I usually make our Christmas cake and puddings but my darling husband decided he would bake the cake so that I didn't have to worry about it. It took him an hour to find all the ingredients which were all in one place at eye level to him. He then proceeded to get nearly all the utensils and bowls out and used every sodding one of them. The lesson I learnt today is just go to m&s or Tesco and buy one because much as i love the thought it was painful watching the kitchen disappear under all the mess. Plus he added brandy to the cake and then the bowl to the 6 year old grandson to lick out!!
Kitchen chaos : I usually make our Christmas cake... - PMRGCAuk
Kitchen chaos

I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing ! With all the miserable news about, I needed a really good laugh. Thanks.
At least you know what is in your cake, check on the ingredients of the shop bought...very Ho-Hum ! After eating a couple of 'shop bought' mince pies, I then read the ingredients. Gag - yuck.
As I now have a small carton of delicious Cornish clotted cream and a small bottle of decent brandy, I am forced into making my own mince pies with home made mince meat (this courtesy of a good chum). Can't wait to get cracking - all that cream waiting in the fridge...
Still laughing - thanks for the share - cheers. Oh yes, hope the clean up wasn't too desperate for you. Take care.
I refused to let him out of the kitchen till it was clean again! He sulked a bit but did actually do them. Mind you he also balanced every thing on draining board in a huge pile and every time you went near the sink something fell off. X
Mine does the washing up and does that. Then leaves the pile to drip dry - so there is a film of grease on the bottom of frying pans. If I clean that off he sulks as I'm criticising...
Wouldn't know where to start for making my own mincemeat. I love warm mince pies and creamx
It's alot easier than cake , just shoving all the ingredients in a sealable pot with lashings of booze , like a delinquent from an Enid Blyton book , just stir it occasionally to mature and use it when you want it.
Just remembered there are some of my home made mince pies downstairs. Oh my god I need to go and get them!!! I I have as much of a chance of cutting my carb intake as have of flying to the moon. Oh sod it I don't care, I am off to sort the mince pies out!!xx1
God love him!
Morrison’s Christmas Cake came top in the reviews!
Still laughing at the flour sieve ( or was it icing sugar?) plonked down on the gas burners! My other half is much the same - but he would have left the cupboard doors open too!! 😂😂
Thank you for the belly laugh!!!
Still crying with laughter. My OH has refused to cook for 53 years but can make almost as much mess making a sandwich. Hope your grandson enjoyed his bowl cleaning. Many thanks for the laugh. 😂
Hilarious. But he’s a keeper ❤️
I have just realised there is s pink peg on the bench and have now got the urge to wake him up and ask "why"
Pink peg reminded me of the only time my OH hung out some shirts...my neighbour commented that the shirts had surrendered, hanging from the line by the cuffs, 😂
Mine is well trained on laundry procedures and i hang things in weird ways to get a reaction from him! If he notices something he ignores it whilst I am with him and then as soon as I go inside he rehangs the offending item of clothing to his satisfaction. I shouldn't find so much joy in winding him up but it does amuse me.x
Yes , do it I want to know now too!
Apparently the peg was for closing the flour but as the bag was ripped down the front (it wasnt before "bake with Ian" started) I am not sure this method was ever going to work but at least he thought about it. I am not sure where the peg came from because he never came through the house to the garden to get it so another mystery in my mad life.
This is all too wonderful. All the comments - TG I only have my own mess to clear up !
The pink peg ? Close the top of one of the packages he's opened - but from the look, would need a whole card of pegs...!! <LOL> (Wiping tears away).
I will probably never again find the things he opened/spoilt/split. I am still wondering about the peg and I know he wouldn't even think about closing anything. One of the best bits was when I came in to the kitchen and found him hand mixing the butter and sugar. When I mentioned the many electric appliances I have, the comment was "but they only whisk fast and that would make a mess". I am still not sure if he knows whisks have various setting and how ironic he was being about the mess!!x
Perhaps he was using it to put on your grandchild's nose to stop him from commenting about the taste of booze in the cake mix!
