The Lighter Side: The Santa ‘Clause’. ‘Yo-Ho-No-N... - PMRGCAuk


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The Lighter Side: The Santa ‘Clause’. ‘Yo-Ho-No-No-NO!! :-{ Shock Christmas Report by Tony French ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
45 Replies

Greetings Polymylingerers and Pred Playmates worldwide.

Well, it’s THAT time of year! December has seemingly crept-up on us once again (as if it were for the first time - Ha?!), along with the beginning of the Annual Season of Merriment, Festivities, last-minute Gift-shopping Frenzies and hopes for a good-old Christmas Day Nosh-Up with our favourite people (or even our families and friends - ha ha!).

First: WARNING! Some of You Lot might find this article disturbing. If you are affected in any way, don’t blame me - I only write this silly stuff.

Following a tip-off from Insider Sources in the lucrative Professional Santa-ing Industry which traditionally contributes ££ Millions in Revenue to our various national economies in Western Society, I sent my Under-the-Covers Special Reporter, Tony French, to investigate a new and disturbing trend in the UK which could threaten the future existence of our favourite Christmas Character.

At a heavily guarded Santa’s Grotto in a secret location in Southern England (ok, Debenhams in Portsmouth if you really want to know), Tony met with ‘Reg’ (Reginald) Compton, believed to be the UK’s oldest Santa at age 103 years - and a PMR sufferer since the 1960s. His interview with Reg focused on the challenges faced by Santas in the 21st century.


Tony: So, Reg, how have things changed during your long career as a Professional Santa?

Reg: Years ago, being a Pro-Santa was an easy, tax-free, part-time job with long holidays and your own self-contained Grotto with living expenses included and a few Reindeer chucked in. Nowadays it’s a dangerous occupation - like being a Doctor’s Receptionist or in Customer Services at British Gas. So much for the so-called ‘Gig Economy’ - more like the Grab-All-You-Can-Economy’?


Tony: So, how have your ‘Customers’ changed then?

Reg: It’s those ‘KIDDIES’ - and their parents too. In the old days the infants would enter my grotto enthusiastically, sit on my PMR-addled bouncy knees for a minute, admire my long white (false) beard and rosy cheeks, and then Bu**er off gratefully with a cheap plastic gift and a magical sense of wonderment - Job's a Good-un? Nowadays, they are hustled into my Grotto like hostages by grim-faced, determined parents who expect their ‘Dear Litterluns’ to emerge with an expensive electronic gadget.

Last year, the supposed ‘Dad’ of one 5 year-old threatened to ‘do me over’ if his ‘Little Hero’ wasn’t given the latest iPhone and X Box after his ordeal with (q.) ‘some old codger who’s probably a FAKE anyway’.


Reg continued: And there’s more. Since I’ve had PMR I’ve put on weight and I’m not as fit as I used to be. In modern properties it’s tough trying to squeeze myself down narrow chimneys in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve to deliver ‘Santa’s Surprise Gifts’. But if I get stuck in one and need to be extracted by the Fire and Rescue Service, my cover’s blown - and the Reindeer can’t get home without me. The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) will also be on my back as a result. It’s a ‘sticky’ situation all round. But what do That Lot know about PMR? And, in any case, do they care? I think NO-ho-ho… :-(


Tony: But, Reg, you are a much-loved traditional Christmas character. Surely, no-one can ever replace you?

Reg: Don’t believe it! Nowadays, sophisticated criminals are muscling-in on the Santa Action too. My ‘patch’ in my Santa’s Grotto is under threat by a Foreign Gang who think they can turn it into an RSO (Retail Scamming Opportunity). A mate of mine says they plan to kidnap me, entice the kids into my Grotto with a phoney, Virtual Santa and then SELL them fake iPhones at exorbitant prices. I have to a carry a Christmas cracker with an iron-bar hidden inside, for my own safety. Yo-Bl**dy-Ho!.

