Third Time Lucky... Why Do I have Doubts? - PMRGCAuk


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Third Time Lucky... Why Do I have Doubts?

23 Replies

Anyone want to weight in on Monuril (Fosfomycin) ???

A single dose sachet you take with a glass of water... HOWEVER, I am not supposed to take it unless I am sure the symptoms of the UTI are really back, even though the dip stick test this morning INDICATED there is still an infection and blood was present in the urine.

Wait? What?

So I restated, because I must be misunderstand... " you're ordering a new prescription, but I should hold off taking it, until I am 100% sure that I feel the symptoms of the infection are back?"

GP; "Yes."

Me; "...even though the the dip strip showed the infection is still there and there is blood in the urine?"

GP: "Yes... because the blood might show in the urine for several days or a week after infection goes away.. and the infection may now go away on it's own now, since you've had 3 doses of Macrobid. We don't want you taking new antibiotic unless absolutely necessary. Keep drinking lots of water...."

Me; " even though I do feel a tingling when I urinate and I don't feel 100% right, I should not take the new (3rd) antibiotic until I have more convincing symptoms?"

GP: "Yes."

I swear to God I am losing my f**king mind.

If "they" are not trying to kill me they are trying to gaslight me!


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23 Replies
Blearyeyed profile image

You need to complain.

I would definitely consider going elsewhere for help.

If you haven't yet, ring back now and check if they have actually sent your sample off for proper culture analysis. If they haven't , ask if you can come in first thing Monday to have it done.

I have never used that medication , I would suggest you wait to find out people's response to it on here, or look it up on the site in general to see if it worked for others or caused side effects. Or look on the wider internet for reviews on it before you use it.

You did not take the whole course of your antibiotics , you didn't take three days worth did you? Only a day and a half , so it may have not cleared your infection and the delay could be causing the build up in bacterial resistance they all warn us about by not taking a full antibiotic course.

To be honest , I would be tempted to go to out of hours for a prescription of antibiotics you want to take or their advice on the sachet you have. Your Surgery is severely letting you down on this one , and not taking into consideration how leaving a lingering infection impacts on your pain, your chronic condition and the affect on your need for steroids.

Get some more intelligent help with some joined up thinking on this one I think.

You definitely need to complain about them to the local health board, not via their internal complaints process which is just lip service, your overall treatment has been inconsiderate and negligent to your personal medical needs. I would also ask wether the so called regional resistance to Trime is actually a rule sent by them which prevents its use in the area. If so, I worry about the general state of health care where you are , where is it ?

With all my issues , I don't think I should visit yet ( giggle!)

SnazzyD profile image

Oh my goodness. The trouble is with just blood is that you don’t know if it is from cystitis which can be caused by medications rather than infection. It can feel the same and make symptoms of UTI because it ‘burns’ a possibly already inflamed urethra. I had it a lot with Pred above 20mg and below that as long as my fluids were up I was ok. Below 10 I’ve been fine. What I’d do, for what it’s worth, is give it a clear week of no antibiotics then do a culture to see if anything is growing. If you are on Pred and immunosuppressed you may have increased bacterial growth vaginally. (especially if low oestrogen) and bingo you’ve got blood and erythrocytes on the dip stick. You need to see the wood for the trees and know if that blood is really from infection.

PMRpro profile image

Not his infection... Prat...

PMRpro profile image

I THINK it is what I got last time - same posology anyway which is unusal - and it did work well.

Angiejnz profile image

Sounds like the beginning of a comedy routine, except there's no punchline unless you thump the doctor of course 🤣

Grants148 profile image

I think you need to see another doctor mamici ! The treatment that you have received is dreadful .

You couldn’t make this up!......

Have you taken it yet? Is it just the one dose?

Hugs 😘

Telian profile image

Sorry Mel never heard of this one, poor you, see what others have to say. I know it makes sense medically to wait but that’s not helping a suffering patient - where’s the compassion. If it gets too bad go to out of hours tomorrow and tell them you’re desperate for some relief from the discomfort, take the sachet and ask what it is. Let us know how you get on. X

Rimmy profile image

I like what Snazzy said - and as I know nothing much about these drugs - except what I mentioned about an experience decades ago I can't offer any extra info. Hopefully you won't need anything extra but I think you do need to be sure with a culture - exactly what you are treating. How rotten for you M - I'd say 'eat cake' - that's what I'd do - but it may not help at present ....


SheffieldJane profile image

💙 Do the Snazzy advice and drink loads of water.

CT-5012 profile image

OMG 😲 you couldn’t make this up, have you thought about changing to another GP maybe one who has a little sympathy or even a bit of common sense. Keep on drinking the water. Hugs and sympathy. 🤗

enan-illuc profile image

Unbelievable! Hang tough and don't give up...and drink a lot of water. As if PMG/GCA is not enough you have this to contend with this! Stay strong Melissa.

