My wife has been tapering from prednisone very gradually. She was diagnosed with PMR 2 1/2 years ago, and was started on 15mg. Within 6 weeks her pain was almost non-existent and her ESR and CRP markers were at standard. She is now taking 11mg for every two days of 10mg. She has her bad days but overall she is able to function somewhat satisfactorily. But her numbers are at 39 for ESR and 16.6 for CRP. That was close to her numbers when she was diagnosed, yet her pain is no where close to what it was in the beginning.
If these numbers relate to the level of inflammation, why is it that the pain (thank God) is not nearly as severe as what those numbers showed at the beginning? We would like to hear what correlation there is in your situations between pain and their markers.
Thank you,