" Just get it down you matey , and go and have a long winter nap"
I kept a close eye on him after the bowl licking incident and caught myself rehearsing what I would tell the doctors in A&E if we had to take him there! To be honest there was very little chance of him getting much but it's just the sirt of thing my daft husband does without thinking.xx
My kids always tried to eat up all the Christmas cake scraps , like naughty school children.
Never needed A and E , although I was surprised that my Mum didn't need a doctor when my youngest , at age five , walked in from the kitchen with the empty can of stout , pretending to sip it and saying , " ooh , Guinness" . She looked like she would have a heart attack , we looked like we had just suffered a sudden shock .
Made worse by the eldest one , saying , " Don't worry Gannie she doesn't drink it that much "
ahh , ye olde Christmas nightmares , no fun at the time , but now happily not forgotten.
My gran insisted neat brandy was the remedy for everything to do with teething, nappy rash,sleeping. Honey was her other favourite. My daughters would have no teeth and an alcohol problem if I had let her sort things out.x
Is brandy for nappy rash used internally , get the baby that drunk that they can no longer feel the pain!
Wonder if it would work for GCA ??
Might just join you in a mince pie fix instead , I put enough brandy in the mincemeat that I am sure that they could be used as a small incendery device if set light upon.
My gran had a remedy for everything and most involved some sort of alcohol but she hardly ever drank herself. Maybe you drink the brandy yourself so the crying baby no longer bothers you.
There are no more mince pies in the house! I didn't want people to get hamster cheeks so I ate them all!! I will die a happy death knowing I did my best to save the world from obesity.xx
I recommend brandy at bedtime for GCA
Last night I think the only the thing that would have worked on me and Yellow Bluebell would have been a giant rubber mallet , but buying large reserves of brandy for tonight as we speak just in case 😂😂😂
Yeah I have another bottle in my cupboard just waiting to be started on. Hopefully with the brandy and the mallet we might get some sleep tonight.x
Nope , we need to be out on patrol in the PMR ridden city of Doomsville using our Superpowers !
We could take the mallet with us , it could come in handy , and better bring the brandy as well , well it is winter , need to keep out the cold!
I just answered your reply about your costume , awesome my friend.
Maybe sedating the grandchildren with brandy fuelled Christmas cake mix could become a new family tradition!
Reminds me of my Dad when he used to make Scouse on a Saturday and used virtually every utensil and pan in the kitchen , but he was clever and left the washing up for someone else .
I love my youngest daughter , except for when she bakes !!
Much the same except you need to add a thick fog of flour and icing sugar , which she always manages to allow to drip in through a gap in the cutlery drawer and when you put your hand in for a spoon it comes out covered in sticky pink gooe.
I am determined to make a Christmas Pudding this year but I may use a little helper to do all of the fetching carrying and chopping , like a Senior Consultant , I won't step in until things need stirring up!
Love the post , really perked up my night
Glad people laughed at it. The kitchen looked like a war zone and even he was covered in flour. I have the pudding to make but not sure I even have enough ingredients left after today's episode of "Bake with Ian". Both my girls cook but are totally different in their mess making abilities. Youngest is minimalistic in every thing and doesn't make too much mess but my oldest is able to make a mess and not even notice she has just like her dad!! I am going to block out the brandy laden bowl of cake mixture incident,!xxq
If there is any brandy left that might help you block out your OH Kitchen Nightmares !!
Nighty Night , here's hoping my brain doesn't pop in the night!
Night night hope you get some sleepxc
Have you spoken up after your mince pie induced insomnia yet?
I finally and literally passed about about 7 am , but thankfully managed to have some 4 hours sleep .
Still pounding , wish I had stayed in the Land of Nod!
I wrote a post if you want a laugh about what my test was searching for , in case you know anything about it and want to take a look.
I am also looking for members via the post for a new group of superheroes, you must join , you were my superhero last night!
Hugs, ouch, hug . bee x
Oh definitely up for joining a club. Can we drink alcohol? Oh and fattening creamy things. Glad you got some sleep. I finally crashed around 3.30 am and and woke up at 5.30 and been awake since then. I have used my awake time constructively though. I made more mince pies!!. I will read your post in a min after my latest mince pie has settled. Debbyx
Awesome !
