I was diagnosed with PMR last October. I have been reading post but until now never written one. I feel that I am part of a game of snakes and ladders. Like most of you I guess, I was very fit, belonging to a health club, enjoying life. Then Wham, Bam, Thankyou Mam, I was imoberlised 😳 What a shock. I basically diagnosed myself from the Internet , went to the doctors, he advised me to go private as such a long wait, on the NHS. To cut a long story short, I was put on 15 mg steroids a day, gradually being brought down . Got down as far as eight a day and wallop !! It all came crashing back. Now back up to 10mgs a day. 😝 Not any fun is it ? I saw a post the other day, someone had written " make friends with your PMR,,,, 👹 I think I never could,,, what do you think ? PS. Steroids have made me put on weight 😝 Any answers to that, anyone. Xx
Stingy nettles : I was diagnosed with PMR last... - PMRGCAuk
Stingy nettles

Weight problem: cut your carbs drastically. Pred changes how you metabolise carbs and also triggers the liver to release random spikes of glucose into the blood which in turn triggers insulin - your BS level shoots up and back down and you have a mega hunger for anything but preferably carbs. Not eating carbs avoids the BS rise and insulin response.
Many of us have been successful in either not gaining weight in the first place (later comers) or losing considerable amounts even while still on pred. I started losing weight at 15mg and over about 18 months lost 35lbs or so. I have just about maintained that for about 3 years - I need to lose more but have to go to very low carb to lose rather than maintain and I hadn't got my head around it. Think I have again
To have got from 15mg to 8mg in such a short time is pretty fast - we'd say no wonder you flared. One recommended approach from a top UK PMR specialist keeps the patient at 10mg for a year and they find that reduces the rate of flares from 3 in 5 to 1 in 5. We on the forums reckon we can reduce the flare rate even further - which we think is all good. We go slower than many doctors would like - but it isn't slow when it works, the patient feels well because they don't have to fight steroid withdrawal or flares and they avoid having to go back to higher doses and starting over again.
PMR may not become your best friend - but coming to a platonic agreement to tolerate and pacify each other is a good start. It isn't PMR that should become your friend - it is pred. Most people are so desperate to get off it they go at it like a bull in the proverbial china shop. And that NEVER works well.
Thank you so much for your reply, very good of you. I shall take your advise, re carbs, and see what happens.
By the way, my name is Carolyn, can't find out how to correct it on my form. Do we put our own names ? Never done anything like this before. Do people put pictures of themselves ? I haven't seen any.
PMRpro has given good advice, so I won’t repeat.
I think once you put your profile name up, it’s not easy to change, but as you’ve only done one post it might be worth starting again with a new profile name, and deleting the old.
Most people use a pseudonym, for data protection reasons, but it’s up to you, just don’t give too much info. What we are more interested in is what you have -PMR or GCA, how long and a bit about yourself - all of which can be put in your profile. That means we can look at that if we wish before we answer a question you may have. Gender and country is useful too. You can down load a picture for background and also to appear alongside your name if you wish. Any problems look at Help page, or just ask.
Oh, and welcome!
Thank you very much for that, DorsetLady. I have had enough of trying this tonight. But will start refreshed tomorrow. Have taken your advice and will try to follow, X
I changed my name after signing up. It was quite easy to do, just went to edit my profile, but at that time, a couple or three years ago there was a statement it could only be changed twice, I think. Maybe once. I'll see if I can figure it out and add the link.
Hello, I vouch for the no carbs approach. I started on 60mg 14 months ago and have not put on any weight. Still got the chubby cheeks because what fat one has tends to be reshuffled to the face and tummy.
Thank you SnazzyD maybe I had better rename myself Hampster ☺️ I will definatly cut carbs, ie... Jacket potatoes, not a health choice now. Kind of you to answer.
I no longer eat pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, pastries, biscuits etc. I now don’t miss them apart from a lovely fresh baguette, but I’ve not had that for years since having to go gluten free, so I just sniff my husband’s and dream. After about 10mg I’ve had about 5 chips a week and 1 piece of gluten free cake a month. I have always had a couple of glasses of 11-12% wine per week and 2-4 squares of 80% and upwards of dark chocolate.
Chocolate-so tempting to eat the whole thing! 😱
Hello SnazzyD, written to you already this am. Forgot to press the reply button 🙄 I was wondering what you do eat for satisfaction and fullness ? Been told to keep off meats as much as possible. Would feel very happy to lose this weight I have gained. X
Snap - there is something rather special about the end of bagette isn't there!!
You're killing... I can smell it!
I might just break if someone offered me a turkey, lettuce, tomato and mayo sandwich, on a lovely fresh baguette! Game over!