Reg continued:

Being a Santa is a stressful job at the best of times, but especially with PMR and when you are supposed to be (q.) ‘Nice and Jolly’ to an increasingly miserable and demanding General Public. AND we have to bounce increasingly ‘chubby’ little angels on our arthritic knees whilst they scream ‘Gimmee Gimmee GIMMEE!’ at us like a bunch of football hooligans on Cup Final Day.

Under our current Santa Contract, we have to deliver up to 500 Yo-Ho-Ho’s per day at Christmas time. But this is becoming impossible with PMR and Brain Fog when you sometimes can’t even remember who you are. It could soon be a case of ‘Yo Ho NO NO NO!!’ - and G4S Security Staff at every Santa’s Grotto in the UK to protect our personal safety and livelihood”.


Now increasingly agitated, Reg complained bitterly: And then there’s the Legal side of being a Santa. HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) are now investigating the Tax Affairs of all Santas under ‘Operation Rudolph and The Mince Spies’. Also, the UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency are increasing Road Tax on Reindeer Sleighs and imposing Financial Penalties for non-compliance. These tougher measures could mean the end of Santa Claus as we know him (or her, in the case of my female colleague, Santa Claudia).

In a tearful and literally explosive outburst, Santa ‘Reg’ angrily concluded: Us Professional Santas need more protection both from Criminal Imposters AND the Regulatory Authorities if we are to continue our important Seasonal Work! If we don’t get it, we will take Industrial Action and withdraw our services from Society in general! No more Yo-ho-ho and a lesson to those.. B***… er.. Grrr.. Aghhh.. UGGHH… GMPHHH… SPLATCHH!!!!.

At this point, Tony’s interview with ‘Santa’ Reg Compton ended abruptly as Reg suddenly choked on his false teeth and spat them out at high velocity into his bowl of freshly prepared hot chicken soup. As you might understand, the remainder of their conversation is too graphic and distressing to report here…

Fortunately, our dear Santa, ‘Reg’ Compton, is recovering well from his ordeal and hopes to be appearing again at a Department Store near you very soon (if any still exist?). But Christmas Consumers (and your kids / grandkids) beware: as with the rest of modern society, the Rules of Engagement are changing, and so is our beloved Santa…

(***end of Special Report by Tony French***)

So, there you have it. Be nice to your local Santa this year, try to relax during the often, paradoxically stressful Christmas period, and don’t have Nightmares after reading this nonsense.

For my part..? Just getting ready to start my Seasonal Job at my local department store - as Santa’s Stunt Man, of course. Yo-ho-Ho?! ;-)

As another year passes, we 'Turn the page' and let's hope for a healthy and positive year ahead ;-)

In the meantime, try to keep smiling on the PMR / GCA Journey. Yes, it's tough: but it can get better.

With Best Christmas wishes to all here.

‘Uncle’ MB 

Written by
markbenjamin57 profile image
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45 Replies
Sandradsn profile image

Happy bonkers Christmas to you😂!

CT-5012 profile image

So what do I leave out for Santa this year, the usual mince pies or a fist full of pred?

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to CT-5012

Fistful of Preds... Santa aka Clint Eastwood..? Love it! :-D

pmrkitty profile image

Happy Ho Ho Ho to you too!!! Have a Beary Merry Christmas.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to pmrkitty

I can bearly contain myself... ;-) :-D

violetsnowdrop profile image

Many a true word is spoken in jest. Funny story or acute social observation?