My mincemeat will be very firmly getting boozy in the jar today , but I cannot wait to see what you think of the post and read what Superhero you are going to be.
Suggest the alcohol and other options to the rest of the League , I am sure there will be a resounding roar of agreement.
And so sorry you got so little sleep , you definitely won't be called Sleepy , maybe your alter ego should be Insomnia!
Bit late for baking Christmas Puddings, isn’t it? My gran used to say if they weren’t baked by the end of October they’d be no good for Christmas!!!
My great aunts solved that by making them the year before...
I should have made them weeks ago but wasnt in the mood but they will still taste ok just not as mature. Who cares as long as it's got alcohol in it with cream!x
I usually bake my Christmas puds and cakes now and let them mature for the following year.
But you can make a younger , soft and tasty Christmas pudding as late as two weeks before .
If you warm half the alcoholic fluids and some orange and lemon juice and simmer your dried fruit in it before making it is juicy and adds that rich flavour.
If you run out of mincemeat and want to make some for mince pies over Christmas this fruit trick works too so you can use it straight away and the fruit is still soft and rich.
There are alot of good last minute Christmas pudding recipes on the net , but with this trick you can still use your favourite one and it will be ready in a few weeks, especially if you give it a good soak in your favourite tipple every three days and add some butter.
Er - when should the butter be added???????????
My secret recipe has some butter in the mix but I also add a thin layer of butter on the our top just before it totally cools then it acts like a seal , it can be lifted off in one piece when you want to feed your pud and put back on again , and then left on when in the cooking process for eating it melts through the pudding , makes it come out cleanly and adds soft richness to the pud. Just don' t over cook if you use a microwave or it will fry you pudding!!
If you buy a shop bought pud , using a skewer to add in holes before cooking and pouring a few spoons slowly of a combo of melted butter and your favourite tipple with some orange juice can make it moist and rich tasting like a homemade , mature one , as the shop ones can often be alot more chewy , it seems to solve that.
My mum always fried christmas pudding to re-heat it. YUM!
Sounds revolting!😂
I have heard about that , was it a Scottish thing?
My Auntie used to do it for my Uncle and his family and they were Scottish.
I just reheat it after the initial cook in the microwave , after Christmas Day s heating it doesn't have to be cooked again to eat.
I make little Christmas Pudding ice creams for Boxing Day dinner , the kids always liked it more than Christmas Day.
Really easy too , just mix crumbled up left over pudding with vanilla ice cream in a bowl , you can just put it back in the fridge in the tub , or get clingfilm in little cups , spoon it in , flatten it , it freezes in no time , pull out of the cup and it looks like mini pudding.
I like to serve it with chocolate sauce and a shortbread biscuit.
It was pre-microwave speedy reheating of puddens...
As PRO says it was pre microwave. My mum never went further north than Brum. Think it was common practice then. She never did trust a microwave.
You realise we're talking about food again, not that we're obsessed or anything!
I would loudly disagree with you but my mouth is currently full of advent calendar chocolate!!
I had a spare advent calendar given to us and when OH asked where it was I had to own up to the fact I had just broken the box up, helped all the little chocolates escape and then I ate them all in about 3 mins. I was considerate of my sleeping OH and and popped the chocolates out in the spare bedroom! X
I am being very good and only eating the one behind the correct door on the day.
Fortunately , my OH wanted to cheer me up after Tuesday so went and bought 5 more than the one I had started from the 'Reduced to Clear' aisle of the supermarket so I am very happy and guilt free.
You do know that all chocolate given by Santa is guilt and calorie free don't you !!
Oh that's great because I have just been to grandsons Christmas fete and there was a lovely man giving free samples of chocolate and raspberry roullard. I am sure santa sent him because it was a christmas fete so that means the three rather large samples don't count in calories. I had to fight eldest daughter for the cake so that's my exercise as well.
All chocolate , sweets , and baked goods served at Christmas fetes or sold at Christmas Markets are clearly made by caffeine fuelled elves in Santa's Workshop , according to Mamicis latest festive rant and , therefore , completely sin and calorie free : Fact .
I would swear to it in Court and I am sure you would represent me on this indisputable legal issue too!!