I would eat it. life is short. but one would have to be a BLT! with tomatoes from the garden. But then straight back to no bread!
Okay... you make them, I'll be right over!
Thank you SnazzyD, With all the foods you have cut out, what do you eat ? I have already been told not much meat, what can be eaten to feel satisfied, ?... But not getting fatter....?. Or bloated 😳
Hello and welcome! It's a bit confusing at first while you come to terms with juggling pills, food, information .. my two pence worth regarding the low carb way of eating (don't think of it as a diet): lots of leafy green veg, salads, oily fish once or twice a week, chicken, eggs, avocado, full fat Greek yogurt for gut biome (and it tastes great!) There was a programme on BBC One last night, 'The Truth About Carbs' which was fascinating and very informative, definitely worth a look. All the best and keep posting!
Hello Slowdown, Thankyou for that, you have made me grin from ear to ear. Will watch the programme tonight and set about changing my larder and fridge. 😊
Forgot to say that 'taking control' of any aspect of our sometimes bewildering condition has immense benefits, not only in physical health but as a psychological boost. Happy shopping!
The fat in your food will satisfy you. So if you eat meat you can use some fat to cook it but use "good" fats and stick to unprocessed unsalted meats.
I basically eat low carb high fat. I have cream in coffee. If I have soft fruit (can have a small portion) I use full fat Greek yoghurt or cream. I am been eating this way for a year coming down from 15mg to 8/7mg and have lost over a stone. I have had diabetes for years but made wrong choices based on drs advice so pred blew me up like a balloon. I tend to just think of it as eating. Occasionally you might find you are tempted to have a high carb day...sometimes we have to to survive.
Why not too much meat? I don't eat vast amounts of meat - less than 100g at any meal - but there is nothing wrong with it in moderation and it is a valuable source of protein which we need to maintain our muscles when on pred (a good veggie diet will also provide all the protein required IF it is done properly).
When you cut carbs (sugar) you don't have to worry about fat - so full fat cheese and yoghurt, eggs and butter are allowed. Again, in moderation - don't gorge on them, but they are fine. When you eat protein and fat and leave the carbs you won't feel so hungry once you get used to it, the first few days may be harder but it isn't long to be really disciplined. Slowdown has said other things - I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Except with my meat.fish/poultry, I live on salads and grilled/roast above ground veggies dressed with olive oil - a plate of THOSE is definitely satisfying!
👹 sounds yummy,,,, what's for afters 🤗 Lol
Sorry not bein flippant , just had an omelette for breakfast, and hate the things, never mind, another little something to get used to.
I do have the things you mention, like a healthy diet, just usually have a slice of bread or some potatoes, jersey royals at the moment, oh well, it's better to be as pain free as possible, isn't it.
Thank you x
Why do you hate omelettes? Do you like eggs in other forms? Would you eat an omelette presented as frittata with loads of peppers and things in it so the egg part is subdued?
It is all about changing your mindset as to what is "breakfast" food really. Personally I don't eat breakfast - just 4 mugs of tea! But living in other countries shows you the variety of foods you can eat at any meal - so I don't feel constrained to toast and marmalade. Here in Germanic Italy breakfast is sliced cheeses, meats, tomatoes, cucumber, as well as eggs in all sorts of shapes and forms - the sort of foods that the UK tends to think of as lunch.
