These are the things that “weigh” on my mind! - PMRGCAuk


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These are the things that “weigh” on my mind!

83 Replies

Hmmmm? Flat stones, wedged between wooden slats... that is the ceiling of our hotel room, here in Provence! Absolutely beautiful, But wondering what happens if stones come loose in the middle of the night? “Wait, what? How did Melissa die???”

83 Replies
yogabonnie profile image

Ha ha ha ha love it!!.. Great photo and great idea! WRITE THE STORY.. and thank you so much for messaging me about my Boyfriends book!! So glad you liked it. (I think the story you liked about the Pathologist is my favorite child too! haha. ) made me so happy!

in reply to yogabonnie

Ohhhhhh, I love that, that story is your favourite child!!!!! I may write the stone ceiling story! Hahahaha. If I don't die first! 😳

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

It would be just like you to take it into your head to climb up on something to see if the stones will wiggle if you push at them.

Resist, and you'll be fine.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Hmmmm? Had not thought about climbing up to see how loose the stones might be! Great idea! Now if I can balance that ... on the desk.... it just might be high enough..... to...

HeronNS profile image

Interesting. My reaction is, bad feng shui! I would feel very uneasy in a room with a ceiling like that.

in reply to HeronNS

Ya think! Rocks above your head!!!! Can't be a good idea, can it! However, I must believe things happen for a reason..... so I will sleep in peace. 😌

CT-5012 profile image

Thank you, lovely. Enjoy your trip. 😎

Hehehehe! Your welcome.... thinking of putting stones in your ceiling, are you?

CT-5012 profile image

Too much like hard work😂

SheffieldJane profile image

Oh Melissa you are so funny. Those slats and stones have been there for a hundred years, why would they suddenly fall on your head wait....... no you really have had your share of bad luck. It looks charming. It was pouring in Mallorca when we left ha ha. We had very nice weather. Enjoy!

in reply to SheffieldJane

My point exactly "hundreds of years!" How safe can it be! ... but the good news is I did survive the night!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

You will survive everything! 🦉

Rimmy profile image

How beautiful is that ceiling !! - and I agree with SJ those stones look very stable and I'd fall asleep and dream easily - you are 'safe' - have a wonderful time ...


in reply to Rimmy

Stunning right.... it really is memorising! I just keep wondering how long it must have taken, and the person who had that skill and knowledge.... where did they end up?

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

I haven't seen a ceiling like that myself - but it looks wonderful and obviously has been very durable. These kinds of artisan skills are so invaluable and often passed down thru families - I like to think some can be preserved or at least replicated into the future. With a move towards using more 'natural' resources and some nostalgia for things of the 'earth' we may see more fascinating architecture like this re-emerge in the future - I'd love that - I have always been a little obsessed with architectural history and interested in 'sustainable' tiny houses ...

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to

Probably still up there making sure none fall on you😱

in reply to Marymon


enan-illuc profile image

It looks stable except for the one cross board that is cracked and has a knot hole. Don't sleep under that one!

in reply to enan-illuc

I see it..., the one over my head! 😳

Joaclp profile image

Not to worry. Help is only a stone's throw away. Have a wonderful time in my idea of heaven. 🍇🍇😙🍷🍷🍋🍋

in reply to Joaclp

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good one! ...and yes it is heaven!

Stone Me!!!! M. Those beams are not looking good either! Better sleep with a hard hat!

in reply to

Ekkkkkkkkkk, left my hard hat at home!

"Well, they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good

They'll stone you just like they said they would

They'll stone you when you're trying to go home

And they'll stone you when you're there all alone

But I would not feel so all alone

Everybody must get stoned"

-Bob Dylan

in reply to

Well.They'll stone you when you walk all alone

They'll stone you when you're walking home

They'll stone you & then say you're brave

They'll stone you when you're set down in your grave

But I would not feel so all alone

Everybody must get stoned

-Lets hear it for Bob,,,,

Bamber99 profile image

I understand your fear! Hope you have a fabulous time Melissa. S x

in reply to Bamber99

Thank you! Still lounging in bed on a dark and overcast morning! 😴

I wouldn't worry about the stones, it's the beetles and such that make their homes in between, don't sleep with your mouth open!

in reply to

OH NICE! “....Yes, we were in France and while sleeping, she choked to death on a beetle!” 🦗Thank you!!!!!!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

If you're that worried just get stoned!! Have a great time....x

in reply to Telian

Yes, because when I’m stoned, I always get the munchies for beetles!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to


in reply to

It's ok, 200 years ago people wore nightcaps with bows under the chin to stop their jaws from dropping open, not sure about stone ceilings but certainly under thatch!!! I was reading that we will all be eating insects soon so you are ahead of the game!

