th in August still working it out but good when you do - still got a way to go though. Without my son I would be just about making and answering calls! I like the Siri, bit like Alexis, for reminders - at the moment eye drops x 4 daily for 24 days and haven't missed a dose - I'm so clever!! x

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Telian

I once took all my spending money for a month in Australia, in cash, in a money belt. I was sick of paying double charges every time I withdrew money. Talk about “ no drama” there were plenty. I think they thought I was a drug mule. This was at the airport in Sydney.

in reply to SheffieldJane

Too funny!!!!!!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

I knew you would be sympathetic! 😛

in reply to SheffieldJane

🤣 Sooooo sorry... It was picturing you as a drug mule! Hysterical!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

They have a training pamphlet that urges them to look at the most unlikely person in the airport. I have been stopped a couple of times. 🙄

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

I get my hands swabbed and a frisk on a regular basis - and they ALWAYS tell me it is a random flag on the computer!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to SheffieldJane

Ridiculous !! - just what I said about Melissa - as hardly being the spitting image of a 'terrorist' ! My partner often get stopped in airports - she has an avant-garde dress style and often wears hats - and for some strange reason THAT really gets them going .....

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Rimmy

I like the sound of her. My son’s beard and extreme youth gains him some scrutiny.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

Reminds me: one winter we were back and forth from the north of England to here with the car as OH had a few business trips to the USA and I came here while he was away. I dropped him at Munich airport as there was a direct flight and picked him up there to come here for a week a couple of time or he flew back to the UK. The last time I was alone going back and I was flagged out at customs at the port. I was made to wait for ages and then they started the cross examination - I was furious as I'd hoped to get through Hull before rush hour! Where had I been? Just Amsterdam, Germany maybe? No, down to northern Italy. Oh yes, why? To ski... You've been a few times? Well yes, I own a flat there. Why not fly? I need the car to get about as the transport from the nearest airport isn't cheap. Then "I'm seeing a pattern here..."

You could see his face falling with every response - and then the penny dropped. They thought this little white haired lady was the decoy, back and forward umpteen times and then eventually I'd be coming back with the drugs haul and no-one would think twice about this little white haired lady ... I asked and he admitted, er yes.

So I asked what I had to do to avoid another such experience - would a large notice in my windscreen saying "Holiday home owner..." help? He was laughing quite shamefacedly by then and also admitted that no, I'd have to run the gauntlet every time!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

How frustrating and annoying - let alone ridiculous !!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to SheffieldJane

Oh dear, you were lucky too. We're so naive or is it not worldl wide/devious enough - anyway what's it got to do with them I say.....As my son said when we got to him he was horrified - you have to be careful Mum he said sternly, you could have got locked up or sent back! I take it pretty serious now. First time visit and the heat - just didn't bode well at the time.

nickm001 profile image

if it is any consolation, it is a good time to convert US$ to pound, as long as you do it before brexit. The uncertainty about the future drives pound down. I am pretty sure it will reverse the trend after the ordeal is over, so dont delay too long.

If this is your IRA, what do you do for Social security and pension? I run mine thru online broker, which wires funds to my Japanese account.

in reply to nickm001

😩 Yes, I know... but I don't have the US $$!!!! And God knows when I will get it!!!! 😩

I trying to have Wells roll over my Retirement to an US IRA; my Advisor will then be able to wire funds into my US bank account. I can then use a wire transfer service to bring $$ to UK.

Singr profile image

That is a damned disgrace. But like yourself I find these situations just get me. I just end up crying as the stress response just cant deal with these situations well and caves in. It is humiliating. I feel like a big cry baby. Hope you give them hell.

That's the weird thing... usually I would start running my mouth, dropping the "F" bomb and get myself in more trouble. I am not a "crier!" I don't know where that came from... but like I said it was probably for the best!

CT-5012 profile image

Just to maybe raise a smile, OH’s cousin was born in Germany mid 1940’s in a Canadian Military Hospital, spent all the rest of his life in U.K. applied for a passport after leaving uni this was refused as he was not a British citizen but was a Canadian. No problem getting a Canadian passport stamped “right of abode “ so he can get home after a holiday abroad. The best bit.... before he could get married he had to apply to the Canadian government for permission. 🤔🤣

in reply to CT-5012

Hmmmm, I wonder if a baby was born in the US Embassy, would it be American?

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to

Yes, born on American soil, if you registered the birth with the American authority, if you also registered the birth in England the child would have dual nationality.

in reply to CT-5012

Wow! Cool. My grandson Max has dual nationality, as he was born here but Mom is American.... so he has two passports at the age of 2!!!

karools16 profile image

What an absolutely HORRIBLE experience, Melissa! I have been told, if I want to vote in the upcoming South African General Elections, I need to go to the SA Embassy, in London. Given that I haven't been out of my town, except for hospital visits, in more than a year, let alone another county, it is quite out of the question, fortunately. AND you got up at 5.30!!!!!!!!!!! Underground fills me with dread. I could not go alone to London. Brave woman.You HAVE to take this matter, further. x

in reply to karools16

Ohhhh boy... Good luck with that!!!! It was stressful just thinking about the trip, navigating the underground, walking to the Embassy on unfamiliar streets... Meeting SJ is was what kept me going. ...well and the fact that I need this stupid notary!!! People don't realise how stressful and intimidating stuff like this can be!!! Be well and don't worry about your "vote." ...if like America, the election is probably rigged anyway. 🤣