And you probably need to assess what you are eating now - keeping a food diary for a few days helps a lot. It isn't just bread or potatoes you have to be aware of for low carb: below ground veggies and many fruits have large amounts of carb, that flavoured yoghurt that you thought was so healthy is full of added sugar as well as its natural sugar - which must be taken into account as well. That milky coffee, the sauce/gravy, commercial coleslaw:
It isn't No carb we suggest - but you do have to work out for yourself how much carb you can eat and still lose weight. To lose weight I can't eat more than about 20-25g useable carbohydrate. To get that into perspective, a slice of bread contains 12g, a medium apple around 20g, a medium banana 25g - and how often do you find a "medium" apple or banana these days?! Once you have lost the weight you can add carbs in until you stop losing - it isn't LOW carb for life, but it is LESS carb for life - or it will all go back on again.
I eat all meat, ideally organic, (going veggie years ago made me ill) fish, seafood, eggs, no dairy (can’t eat it), lots of veg, fruit (but not a whole bunch of sugary grapes). I always ate root veg but not masses. I never worry about fat but go for mainly vegetable fats but not processed. I use lots of garlic, spices and herbs especially to make up for lack of salt.
Hi Carolyn... others have said most of the answers already...so I just say welcome, and be kind to yourself.
You are learning to live with a challenging disorder, which seems capricious at times. PMR has its own time schedule, and little we can do to shorten or hasten the life of the beastie.
We only can be patient and flexible and take our prednisone in doses that keep us moving comfortably as possible.
Kind regards, Jerri
Thank you Purple Crow, and the other answers, most welcome . My higher dose not quite kicked in yet,so lovely to wake up and see some replies 😎
I am in Essex if anyone is near me.
There are support groups in Essex: pmrgca.co.uk/groups/
Hi caroiyn and welcome to the site, won't add any more than has already been said except it is not uncommon when reaching around the 7.5mg mark for the body to object so don't feel too disheartened. It means you will have to take a much slower approach to your taper, the dead slow nearly stop (DSNS) is used by many so don't be in such a hurry as you get lower - you're more likely to get there without an u turns if you do. It means you will probably have to stay on your dose a little longer than you've been doing and perhaps reducing by only 1mg at a time - even by .5mg is what some of us have to do - me included. You might not want to make friends with PMR but my advice would be to accept your illness and pace yourself throughout. I have GCA and PMR and was diagnosed in March 2014 starting at 50mg pred, I cannot get lower than 3mg, was on that for 17 months until Easter this year when I had a flare following a procedure and went up to 5mg. I still haven't been able to get back to 3mg as suffer withdrawals doing a toggle 5/4/5/4/ taper - my taper is currently .5mg once weekly! After 3 weeks I am now ready to increase further. We are all different so just listen to your body and you won't go far wrong.
Oh and by the way I live in Essex.
Oh ! What part of Essex ? Or would you rather not say on here ? Love to know if you are anywhere near me. X
Hi caroiyn, Great hat! And "welcome" to the club, nobody wants to be a member of! I was diagnosed in November 2017, so I am right behind you; but I have both PMR and GCA, so double Wham, Bam! Sorry you got to 8mg only to go back to 10 mg, that stinks! Although, I would LOVE to be on 10mg... I started on 60, went to 45 (almost died) went to 80 and now have successfully reduced to 40! Being on or below 10mg (for some reason) seems like something I want, but I'm not 100% sure why; as I see people still struggle with aches and pains, steroid side effects and withdrawal symptoms... on or even below 10mg!!!!
I wish you well and hope to see you post more often... it helps to vent! And the experts here have a LOT of knowledge. I hope your journey on this path is short and easy!