Pongo13 profile image

Stoned again? Must be the cannabis oil.....

Telian profile image

Haven't seen one before - looks well maintained and clean - enjoy!

Marymon profile image

When I lived in France the gaps between the joists were home to little spiders, they came down on silken threads that waved in an air current.

I was told by locals they were the ones that bite, not the big ones.

Try not to scream as you may dislodge a stone.!!!! If you displace one, they are placed there from above, that means going into the roof space. What might be found up there ????😁😁😁

I could go on.....

All part of getting away away experience.

Advice is to have lovely food and wine, go to bed, relax, and DON'T LOOK UP!!!!!

It's not going to happen.

The sun will have come out by now, or soon will, and you won't have time to read this. You will be having a cool rose provencal, nibbling on fat black olives, after having had a stroll around local Sunday.


Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Marymon

That’ll chear her up! The spiders I mean.😂

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to Constance13

Ha ha ha, you take them with a pinch of salt, yum 😋yum

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Marymon

Stranger things have been eaten.😂

in reply to Constance13


Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to Constance13

What a coincidence after scaring you arachnophobes, in Sunday Telegraph, an article ‘ Draw a friendly spider to cure arachnophobia’

Give it big eyes, a smile and bright colours. After four hours some of you will be able to touch a tarantula, and catch a house spider. Don’t know about the rest of you.😲😫😤

And all because Mellissa shared her holiday pics.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Marymon

In hospital? Dead?

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to Constance13

Was it something I said?🤭

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Marymon


Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to Constance13

That’s what it said, perhaps he knows our Defence Minister, Gavin Williamson, who kept a tarantula, in a box, on his desk in The Commons. To keep Arachnophobic M.P.s at Bay.???🕸🕷.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Marymon

It wasn’t what the dr said, it was what you said “Don’t know about the rest of you”.

My humour missed the mark. Sorry!

in reply to Constance13


in reply to Marymon


Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to

Sorry Melissa, is the therapy working??

As you can guess, a wet day here.

in reply to Marymon

Well the least of my worries are the beetles, now!!!

karools16 profile image
karools16 in reply to Marymon

What spiders are friendly????????? Only good spider is a dead 1. Coming from S.Africa, we have huge spiders. I live alone and am not sharing my bungalow with any spider/creepie-crawly.ZAP!!!

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to karools16

I find them fascinating creatures. They catch flies for a start, flies carry disease, know which I would sooner have.

I agree I don’t want to live with them. But no need to kill them.

One Christmas we were all given a spider catcher by a friend, it works without the mess you probably make by squashing them. !!!

Omanain profile image

I am a real spider phobic and my first thought on seeing that was that it most be home to hundreds of spiders. I would not be able to spend time in that room let alone sleep there. It does look quite nice though.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Omanain

Never seen anything like it. Most impractical!

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to Omanain

Sorry meant it as a joke, but realise not to an arachnophob.

Just think of the food and wine, and choose a place without one ceilings.

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to Marymon

Meant OPEN cei!ings.

Spell check is sabotaging me today.

Suet3942 profile image

Well if Melissa wasn’t very worried before all these posts, she sure is now!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

in reply to Suet3942

F _ _k me! 😳

Nap1 profile image

That was the funniest blog ever. You folks need to write a book about ceilings and beetles and spiders. I am still laughing. Have a wonderful time. That ceiling is gorgeous. I would never find that in the US. 🕷🐞

in reply to Nap1

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Nap1

Just as well, probably!

HeronNS profile image

Are you sure they are real stones? Maybe they're just painted styrofoam! Some designer given free rein to create a rustic "authentic" look got carried away!

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to HeronNS

Not on your life, the French have official instruction books on how to replicate traditional artisans work, and it is not by using polystyrene.

Charming, n’est pas ??

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Marymon

Okay. No, I don't think it either charming or sensible. Why would anyone in any time ever have thought this a good idea? I wasn't even suggesting they were restoring a traditional thing, just making up a design. Surely one is allowed to make up designs, however ill thought?

The worst design idea I had the misfortune to meet when on holiday this spring was a completely glass bathroom in our ultramodern hotel room. But I think rocks in the ceiling would have come a close second!

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to HeronNS

Not on old buildings. Plenty of regulations, thank goodness.

Fire, aesthetics etc.,

Modern design is where you can experiment, within regs.

Glass bathroom, wow !obviously not for the shy.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Marymon

So are these rock-filled ceilings really a thing in France? I've tried several google searches and so far not found anything at all. Just exposed beam rooms with stone foundations or walls. Even tried searching .fr en francais.