Jackoh profile image

Again- unbelievable!! As a lot of your true stories are. Again I feel you showed restraint and although very upset, you were very civil. I like to think I may have been in the same position but I have a feeling that I may have created a scene, not willing. How on earth did they justify giving you the time of 9.30 if you didn’t have an appointment? What explanation for this appalling situation have they got? If they are in the wrong they should compensate for your extra travel costs. I presume you are going to wait now for your confirming email! Again it’s not every day that you have to go to the American embassy so how would you know that you needed one!! Feeling a little stressed just thinking about it not actually being involved at all!! Xx

in reply to Jackoh

You couldn’t make this up!....

in reply to

I could not. I wish I were a god fictional writer, but my life seems WAY more bizarre and interesting than anything I could think of!!!!

in reply to Jackoh

Thanks Jackoh! I appreciate you empathy for my sad ordeal... The property itself is very intimidating; more so after you see the guys with guns! Something in the back of my mind told me that I should be "cool," Normally I would have thrown a fit! How are you feeling?

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to

Yes best approach- you can see that in retrospect! I’m ok thought I was doing really well until early this morning and nerve back pain ( where shingles started) made me feel sick it was so intense. So hoping pain will get better- spots and rash fine. Can’t really reduce at the moment until this pain eases a bit. Hope you’re going on ok.

in reply to Jackoh

Ohhhhhh nooooooo! 🙁 I hope it does not last long and you find comfort and relief soon!!!!! Yeah, don't reduce yet... wait it out! ❤️

MaryA_ profile image

Good Grief ! What an ordeal. You’ll probably get a letter now for being a no show. I know I would have reacted the same way you did. At least your day ended a little better with the meet up with Jane. Hugs maryanne

in reply to MaryA_

Thank you and I did wonder if they would reprimand me for not showing up! Hahahahaha

Chrob profile image

Can’t beat friends with empathy and wine , helps every time .

in reply to Chrob

Every time indeed!!!!! ❤️

Suet3942 profile image

Gawd Melissa, what an ordeal. Bloody incompetence!!

At least you met up with Jane. A few glasses of vino always mellows a tense situation. 🥂

ps... good job you didn’t have a bad rant (even though they deserved it). Your OH may have had to visit you in the clink with a file hidden in a cake!

in reply to Suet3942

Hi Sue, Yes, it just happened that SJ was going to be in London on that same day (with her OH, who was working) so we made the plans to meet up for lunch. And definitely"yes," something kept me from "really" kicking off... thank goodness! 😇 <<<< Not me

nickm001 profile image

WOW, were you born so abrasive or did you have to work on it ? Right after I posted that I was visiting family, all you had to say is "if you don't want the hassle, then don't fly US airlines and don't fly to the US."

"More than 200 of my friends, neighbors and colleagues would likely still be alive today if we had better airport security on that day. " - Really? Do you have any proof of that? How many attacks were prevented by TSA screening? To my knowledge NONE. 9/11 attackers did not have guns and carried simple weapons that are hard to detect.

Don't now about you but uniform guy wearing rubber gloves and checking my genitals did not make me feel safe(er), only uncomfortable and humiliated.

What would make America and the World safer is if US closes all military bases around the world and change from US Department of Offense into real US Department of Defense. Until then it is only the matter of time before next retribution attack happens.

nickm001 profile image

I only responded in kind, to give you a taste of your own medicine...

Sorry that facts upset you. Have a nice day....

nickm001 profile image

We have different views on safety and basic rights. You think it is justified because you believe that keeps you safe. I think it is unnecessary , intrusive and really would not prevent 9/11 hijackers because their "weapons" were simple and hard to spot.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

in reply to nickm001

Hi nickm001 & Good_Grief, May I ask you both to please stop? If you'd like to continue your discussion, perhaps take it into the "Chat," section? I know it's my choice whether or not I read your comments, but it is my Post; and I'd rather not have the Site Administrator delete the entire Post (and all the comments) because of political opinion discussion, that will have no logical conclusion. Thanks, M

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply to

My apology. It seems that I met my ex-wife masked under handle Good_Grief :)

Let me know if I can help you in any way since I am currency trader and also live outside of US with source of income stream from US.

in reply to nickm001

No apology necessary.... and THANK YOU for the offer, I may reach out to you!!! Cheers!

Hi Good_Grief & nickm001, May I ask you both to please stop? If you'd like to continue your discussion, perhaps take it into the "Chat," section? I know it's my choice whether or not I read your comments, but it is my Post; and I'd rather not have the Site Administrator delete the entire Post (and all the comments) because of political opinion discussion, that will have no logical conclusion. Thanks, M

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Out of deference to you, Mel, and to Kate, I have deleted my comments.

People who didn't live 9/11 except through their TV will never know the horror and devastation of that day's events, and the tragedies that still ensue to this day.

And I hope no one, anywhere in the world, ever does.

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