Hello mamici1, Thank you for that. It's strange, I don't want anyone else to have this rotten, complaint. But isn't it nice to know you aren't the only one ?
Such a comfort to hear from other people. Wish I had had the courage to write on here before . 😊
I totally understand that sentiment! It is nice to know that there are others who are going through the same thing... although we feel bad that they are!
And... you are here now, you have written, nothing bad happened and we expect to see more from you! ; )
Weight gain seems to be yet another thorn in this PMR briar patch and as a carb lover, I am having difficulty getting my head around a life without chips, rice, sandwiches etc. On the other hand, I am a meat lover so I guess I will have to find a recipe for no-carb wraps and learn to enjoy more oily fish.
Oooooooooooo, a sandwich! : {}
I haven't had a sandwich in 7 months!

Wow, am I pleased that I don’t need to stick to a diet - if I see it and like it I eat it. Unfortunately I’m very rarely hungry though. When in hospital recently there was a note sent to my doctor “signs of malnutrition” (perhaps it was the hospital food which caused it).😂😂
I am green with envy!
...and yes, more than likely the hospital food!!!! : {
Hello Ta1ch1, Thank you for answering. When you find the no-carb wrap recipe ,I should love it please, as will everyone 👯👯👯 wonder if there is such a thing. Enjoy more oily fish 🤔 Um! Sounds delightful. Lol ☺️
There are lots of keto or paleo recipes for low carb taco/wraps. Some for tacos are only 2 g carbs. They are often an acquired taste if you use coconut flour (I tried pancakes with it...wasn't a good experience). I do use a lot of gram flour for crackers. They are not no carb but low carb. There are lots of previous posts on low carb with recipe links. Just search the site using low carb. Welcome!!
Hi Carolyn
Welcome 💐 We’re moving House tomorrow & the Removal Guys are coming after lunch to start loading up!
So l will write more when I have my Well Deserved Lie In on Saturday!
You are in good company here so just take it easy.
Speak Soon
Mrs N 💅🏼

Thank you Mrs N, Good luck with your move, and Happy New Home. Look forward to hearing from you, when you are settled.x

It’s strenuous, but worth it. Our move was 4 months ago and we already feel settled and happy.
Watch those “nails” though.😂😂
GOOD LUCK MrsNails.. I hope al goes well!!!!!!!
Thanks x
There's a very good low carb recipe book called The 8 week Blood Sugar diet Recipe book, by Dr Clare Bailey
Going to give these a try as I happen to have some Coconut four and Almond flour in the pantry. I feel some coconut chilli chicken wraps might be in order. youtube.com/watch?v=Xgm8Fp1...
Well done, that was quick 😊 You try them first, let me know what they are like, 😬 Think you are brilliant to find something though. X
The coconut flour has a weird texture at first. But mixed with almond should be fine. As I have just said (above) there are lots of recipes to try. I would be interested to know if they freeze. I made taco shells with gram flour but texture was funny. Maybe it's just me and texture😂😂😂

Would probably eat while still warm from the pan, so freezing isn't something I considered. Will let everyone know if these are remotely edible.
I have had the Bfree sweet potato wraps from Tesco (no doubt available at other outlets! They have about half the carbs of normal wraps and I really liked them - I used one to make a gluten-free base for pizza too! A single wrap has 17.5g carbs - not low carb but much lower than other sorts. And I found the texture perfectly acceptable.
I order several low carb products online a couple of years ago. One of their wraps weren't too bad but I tried to not tempt myself. I will try those you mention though as I am not quite as strict now. I have some xanthum gum and different gluten and wheat free flours that I would like to try. But having looked at "side effect" of the gum I am more reluctant. I suppose as I have got the flours I should at least try them.

I find low carb wraps look OK until you try to roll them then they crack. Mine have always tasted a bit omlet-y. Will try the new recipe. Fingers crossed, I love a good wrap!
I think that's why I have a problem with texture. Too hopeful they will be like wrap wraps. I did a young woman on TV a while back who had started a business making egg wraps. She basically did a thin omlette and stuffed with meat and veg. They didn't spilt but would obviously be omelette like. But maybe if my starting point is that it's an omlette wrap the texture will be ok.😂

yes I think you need gluten for a wrap to work.