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to HeronNS

I lived in the South West and I haven’t seen them there, although the S.W have their own peculiarities. On the second floor, one above the ground floor, (in England called the first floor ) the bedroom floor is the ceiling of the one below, gaps in the boards allow you you to look 👀 into the room above, not given to privacy. So no talking in bed 🛏!!!

As to the construction in Provence, I have seen it in what would have been a peasant dwelling, perhaps because planks of timber would have been expensive. Area doesn’t support many suitable trees.

I will check it out, my son has connections in the renovation world in that part.

It has me intrigued now.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Marymon

It is intriguing. I can't see how a layer of heavy stones helps save timber, however. Surely the people on the floor above are not walking on stones and these stones are added weight for the beams that are in place.

in reply to HeronNS

Nobody above.... the building is a ground and first floor and we're on the first floor! So no extra weight .... other than the stones of course! The place is actually a few hundred years old.... I guess it's lasted this long. 🤔

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

Ah, well if the level above is basically not being used then it seems more sensible. Well, it's been a conversation maker if nothing else, and I've been fascinated to learn about it. Busy noticing all things to do with home decor. We've started watching the tv reno shows again and have a book of about a million paint chips in the house, and so on and so on. I am majorly stressed at the moment. Even waking up early, in pitch dark because the days are getting shorter, and not being able to go back to sleep because my head starts to spin.... But a few years ago we planned to build an addition to our house (later cancelled partly because I was quite ill with undiagnosed PMR and couldn't cope) and I had a Pinterest account. The other day I browsed for bathroom taps and was trying to remember how to save my favourite to my long unused Pinterest account, when I found I'd saved that exact model about three or four years ago. Gives me a bit of confidence that I do make the right choice eventually.

in reply to HeronNS

....putting chair on desk. Okay, climbing up on desk with two numb, tingling feet and a bad knee. 🙄 Hmmmm? Feel real to me!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Stop that Melissa, two weeks ago an elderly neighbour, 86 yrs young, thought it a good idea to prune branches from a tree and fell breaking her hip and collarbone. They operated successfully on those but whilst recovering she developed heart failure and died - yes dead - gone - and she was so lively - not anymore and SHE wouldn't be told. So no climbing!!! PS hubby says that's what will happen to me! moi! This holiday of yours will be over soon and we'll have heard from you every hour on the hour. Suppose you'll worry next that the wheels might come off the train/plane, whatever your mode of transport is. Stop it. xxxx

in reply to Telian

Wow! Bummer! No worries about me falling off the chair, on the desk... there is no way I could get up on desk to begin with! 🤣 Nah, that's silly... the wheels won't come off plane, but the plane could crash! 🤣. You'd think I was death phobic, but I'm actually not!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

I know = just get on your holiday and celebrate hubbies birthday everyday - cheers!

in reply to Telian

Hubbies Big Day is Wednesday.... forcaste call for rain! 🤣 He got his real gift before we left, a new pair of Italian Driving Shoes. wednesday's gift.... 3 pair of cashmere, funky, crazy coloured socks! 🙃

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

Today is my hubby's birthday. I sent him a Jacquie Lawson card and told him he should get on with buying his present from last Christmas, slippers. We obviously live a much lower key life than you do!

in reply to HeronNS


Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Lucky boy! x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Believe there was a case recently - a first solo flight by a 17 year old ended with her being talked down and managing a perfect emergency landing...

But not quite the same as a big plane I admit.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

😆 Well, it certainly is interesting.

Marymon profile image

Hi Melissa,

Have you arrived back safely in Brighton? Checked your bags for 🕷 and beetles 🐞, and can resume your stress free life.🙅🏻‍♀️.

You have supplied some of us with chuckles and others with nightmares- (help from me with spiders, sorry couldn’t help myself).


in reply to Marymon

Still in France, barely sleeping and definitely with one eye open! Exhausting holiday!!!!’

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to

C’est va??

Stuck it out then, !!!

Tune out 🎧🍷🍷

We will just have to manage without you a little longer.

MartiFL profile image

OMG, just home from work (well, part-time work running duplicate bridge club), and I find this thread. Hysterical!

I would have climbed up there regardless of my lack of agility to find if those stones are styrofoam or not. That middle beam looks like it could collapse at any moment if they are real stones.

And after the stones fall down, all the spiders hiding behind them come tumbling down, too.

Whatever. It's a welcome relief from PMR, and hope you're having a grand time!!

Happy birthday tomorrow to your hubby.

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