Amen , Jellybabies xx
Oh totally willing to represent you on such an important topic. Did you really have to mention jelly babies because now I want fruit gums and jelly tots and I have already been seen in the co-op buying chocolate today so another visit will probably cause a major incident protocol in the village. OH reckons it's for the safety of the other villagers but I reckon it's just so he knows where I am.x
Ask the OH to go for you , tell him it's romantic !!
Trouble is the staff at the shop know that when ever he buys things full of sugar and ice creams and single bottles of bulmers cider he is buying for me. The only benefit from sending him up there is it gives me time to search where he might have hidden the Wagon wheels. AGAIN.x
Not as good as they used to be , so much thinner and smaller but I could be tempted to a wagon wheel right now.
Nope , I will be good and go and make a Quorn chicken and veg curry with my youngest daughter's help ( then eat the choccy biscuits afterwards as a reward for my efforts!)
Hubby has just told me a very funny Advent Calendar based story from his school so I might write it in a post later , or tomorrow , as I should be using my odd bit of screen time organising some skin photos for the consultant to show Dermatology before next Tuesday's appointment ( I am under orders too!) and adding photos to emails from here seems to be slower than snail mail !
Sorry Scats !
You better not read my new post , it's on , you guessed it , Chocolate!!
Or Advent Calendars and how you can torture teenagers with a bite size Bounty!
We really are testing out your Superpower to resist temptation aren't we?
Hugs , BEE x
Better not let him know how many women he amused during the night he may become big headed!
This post should definitely win some sort of prize. It is so funny after all the doom and gloom. It brought a smile to my hamsters cheeks! It's good to see You have a lovely husband like mine. He loves cooking but oh my the mess. It takes me hours to clean up and make sure it goes back tidy and in right cupboard. I get accused of being a control freak. But I think it's called being neat and tidy lol. I hate things falling out of cupboards because they have been untidily pushed in.
He is a brill husband in so many ways but he has some serious quirks. He is able to make a room look untidy just by being in it!! As for cupboard filling, if I push stuff away he moans but when he puts stuff away apparently it's organised but we are likely never to see certain items ever again. Last Christmas I asked him to put the lights on the Christmas tree whilst I was out and I came back to a tree with the lights beautifully wrapped around the tree but only on the top three foot of a seven foot tree!! His comment was "We havnt got enough lights". I actually walked back out of the house and sat in the car laughing like a maniac.!!x
Sounds like mine, lovely bloke but incapable of closing a drawer. I'm not moaning, at least I know where he's been.
oh thats very funny!! My husband went up to take down my daughter's decorations as she had gone away and thought it would be nice for her not to have to face it when they came back. Unfortunately he got the tree lights in SUCH a mess that they were literally unuseable - he brought them down to our house and literally we spent over two hours trying to unravel them. So I was exhausted and said - no - sorry this is just NOT going to work. So we gave in and he went out and bought a new set in the hope that she doesn't notice when she goes to use them!! We do roar laughing when we think of it. We never spoke a word of it to her!!! (Not that she'd mind of course)!!
I couldn't believe he had managed to put 200 bulbs on just 3 ft of tree. The worst big was he was actually proud of his attempt!!.
Ha haha I know what you mean ,They make more mess than anything . Then they are so pleased with themselves . There is a lot to be said for a jar of mince and frozen pastry .
Husbands and Christmas, and never a mention of PMR! Love it!!!😃😃😃
You pair should have T.V. series on this, it`d have folks falling over laughing.
Bless him. I think.

Personally I envy the grandchild...
They are all the same - why use one thing when you can use 10? Though mine wouldn't even start on the quest! Luckily a local independent baker makes a local speciality using rye flour (so I can eat it without a bad conscience) that is near enough identical to a good xmas cake and the ingredients list is also acceptable. I do make a few mincepies and brandy butter though.