Hello, This is to you and anyone that might see it. I am being notified by email that some people have written to me. I am unable to answer them as I can't find where they are. 🙄 Might have mentioned that I am rubbish on this, hence first time I tried it last evening.
Where are the notes ? Anyone can help ?.. Thank you in advance if you can. X
Hi Caroiyn, I have sent you a "private message" and you answered... You can find all private messages, if you click the "CHAT" icon above; up where it says HOME, MY HUB, CHAT, and the little Bell Symbol.
If people have responded to your Post "Stingy nettles," you should see all the comments/responses here... Scroll above and you'll see al the comments people have left on YOUR post! : )
Your email server will tell you when someone has sent you a private message or if you "follow" then when they have posted, or when they make a comment on one of your posts... but you will need to come here (to this website) to see their comment or go to CHAT to see there private massage.
Does that make sense?
If you click on the email notification it should take you to their reply - it opens a window and shows the thread the reply is in. When it works properly it takes you directly to their reply but there are hiccups for some of us at present and we just get to the thread - then have to scroll down to find the reply.
It's been worked on...
Hello Carolyn. I think it was my post you saw the other day - re “make friends with PMR”. This post was not supposed to be taken seriously, just to ease the load a little 😀, as I believe you must have realized when you read the replies.
I also said it would not be popular with the “newbies”. It was meant as light relief for the long-timers. NONE of the beginners would be able to see this post as light relief - the pain and discomfort are far far too familiar with us all.
I see by your later post that you have a sense of humour - that will get you through the worst of this pesky illness, and, thank goodness, we have a lot of that on here.
Welcome and all the best from Constance. 💐💐🍾🍸
I agree with everyone. I am right with you at 9.5 from 15 in November. No flare so far but holding fast for a while. And the carb thing is true. I am now not having sugar and treats but the weight I have gained 1 stone (! see I'm becoming like you all language wise. !) is not coming off. MUST get rid of the white flour. and carbs. can't bear to lose the fruit just yet. but am tapering. good luck to you!
Hello 😊 Thank you for that, fruit too ??? Oh dear! I shall have to look at this a bit more. I have read that bananas are very good for the potassium in them, that might outdo anything else ??? X
No - a banana has 25g of carbohydrate. If you need under 50g carbs a day to lose weight, that is half of them gone already!
Have some reading for when you are sitting with your feet up:
It is about balance. Bananas have potassium but for me they release sugar too fast (have diabetes). Other fruit and veg have potassium if you are worried about it. I have cut and pasted thus from the web.
Many fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium:
Bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricots, grapefruit (some dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, and dates, are also high in potassium)
Cooked spinach.
Cooked broccoli
Sweet potatoes.

Thank you , it is lovely to hear what you can eat fairly safely. X
They still have some carbs. I did a link to a carb checkers on a post on low carb. Also the book supported by diabetes UK called carbs and Cal's is good as it is basically different sized portions of everyday foods and how many grams of carbs are in each portion. It's by two writers but one is cheyette and I bought it online. It's my go to book. No recipes but tells you content of takeaways and all cereals etc.

Thank you Poopadoop, someone told me today about a program about carbs usage , it was on last night. I will try to see it on catch up.
They hopefully will explain. Then progress to the book. 🤓X