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to violetsnowdrop

Who can know, violet..? ;-)

Sandradsn profile image

I love your artwork,you're very talented👍😉⛄❄🎄

scats profile image
scats in reply to Sandradsn

No ,that's a photo-fit of poor old Reg, he's seen better days!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to scats

And that was taken in 1986 by the Old Bill. You should see him now... ;-) :-D

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Sandradsn

Makes Van Gogh look like an amateur? :-D

Sandradsn profile image
Sandradsn in reply to markbenjamin57

Just what I was thinking👍😉

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Sandradsn

Clearly another Art lover Sandra... :-D

Sandradsn profile image
Sandradsn in reply to markbenjamin57

Oh yeah love a bit of art😊

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Sandradsn

Personally, I like the impressionists. You know: Mike Yarwood, Jon Culshaw, Rory Bremner, Roni Ancona etc :-D

Sandradsn profile image
Sandradsn in reply to markbenjamin57

Oh yeah I love an impressionist😁

Marymon profile image

Dear old Reg does give us hope, living to 103 with PMR.

I can see it has taken it’s toll in the looks department.

But hey ho we all have that problem.

Have a wonderful Christmas Mark and Tedski, enjoy a glass or two, of port and vodka, best taken in separate glasses.

Bon Noel

P.s is a bit bit too early to say that?, seems to have been around for months.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Marymon

And you Monica, Cheers! :-)

Thank you as usual Mark. It's fortunate that we are familiar with your humour as any that aren't would say whaaat? Have a good Cnristmas and. New Year. D

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to

All part of the silly service Dot. I agree - Gawd knows what some Newbies might make of it. But Hey-ho.. :-D Best wishes to you too :-)

Purple-Owl profile image

I particularly enjoyed the Mince Spies, Santa's No-ho-ho and his splendidly bearded icon:..... I don't seem to have a square on my keyboard, so have given him a trim...... :-(>>

Longtimer profile image

Well, MB that has made me laugh and marvel at the same time!!! ....Would love to be a fly in the wall with your conversations with funny and clever.....

Have a good Christmas...look forward to a story about it after!!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Longtimer

That was the idea Lt (raise a smile or two). As for conversations with Tedski? I've given up recently, I mainly talk to myself nowadays - must be the effects of the Preds? :-D

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to markbenjamin57

So do I, but then we do get the right answers!!....😊

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Longtimer

Too true!

Lanakay profile image

Merry Christmas to you and yours. I love the Santa photo!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Lanakay

Thanks Lanakay, and to you / yours too. 'Turn the Page...' :-)

Suet3942 profile image

So funny as usual. 🎅🏼🎅🏼

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Suet3942

Confession time Sue: it's a re-run of more-or-less the same Post from last year. But think I've got away with it on the basis that most of Us Lot with Pred Head can't even remember what happened last week (me included - ha ha)! :-D

Suet3942 profile image
Suet3942 in reply to markbenjamin57

So true 🤣🤣🤣

Grants148 profile image

Thanks Mark,l went to see a Santa last Christmas ,it was a first visit for my one year old great grandson. Little Jack sat on his daddy’s knee and did not even look at poor Santa,he just looked straight ahead and ignored all the Ho,ho ho’,but latched onto Santa’s beard when it was time to go and nearly pulled it off ! The Santa’s grotto sort of lived up to it’s name and was more than a bit grotty,and the Christmas display of gnomes and reindeer,plus an odd polar bear or two,looked like it had seen many previous Christmas’s.To add to that it was bitterly cold !l used to work with a Tony French many years ago,l doubt if it is the same one,this one used to rub his forehead when dealing with any thing stressful and had a permanent spotty rash there.l don’t know why l am rambling on like this ,l hope that Tedski is backfrom Hollywood and that you manage to keep him sober over Christmas.l am very impresssed that Santa Reg is 103 even though he has PMR,there is hope for us all !Happy Christmas Mark and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Grants148

Ha Grants, I can imagine it! Another Confession: 'Tony French' (in whatever form) is in fact my alter ego and pseudonym for some other silly stuff wot I occasionally write in the Training / HR Industry media. Dunno where the name / character came from, but it seems to work ;-)

BW to you too, let's hope for a positive and more healthy 2019.

Grants148 profile image

Silly me,should have realised that !l blame it on the brain fog but whenever you mention Tony French l immediately think of the tall and good looking one l used to work with,even though he had that spotty forehead..........have a nice weekend Mark.