Can't be bothered with making mincemeat (though I have done) but bought enough to last me for about 6 years one summer - Robertsons at 25p a jar
I gave to admit I have bought shares in the stuff after one Christmas when it was really cheap. Not sure it was as yours though.x
If I had been less shocked at the events in the kitchen I would have got a spoon and joined in with the brandy cake mix eating. I don't usually miss a chance to mix eating and alcohol consumption.x
OH NO! MY husband in the kitchen causes me much more stress than it's worth!!!! I'll bet your 6 year old grandson will be asking for more of Grandpa's batter! Stay calm, this too shall pass. xxxx

It took me a while to realise what had happened with the bowl but it was too late by then and in alI fairness there probably was very little alcohol in the mixture he ate. Well, that's what I am telling myself.x
*laughing* It won't kill him and probably made the whole baking experience a lot more fun!!!!

I reckon he would have at least slept well last nightx
Well done Mr Yellowbluebell, I love to see a man cooking, mine can make toast😊
Oh I'm sorry but this made me laugh so much!!😂😂One that he couldn't find anything- why does that always happen 2, that he used all equipment ( but that's me as well😜) and 3, your grandson enjoying the brandy enriched mixture!! Hope he cleared and washed up later?!! Yes have long given over to M&S or equivalent👍😀xx
He doesn't look properly and argues with me about where things are. I do the baking so I know exactly where everything is. I try and keep washing up to a minimum so if I can make do with less I will. He likes every thing in the kitchen to get an outing. I counted 5 bowls of varying sizes along with every size spoon he could find. My grandson was very happy with his alcohol infused cake mix and I am sure will ask for it again. God help me if his mother did find out!! OH did clean up very well but only because I refused to let him leave the kitchen until it was.x
Yup - if it isn't at the front it isn't there...
Yes kids love licking the bowl I bet he enjoyed that one!
Commiserations ‘ at least he tried his best.l hope you all enjoy his creations !
I was laughing before I even read your post. Every surface covered with flour before as well as after 😀
Oh god, that made me laugh. Why do husbands have to demolish a kitchen in order to cook one cake? It must be how their brains are wired. He deserves a big hug for trying though.
I've just read that your hubby was a fireman - he also baked your xmas cake. He's a total hero.
Wonderful - he doesn't let the male of the species down does he?
Had to laugh - ‘every sodding one of them’........!
It’s an age-old trick used by blokes - if you do it like this, you’ll never be asked to work in the Kitchen again - worked for me......🤣
(Have to say - letting the kiddie lick the bowl was a masterstroke!)
I tried a similar trick as a teenager ehen my mum told me to iron aĺl the clothes in the basket. I did exactly that but she wasnt impressed when I actually ironed her tights.
If that's what his plan was it backfired because it looks like he did a good job with the actual cake. It looks good.
The carnage was totally unbelievable. To be honest I didn't realise I had that much baking equipment but in future i will be putting some in the loft out of his way. Some of the stuff he got out I have failed to work out what he used it for. He must have been on some sort of challenge to use every implement he could find. I am grateful for his help though and not many men would have even tried it.x
Well done I was beginning to wonder what happened to the men on the site. I use this ploy with my husband and filling the dishwasher, I can never put things in so that they clean properly!
It works both ways!
Totally. There are loads of things my husband does better than me. The original post was all about the mess he had made but the basic facts are he wanted to give me a break and made something he hasn't done
before and made a good job of it. Yes he can be the most annoying man on earth some days but he at least tries to help.x
Mine too, lucky reaiiy.
Just need to let you know that since all this talk of cake and mince pies I have been craving something sweet like crazy. Luckily we don't live near any shops and I'm too achy to bake today. Now that's a really useful superpower - the ability to hear about food and not want to eat it!
I only have to hear a mention of sweets and I want them.. Unfortunately the co-op is only about 200 meters away. The ability to not want to eat things people are talking about is definitely a super power and it is one i am never going to have. Sorry we gave you the munchies!!! Debbyx
Enjoyed the exchange, look forward to more silliness in the future.
Judging by personalities on the forum I could almost guarantee there will be more silliness. Debbyx
Are you talking about someone in particular YB ?
I am sure I can feel my ears burning ( could just be the headache!).
I have evidence below and above on this post now that I have just had two totally rational and sensible conversations about making Christmas pudding ice cream and kitchen chaos .