As you say, always a balancing act and this is a very useful list for adding potassium without busting out the bananas, although one of my sleep-inducing tricks is to have a small bowl of porridge cooked with half a banana. I have no shame at 3a.m....
Sleep for me is the most important factor in feeling well. A but if carb at bedtime can help. Sometimes I save carbs for evening.
Hello Carolyn
I'm on a no-sugar, lo carb, diet. I have one banana a day for the potassium and other nutrients, but not more as they are fairly high in carbs. All fruit is, so best not to overdo it. But also best to include some for the nutrition.
Re 'What can you eat?' - in addition to what others have mentioned, avocado is particularly useful - v rich in nutrients. Half a large avocado as a base, whole if small, with cottage cheese, flaked fish, egg or whatever you like, piled on it - makes a satisfying meal.
I also find aubergine useful. It cooks v quickly and, as it doesn't have a strong flavour, can be the basis of any wok-style mix, chopped w loads of other veg, fish, meat etc. I use lots of garlic and chilli in mixes like these. You can also cut an aubergine into slices (maybe 4 if lengthways), put it under the grill like toast, and maybe eat in a similar way. It's softer than toast but quite ok. Try it w peanut butter, or any topping you might put on toast. For nutritional reasons I never peel aubergine - the skin is the best bit.
Good luck.
Hi BonnyQuine, Thank you for the tips, I am serious about trying these things. I have never even tried aubergine , isn't that awful ? I will in the next few days though. 😳 Will let you know how I find it.
Carolyn X
If you have 25g of carbs going spare the small snack packs of soreen...pre buttered is 24.4g of carb.
It's not awful at all. People eat what they're used to.
I've lived in other parts of the world, where people eat all sorts of different things, and it helps to give ideas.
If you need recipes to begin with, there are quite a few Middle Eastern recipes that use aubergine. I had them in the garden in W Africa, where they grow on big bushes and are versatile and popular, often boiled and put in pepper soup to eat w yam etc. That's no use here, but the methods I described are really handy. Try it - you might be surprised.
Just occurs to me to mention that, if you chop it and put in the wok, it absorbs a lot of oil - so use a healthy oil. I use extra-virgin olive - Tesco's own is fine. First give it a minute on a slightly higher temp to let it brown a little (but not as high as normal stir-fry temp because of the olive oil), then add a little hot water before adding the other veg and whatever else is in the mix. Chilli early on, garlic much later. Timing depends on what's in the mix, but usually just a few minutes.
When grilling, you can brush it w oil first if you want it 'juicier' - depending what topping you're going to add. If eg sardines, I don't bother. You need to experiment to find what you like.
My favourite aubergine meal is mousakka - Greek shepherds pie my husband calls it! Layer of sliced fried/grilled aubergine in the bottom of the dish, cover with a layer of mince cooked as for spag bol, another layer of aubergine and top with an egg beaten into a Greek yogurt (makes it a low carb topping). Takes about half an hour at 180C to set the custard and brown the top.
This convinced my OH who said he didn't like aubergine! I use the egg in yoghurt with cheese to make cauliflower cheese - usually parmesan in the yoghurt and a slice of a good melting cheese on top since Cheddar is a rare bird here!
Thank you AzucenaNymphaea,
That was indeed , very very technical, although I did get some of what you said. Thank you x
Two things. 1) Consider testing your blood glucose levels like a diabetic would. It is very revealing how much the prednisone can send your blood sugar into dangerous levels. Everyone responds differently, and a good portion of the population is already insulin resistant. So a little testing will tell you how YOUR body is responding to different foods while on prednisone.
2) On the topic of eating meat, in the low carb community there is some disagreement about the amount of protein that should be consumed on a low carb diet. Those who are strictly into weight loss and building muscle will go with higher amounts than those who are more concerned with blood sugar levels, such as those with diabetes. The thinking by those concerned about blood glucose levels is that too much protein will convert to glucose in the liver, so they go with a lower recommended value. I think those of us who are on prednisone will be more likely in this second group. Here is a link to a calculator to figure your optimal protein intake from this second perspective. ketonurses.wordpress.com/20...
Hi Carolyn,
Please above all be kind to yourself. In terms of diet, there are a number of different strategies and everyone has individual needs. If you start eating things you don't like, and completely withdraw from food you love, it will be very difficult to adhere to these changes. There are many websites and people who offer dietary advice and most are unregulated and not based on scientific evidence. Places like the Nutrition Society, the British Dietetic Association, and the Food Standards Agency only provide advice that is based on sound scientific evidence. Even then there is a suite of options to choose from. You can try to track your hunger to see if you are hungry when you should be, or hungry all the time, or not hungry and eating out of habit. Keeping a diet diary (for personal viewing only) can help you to track and understand your eating habits. It can be difficult to make changes, so allow yourself to take the time you need to make the right decisions for you. You can also work on the positives: trying to drink a glass of water a day; trying to eat fruit and veg every day; trying wholegrain options. Good luck and please enjoy your food!
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Many of these "Associations" are funded/sponsored by the corporate food industry. It was they who supported the low fat diet for cardiovascular health - the growth of which has directly paralleled the increase in obesity in the world. The low fat approach is now discredited - as is the CICO story (calories in and calories out), all calories are NOT equal.
The American Diabetic Association now supports the use of low carb in managing diabetes and the British approach is following it. One of the reasons we support lowering carbohydrate intake when on corticosteroids is because it also helps reduce the risk of developing steroid-induced diabetes. It isn't just weight control - but for pred patients, it does work for most.
Yes, I’ve seen this but like a lot of press reporting I don’t buy into what they say. There are experts who are not biased, who have done the research, and are not trying to sell things. Diet is critically important and immensely complex. I’d recommend anyone to be careful about making changes without specialist care. That is not to say that a low carb is a good or bad approach. It simply does not suit everyone. If people feel like there is only one option and they struggle with it, it can be problematic for their mood and well being.
I don't always buy into what the media say either, nor what the associations say - but I base it on my own medical science background knowledge. Things I was saying 30 years ago are now coming into mainstream science. Not least the low fat versus sugar story.
OK, that’s great. But, there are options for people. It’s not all or nothing.