Prednisone supply. : HI. Not to incite a riot... - PMRGCAuk


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Prednisone supply.

yogabonnie profile image
35 Replies

HI. Not to incite a riot... but just out of curiosity.. as I am reading the paper here in the US about "Preppers" for Brexit...just in case.. any of you thinking of stockpiling prednisone??? The thought of running out would throw me into mild hysteria! (During Y2K (remember that?) I stockpiled 2 things. Dog food and Hair dye!!! I was so vain! haha.

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yogabonnie profile image
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35 Replies
Mai45 profile image

Bonnie, that’s a difficult question. Should we stockpile Prednisolone against Brexit?

Going by at least one of our national dailies, we’ll be far too busy panicking, as food, water and fuel will all mysteriously disappear on Day 1, and by Day 2 we’ll all be living in rags, staggering around accosting strangers asking if they know of anywhere that still has electricity where we can charge our mobiles to text fond farewells to friends overseas.

Our national newspapers never sensationalise of course, so it must all be true.

Makes you wonder how, as a little island, we somehow managed to survive for all those centuries before we voted to join the Common Market...

Seriously, as steroids are only available on prescription, as far as I know, whether we get to hold extra will presumably be in the hands of our GPS (well, I know mine will be anyway)

SnazzyD profile image

I’ll resist the temptation to rant but I do think this time it’s a bit more than a bit of software. UK GP’s computers flag up when people order too much of anything so you can’t stockpile easily and for how long anyway? I’m going to ask my GP if I can have some extra given that they won’t go to waste because I have to have them. Who knows what memos are going round from powers that be who will be trying to look like they’ve got it under control because you have to appear to have a policy for everything, even the unknown. If it does go badly for patients I wonder who will be accountable?

peace_lover profile image

Oh yes and I shall be open to negotiating when you lot run out .... not.

It’s mine, all mine, mine (cries with hysteria)

You know I’m joking eh?


Rose54 profile image

I Predict a Riot

All I have in my head now is that

My favourite Green Day song

My last request from GP was 1 mg tablets thay came in a box not 30 as normal but a large box with 210 in it .

My Pharmacy have lost the plot

Last order for repeat of meds for 2 months ended up with 4 months supply but no one knows how

in reply to Rose54

Shuuuuush! I wouldn't complain about that Rose!

SusyTe profile image
SusyTe in reply to Rose54

Isn’t that song by the Kaiser Chiefs, Rose? 🤔

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to SusyTe

You are so right

Thanks talk about Pred head did not even think about it Green Day popped into my head and that was it

Thanks for correcting me

SusyTe profile image
SusyTe in reply to Rose54

I am a fan of both bands, Rose, and have a soft spot for Ricky Wilson. 😉 And I have Pred Head most days so you are not alone! X

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to SusyTe

Definitely Kaiser Chiefs!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to Rose54

Your'e all brexitted up then...

CT-5012 profile image

I always have a bit of a stock of pred as I have 5, 2.5, and 1mg all on repeat prescription so every time I order them I get two months supply, no problem. The boarder in Ireland appears to be a problem but we had one for along time in the past and it didn’t work then either. Politics sends me to sleep💤

in reply to CT-5012

Great Joy there CT! Anything that helps sleep!

Maisie1958 profile image

Mind you yogabonnie , by the time the U.K.

actually leaves(hard border anyone?) hopefully most of us will be off prednisolone even using DSNS method. It’s all a bit “Hotel California” as a well known radio2 presenter was saying today 😉

fmkkm profile image

There are a lot of reasons to keep some extra. Having witnessed two hurricanes this year, I understood the wisdom to have a small bag packed with meds and a change of clothes ready to go. It would be truly horrible to show up at an evacuation center with no prednisone.

I have some extras on hand, when I move to the next level I always get the past prescription filled if there are any refills left on it.

SheffieldJane profile image

We’re all coming to live with you yogabonnie. 😃

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnie in reply to SheffieldJane

Yes! Or I can send you pills tucked in teddy bears like contraband!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to yogabonnie

Tedski would do it for a fee!