S4ndy profile image

Don't know if it will help you but last year when I had uti's and a kidney stone I started to take colloidal silver as I had had so many antibiotics I didn't want more.

I took it for a couple of weeks and haven't had a uti since. I've also used colloidal silver for thrush, sore throats and to help heal up wounds. Its a good antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Very old school but may be worth a try for you.

lizzie47 profile image
lizzie47 in reply to S4ndy

Hello Sandy,I have never heard of colloidal silver.What is it and where do you get it from?Thanks Lizzie

S4ndy profile image
S4ndy in reply to lizzie47

I purchased mine on Amazon. The strength I use is 10 parts per million (ppm) It is purified water in which very tiny particles of silver are suspended. It is made by electrically charging silver immersed in pure water. Prior to the days of antibiotics silver was used as a first line treatment for many infections. I first became aware of it many years ago from an elderly nursing sister who had used it to treat herself for many years. Since then a number of my friends have been using it and so when I started to get thrush (oral) and uti's I thought I would give it a try. It worked well on the thrush and uti's. Have also used it for sore throats, insect bites, mouth ulcers, cuts and small burns. You can take it internally or apply it externally.

I understand that even today, silver is used in medical wound dressings to aid healing and also in fabrics to kill bacteria. You can find lots of info on the internet, that's how I started. I buy the Livoa Vital brand which you can also get in a spray bottle which is great for spraying on wounds, back of throat or mouth generally. I got a spray bottle and a litre bottle from which I can refill the spray.

I dislike taking antibiotics and anyway they don't work for viral or fungal infections whereas I have found that colloidal silver does. Have a look on the internet for more info and dosage etc. Hope this helps xxx

lizzie47 profile image
lizzie47 in reply to S4ndy

Thank you so much Sandy will do my research.Am on my third antibiotic,first two made me throw up and the latest Trimethoprim I can tolerate,just makes me feel nauseas but that has been a problem for 18 months.Have had various investigations but nothing found of any significance.Am going to speak to GP re nausea again.Thank you again Sandy.Lizzie xxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to lizzie47

And, for balance, the other side of the silver coin:

It isn't harmless - and its value is disputed. If it helps you, fair enough but be aware of the downsides too.

lizzie47 profile image
lizzie47 in reply to PMRpro

Thank you PMRpro.Iwill do some reading up today.As I replied to Sandy I am on my third antibiotic,first two made me throw up,now on Trimethoprim which is better than other two but still feel nauseas ,been a problem for 18 months,had investigations a year ago,nothing found to explain the continuous nausea which really gets me down.Have tried various anti nausea medication from GP.Now on Levomepromazine,not generally used for nausea but does help a bit although I could sleep all day with a minute dose and would love not to take it as its heavy duty medication,usually given for end of life I believe.Am going to speak to GP as after an Colonoscopy last December they suggested it is repeated in a year so that's the next step as far as the nausea is concerned,Will read the information on UTI'S ,thank you.Lizzie

S4ndy profile image
S4ndy in reply to PMRpro

I agree. Research it for yourself and then decide. I should add that its not something I use all the time. Also I wouldn't take it whilst on antibiotics. I actually took it when I had a uti and didn't need the antibiotics. So I usually give it a try first. To date I have only had one time when I have needed a course of antibiotics.

My gp tried to give me antifungal for the oral thrush but I decided I would rather use the colloidal silver spray. He didn't have a problem with that but then again he also doesn't have a problem with CBD and recommends the use of tumeric and green lipped mussel extract. I am lucky to have a gp who supports alternative treatments.

More often I use colloidal silver as a spray or to apply directly to wounds.

Even when taking it I only take a small dose of 10ml x 3 a day.

I have IBS and many pharmaceuticals make it much worse so that's my main reason for using alternatives. I do of course use allopathic meds too as sometimes its the right choice eg. Pred for PMR.

So far nothing has turned blue :) xxx

Valnvaughan profile image


patriciawhite profile image

Revolving door on full speed comes to mind ,I am lost for words . Surely serious sample testing needs to be done .It,s not a try it and see situation is it .JEEZ !

stellafmdm profile image

Hang in there Melissa, but look for a second opinion!!!

powerwalk profile image

You totally have my sympathy - as one with an almost permanent UTI now. Getting worried about these antibiotics - the Macrodantin made my eye white yellow and now it appears the Keflex is doing the same - so not good as trying to find one that might work as a low dose preventer for a couple of months to get some kind of break from it all. Best wishes to you - hope you find some relief!

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