You might want to mark this level of rational conversation down in your diary and take photographic evidence , however, as you may not see this level of sense from me again!! Giggle , tee, hee!!
Just got back from the eye clinic , now look like a Bush Baby with big , Dewey eyes but equally Bleary ones!
BEE aka VENOM xx
Dare I ask how it went? Not necessarily you my dear as I think you are only slightly madder than me but when we gather in the large coven they call pmr/gca forum we actually get even worse!! We have no boundaries what so ever and that definitely makes for silliness!!Debbyx
Silly folks forever!!
Opthamologist did various tests , said that apart from some surface inflammation from the Dry Eye Syndrome , the visual disturbances are all down to the GCA headaches and the ocular migraines , iris spasms are definitely down to the neurological inflammation . She asked if they had increased my steroids , and I explained that they wont until next week ( hopefully!) when they decide on the other diagnosis , just in case the steroids are not suitable ( or possibly causing more issues) in my case. She said to come back if they do not make a decision , because she said my current head and chest pain should not be left untreated as it is clearly affecting my BP and could cause serious issues.
So , wait to fight another day on Tuesday , either me or the consultant will not leave the appointment alive until they sort my medication.
Unfortunately when OH puts the things in the dishwasher he gets to half full and says there is no room for more! Mainly because even though he always empties it he doesn't appear to remember where he took things from (the position they fit best). And a load of stuff is left on the table for me to put away as he doesn't know where it goes. We have a tiny kitchen and not a lot of extraneous items and what we have has been in exactly the same position for the last 13 years since we moved there!!!!!!
That is another one of those OH ploys , which my teens have also inherited.
' Have you done the washing up?"
" Yes."
" Thank you , did you put it away ?"
( Now I add a further question after years of experience )
" Did you put it all away?"
The kids say , " Nearly" , with a grin ,
the OH , " No, but I don't know where everything goes!!!!" Strop, strop , grumble, chunner, stomp!
I look up to the heavens to myself , this has been the answer for more than 20 years , may I point out the position of any of my dishes in the kitchen has not moved for over 10!
Then , you potter into the kitchen and find a nice neat row of dishes all along the worktop ( quite often just above or below the actual cupboard it goes in ).
But , here lies one of those silver linings of the GCA , since then the stuff actually gets put away!! In the right places!! Without further instruction!!
So , they have given the game away and even when I am better they won't be able to get up to those kitchen capers again.
I slightly con my husband by pleading its cold downstairs so could he just pop down a make me a cup of tea after we have been in bed for a couple of hours. If he moans and says I can make it myself I use the insomnia as an excuse and say that I will be making my own drink during the night as I am not sleeping and he will be fast asleep. I really can be a cow!!x
I convinced my OH years ago that I realised that his effort making me a cuppa each day was his way of showing that he loved me even if he didn't do grand gestures , all the bells and whistles , flowers and chocolates. I convinced him that I thought him putting on the kettle , doing the dishes , grating the cheese , and carrying stuff was romantic!
He believed it ! And it has stood me in good stead , and meant I didn't have to leave a nice warm bed in the morning or put the kettle on .
Now ,if I could just convince him not to come into the room in the middle of a programme then standing in front of the telly and asking what's going on for so long you miss half of it is a romantic gesture I would be a happy lass!!
Yes - mine manages the morning teas too! He started doing it when he was on chemo and needed to drink 2-3 litres a day and it was the only way - 4 large mugs of tea before breakfast! And he never got out of the habit - even though I'd love him to not wake at before 7am and get up to make it now we are retired...
And he stands in front of the TV or tells me something totally uninteresting to me just at the important moment of sport or crimi ...
Are you SURE they aren't twins separated at birth?
More likely triplets because mine does it as well. He knows I am watching a favourite programme and decides that's the time to talk to me about total.rubbish!!
Definitely a 'Man' thing!
Although your mention of triplets made me think of my daughters and myself sat like three wise monkeys on a sofa watching a film . When the OH chooses to do it now, we all see the door opening , turn in unison fingers to mouths , and with a loud hissy hush stop him in his tracks before he even gets in the room .
Nothing like starting children early!
Sounds horribly familiar