Haven’t heard from Mark for a while, perhaps he’s in the land of the well.

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to SheffieldJane

I heard it was writer’s cramp, SJ.......

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to yogabonnie

But even Tedskis have to get into the country! If the process I experienced at Newcastle the other day has to be implemented in Dover it'll take a fortnight to get through imigration. If you are lucky that is...

Gaijin profile image

If anyone is ever in dire straits for pred, the pharmacies here (Spain) will sell it without a prescription... so long as it isn't antibiotics or psychotropic stuff, they'll sell you anything here without a prescription. 😨

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to Gaijin

Dire Straits? That would be Money for Nothing.............

Grants148 profile image

I can only ask for Pred.,once a month,it is not on a repeat prescription. The doctor does usually give me a generous amount. Brexit is taking far too long, we always managed before we joined the so called Common market,did not realise so much of our country was being given away.l would not want to run out of leverthyroxine either !Just have to trust the government.

Sandy1947 profile image

Funny! I have way more Pred than I need! Not sure why pharmacy keeps filling it. I’m not on auto refill. If friends across the pond need some let me know.

Decreasing to 3 mg this week. Have a pain down the side of my leg from knee to ankle. Feels worse when I go up and down stairs. Appointment next month with a physiotherapist. Never heard of that kind of doctor!

yogabonnie profile image

Hey sandy that leg pain could be mild case of shingles I had friend who had it in same spot any redness at all?

Andymurph profile image

The company that distribute much of the Prednisolone in the UK is Co-Pharma which is based in Watford in Hertfordshire. Like much of the world's supply the drug is manufactured in India and Pakistan. In this particular instance Bengaluru in India. If anything, our trade with commonwealth countries will increase after Brexit.

I didn't vote to leave the Eu, but can I remind the Brexit "Panickers" that firstly it's bad for your PMR to worry and secondly the UK was one of the founder members of the World Trade Organisation whose rules we adhered to on trade prior to joining the "Common Market" as it was called then.

The WTO currently has 164 member states. I'm pretty sure, although we probably won't be so cozy with Europe we will still be OK.

Can I remind all those "Non-Millennials" if the dreaded Millennium Bug didn't kill us Brexit won't .

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to Andymurph

Somehow I still think my grandchildren have been betrayed... Still - mustn't go off topic!

Bamber99 profile image
Bamber99 in reply to Marijo1951

Marijo we’ve all been betrayed

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to Bamber99

It annoys me when people assume that all over-60s voted a particular way. My granddaughter was 16 at the time and was angry that she wasn't able to vote. She said 'After all it's my future that's at stake.'

Bamber99 profile image
Bamber99 in reply to Marijo1951

It’s a very incorrect assumption and yes it annoys me massively too.

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to Bamber99

Always great to encounter a like-minded and therefore eminently wise person! Let's hope the final result is the one we want. Everything is so topsy-turvy at present, it's impossible to predict - one can only hope...

Sallyaches profile image

I think the drugs that there may be a problem with will be the drugs that are more modern and still made by only one manufacturer. Prednisone has been around for years and made by several manufacturers. Usually the things we worry about don’t happen but I am going to keep a couple of extra weeks in hand.

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Sallyaches

Fingers crossed!

maria40 profile image

I've always kept a good stash of pred and as GP allows me to control my own dose, I have been making sure that I order plenty each month. Trouble is, I'm running out of storage space!

Suffererc profile image

The only shortage will be if the pharmacist forget to order. Brexit will cause very little difference to anyone, life will go on in the UK and most probably better than the last 47 years. The key words media use are perhaps and might ..... No riot here

Andymurph profile image
Andymurph in reply to Suffererc

Totally agree Sufferc. I'm one of those who remembers when the media merely reported the news rather than tried to create it. It seems we are now in an age where "Telling a good story" has more value than telling the truth.

Rather like the recent Unilever U-turn on its plans to leave the UK for Europe, money, and those that have it, will continue to control what happens in the world rather than any politician or European bureaucrat with a bad haircut.

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