Does anyone know what exactly this means? My rheumy suspects I have an active immune system. Thank you!
Active Immune System : Does anyone know what... - PMRGCAuk
Active Immune System

Hi ptm,
Kind of an odd comment considering our immune system is attacking our body🤔.
In what context did she/he say it?
Best -fm
Do you have allergies! That can be a problematic sign of an active immune system. Normally it just means that you fight off colds etc.
Jane can you clarify a bit more please? Thank you. : )
Not really ptm2018. I just thought that he might mean you were having allergic reactions. You must ask him. I think it does have a medical meaning but that is the sum total of my knowledge. Let us know when you find out.
That's where I am confused by this. I did read about allergic reaction but don't quite get how it impacts the immune system 😒
Simplistically, the immune system is on high alert with allergies. You can find yourself with multiple allergies. I think that I am more intolerant of contaminants in the air,clothes washing liquids. I have the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The psoriasis on my feet would flare up if I put scented foot cream on them. Sometimes I itch for no reason. This has developed over time with PMR. Perhaps that means my immune system is “ active” in your Rheumatologist ‘s meaning. Perhaps “ over- active” in layman’s terms. Does that make sense? I, like you, am guessing.
It makes perfectly good sense and I think the gluten free way to eat is the answer. Food is killing us. 😰😰😰
Well I have an update: After hours of researching medical publications in scientific journals, their is clearly a connection between inflammation and allergies and food. As a result of the research that I did, I went to a top allergist here in Florida last week. She listened vary carefully and ordered a bank of immunoglobulin blood work, gluten blood lab work, Thyroid tests, and blood work to determine what outside environmental and foods I am allergic to which CAN cause inflammation, such as PMR. It turns out that my Gluten blood lab work was off the charts. I also allergic to shell fish which is something I had no clue because I never broke out in any rashes. However, allergic reaction from the research that I did and what was told to me today, states that allergic reactions can be caused in the gut. It leaks out into the blood. And yes, we hear so much about this in the news, but it makes sense. All the other blood work was within normal limits. With all the gluten we take into our bodies, we don't realize this but we are doing more damage to ourselves. So now I have been told to cut out all glutens and return in 3 weeks for an new ESR and CRP and CMP blood work. If the numbers are better, then it is clear my issue of inflammation is coming from food and environmental factors. I have my work cut out for me.
I may be wrong, but I thought it meant what we are auto immune disease.....but I'm no expert.......
Sounds like your rheumy is talking gobbledegook or trying to sound clever. We all should have an active immune system unless we take something like steroids that suppresses it to a greater or lesser extent depending on the dose.

I agree with piglette. Unless you have misheard what he said. I devoutely hope my immune system is active - it protects me from invading viruses and bacteria! However, sometimes it can be OVERactive and attack your body as if it were foreign and that is what causes the symptoms we have. But really - if that is really what he said he is being silly...
Agreed Piglette. All of our immune systems are active unless it is compromised and not working properly, or overactive such as having an auto immune condition like PMR/GCA which attacks itself causing excess inflammation in our major joints. I’m no Dr......just my guess.