Hi has any one had a cataract op and if so what was it like i am going in to morrow week i am worrying all ready , i do know my mum had a lot of trouble after but that 30 years ago .
cataract op : Hi has any one had a cataract op and... - PMRGCAuk
cataract op

Hi I had mine done 4 years ago when I was on 6.5mg Pred. All went absolutely fine, slightly strange sensation whilst it’s actually being done, but not painful.
Worst bit was all the eye drops before op - actual op only about 20-25mins.
Don’t worry, you’ll be fine!
My Mum age 90 had hers done beginning of this year after having 1st one done year before.
No problems at all next day she could see clearly without her glasses
I agree with DL.I worried too but it was amazingly simple.
Worst part for me I was sat in a cubicle and what they called a small pellet was put under lower lid to dilate the eye This was quite painless but they said took 40 mins to work. They then left me just to sit there alone for 2 hrs with nothing to do but worry!
The pellet must have contained a pain killer because I went straight in to the theatre and it happened, no other prep.
Op was quick and painless. He said look at the light and as I watched it became a bright very white glare with purple and green edges ( I love colour!) I knew he was going to use a laser so I listened for it, it was just audable, nothing to worry about.
I felt pressure at the side of my eye and the light was back. No stitches just healing drops.
The sight in that eye went from yellow and cloudy to white and clear.
This happened last June I was on 12mg. pred.
Very few go wrong, you should be fine, wishing you all the best but be aware that afterwards you will be able to see just how much dust you have missed over the last few months!
If it helps at all thay may allow you to have someone with you while waiting and after but not in the room during the procedure itself .
I have sat with a lot of clients while waiting and after
I have had both mine done with no problems. One last year, the other one about 5 years ago. I am in the UK and this is how it went.
Arrive at the clinic a couple of hours before and sit in a waiting room with the other patients. The nurse put three lots of drops in my eye every half hour or so until she has completed 3 sets. I went to the ladies and had a look in the mirror, the pupil had opened almost as big as the whole iris. I looked like one of the children of the damned!!
Then taken into the anaesthetic room where they put drops in my eye. Then in to the operating room where everyone is lovely and they ran around finding pillows to put under my knees so I would be nice and comfortable.(I have a back problem)
Then they put a sort of tent over your head with a hole which sticks snugly around the eye they are operating on and you are given a tube which blows fresh air to keep you comfortable. Then they put a clip thing around your eye to keep it open. They put such a bright light over your eye that you can only see shadows and are aware of them fiddling about but there is no pain.
Try and relax and remember you CAN close your other eye. Keep staring at the bright light and it will be over before you know it.
Everyone hates the idea of having their eyes touched and when I had my first one I was really scared but it really is not something to worry about.
All the best
When I was booked for the first of 2 cataract ops, the hospital sent me a very detailed leaflet, telling exactly what would happen, incl a nurse to hold my hand, so that you don't move. The op was fine and went exactly per leaflet. The surgeon was a massive gentleman with fingers like ban
anas, yet could perform such a delicate op. Lovely man! I didn't know or feel anything, except like looking through a kaleidoscope.I wore glasses from age 13 until these ops in my 50;s/early 60;s. Only wear specs for reading now. I remember the incredible blue sky.......and the dust!! All the best.
Because of my dyskinesia they gave me a general anaesthetic. I started to count to 10 and awoke with it all done. After 50 years of short sight I now have 20/20 vision. Thank God for the NHS!
Hi I had mine done last year I’m in Swindon Wiltshire and I was worried like you but it was completely painless and you just have to be careful that you don’t bend over to far for the first week but it definitely wasn’t painful had to feed my cat on the work top in my kitchen for the week good luck
Not much to add to the rest - I had both my eyes done about 6 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Afterwards I could count the bricks in the block of flats opposite my window. I have good eyesight for the first time in my life and must have already saved a fortune on bi-focal specs.
Had mine done last year
No problems but I was very tired for a month. Never sure what to attach the DF to.
Hi as the others have said do not worry you will be so pleased when it is done everything is so wonderfully colorful and clear. I had mine done in April and was worried because I was on 24mg pred and 10mg methotrexate but everything was fine. No pain a little feeling of pressure and the only pain was having to put the drops in for so long after and seeing all the dust and cobwebs! Cannot wait for the other one to be done! Good luck.
Hi. I had my eyes done last summer. I was also worried, but there were absolutely no problems. The surgery is not painful--I just remember feeling a little pressure. When it's over, it is amazing how well you can see. The main problem is that you have to put drops in your eyes for such a long time. But now I'm done with the drops and am really enjoying my incredible vision!
I have a friend whose father had this surgery. It didn't turn out well. She thinks it's because he didn't follow the instructions about wearing sunglasses for a week, putting drops in his eyes, etc. My friend warned me that I must follow the doctor's instructions, so I did and everything went very well.
My mother also had problems with cataract surgery, but that was over 30 years ago. I remember what she went through, and it was entirely different from my surgery this past summer.