Daisychain12 profile image

Oh dear reality sucks doesn't it ....and then he has to deal with allegations of being a paedophile as well, I am guessing...poor thing. It sounds hell. The only thing I can tolerate on my knee is young Joey...a rather shady and unpleasant chihuahua who rocks the massive weight of 2 kg. I feel for Santa. It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it, and it won't be me. To you, Uncle Mark, and all those who contribute to this insanity and joy ...THANKYOU XXX

Blearyeyed profile image

Love this report from the great investigative reporter Tony French .

Just hope he didn't spend too long on poor Santa's PMR addled knee , seems like he has enough to deal with in the current Post Brexit climate without the added joint strain.

Not that TF is in any way too heavy , but, after bouncing all those kids fat on Advent Calendar chocolate and fizzing on Red Bull on his knee one extra enthusiastic little bundle may just be the candy cane that broke the reindeers back.

At least TF can now go off and report on the alleged Coconut Addiction Crisis in the PMR / GCA community now the Advent Calendar referendum vote is now in.

Love your stuff , mate . Merry Humbugs , Bee xx

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks Bee... :-)

Well, Yep: TF does indeed have some RED (Residual Emotional Trauma) from similar events in his earlier life. And Yep again - probably an addiction to Red Bull (and other stuff) might just have something to do with how he deals with his continuing, fragile state of mind? I just don't know.

As for the alleged CAC (Coconut Addiction Crisis)? When he's sobered-up I'll ask him. But don't hold your breath..! ;-) :-D

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

Always did think your spelling was a bit dodgy...

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

Woops... 'RET' :-D

Jackoh profile image

See you can't get away with anything with PMRpro's attention to detail. I hadn't noticed it at all!! Have a lovely Christmas Mark and a peaceful New Year with maybe you reaching Zero club in the near future !! 😜👍

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Jackoh

Despite PMR, Brain Fog and Pred Head, it's Business as Usual for PMRpro then?! :-D

Same wishes to you and your family. As for getting to PCZ (Pred Club Zero - in my case again case after a brief flirtation recently), let's hope so;-) :-)

Cinka profile image

You're ridiculously funny, Mark! Really love it ..

Can you work on one for each day of the run-up? ..

A real treat and better than medicine!

I was Lol (laughing out loud, in case you didn't know..)

Lol.. Thank you! 😂 xx

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Cinka

You're too kind Cinca. But in mitigation, I blame the ravages of Pred Head, Brain Fog, and.. er.. well.. er.. ok: so just being a bit Bonkers in the first place. I blame it on my DNA (the easy explanation?) :-D

As for LOL.. just don't try it in the supermarket when shopping alone. SECURITY will be watching - as I well-know from the CCTV footage they showed me recently. Ohhhh....

Either way, I agree. A good old Laugh can be the best 'medicine' of all? ;-)

MB :-)

Cinka profile image

Yes and you provide it in shovelfuls ..wouldn't it be better in a bottle, tho'? ..

All the same, I'd better avoid that supermarket you shop at..

Having said that, it would certainly be a shovel-load of fun to bump into you there unexpectedly ..

.. where is it? .. Lol, again..

Enjoy your day, Mark! 😊

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Cinka

Ah, bless. If only...

As for my local supermarket? I've signed a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) NOT to reveal the details because the Manager of ASDA Weston-S-Mare says any association with me would bring the store into dis-repute - especially if a few of You Lot turn up and start stalking me when I'm lurking around fiendishly in the Fruit & Veg aisle shouting "WHERE ARE THE NUTS?!!"

To be honest, it's bad enough already - what with trying to dodge the Paparazzi and my bank manager at the same time...

Ohh.. such is the price to pay for Fame... ;-) :-D

Cinka profile image

Hahaha .. I'm splittin' my sides ..

Hope your local hospital isn't far from the supermarket ..

Lol .. 😂😂😂

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