Low battery : Just feel lost. Nothing more to... - PMRGCAuk


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morrison profile image
38 Replies

Just feel lost. Nothing more to say.

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morrison profile image
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38 Replies

Hey you.... youre not lost! Maybe just a bit off the track. Sometimes I get like that... Up is down. Left is right. Black is white. All seems wrong with the world.... but think of all the other times in your life that you've felt totally lost, and how you found your way back! You did it then, you can do it now!



SheffieldJane profile image

How can you be lost if you found your way here?

Things will look different in the morning.

I was despairing because my near neighbour is putting scaffolding up outside my bedroom window, to do her guttering. My bedroom is my peaceful haven where I rest. Today I had a man out to measure my window for plantation shutters. I sent for curtain wire and a length of muslin from Ikea £5.00, for the meantime. I feel so much better having done something about it - even if I have to cash my Premium bonds. My son said “it’s just men doing men work” for some reason that made me laugh, I’m saying it like a mantra. They had their shirts off today 😎 maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem. Sending you love and a hug. 😘

markbenjamin57 profile image

Hang-on in there morrison. Things can, and often will get better - that's a Promise ;-) :-)

Keep talking to us in this community, however and whatever's going on there...

'Uncle' MB x

morrison profile image
morrison in reply to markbenjamin57

Thank you and please let Tedski off the rails and have cuddles for the night. He deserves it. He has had a big change too. He can come and live with me and I can cookfor him. No problem. As long as he likes Jack Russel. X

HeronNS profile image

The human condition. I believe Dante begins The Divine Comedy with words something like "I found myself lost in a darkened wood...." You have found yourself lost. I found myself once in the most extraordinary way. In midlife I had a pretty spectacular midlife crisis and truly wanted to die. Was planning how to do myself in, although thoughts of my children, especially the youngest who was still in elementary school at the time, stayed my hand. I have written about this on the forum before, so forgive the repetition those who might remember. I felt that behind me yawned a dark chasm and I was afraid of falling in. One day I decided I would draw a picture of this. In India ink I drew a seated woman, then started to fill in the space behind her, only to discover that instead of a dark hole I'd drawn a tree trunk. An enormous supportive tree trunk! I'd say this was the turnaround for me. I've gone through some pretty dark times since then, mostly after retirement and before PMR diagnosis, but never quite that bad. That tree sustains me.

MaryA_ profile image
MaryA_ in reply to HeronNS

Glad you got through it all. A new day n a new dawn!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to MaryA_

Only tell this tale to let others know there is light at the end of the tunnel!

in reply to HeronNS

I for one, am so glad that you discovered the "light," where you thought darkness grew... This space would not be the same with you!

MaryA_ profile image

Hang in there Morrison. Hugs from Maine USA❤️

CT-5012 profile image

Thinking of you, hugs and hope you feel happier very soon. 💐🌸🌼🌻🌹

Mstiles profile image

Hope it will pass soon for you Morrison. I know those black moods, I’ve been in one for a few days. Felt so low with new symptoms and all alone, trying to muster the energy to even know who to call, struggling to have faith things will get better.

I did call my eye clinic and felt heard and listened to, which made all the difference. Hope you can find reassurance and support to sustain you. There are always people on here who understand.

Please keep in touch.

Angiejnz profile image

We can hold your hand until you find yourself XXX I've got long arms...... supporting you from New Zealand

scats profile image

You're not lost just in a dark place. From time to time you will find others of us in there with you.

Look up and there will be others here who have found the sun and will be willing to help guide you out of the darkness.

Pongo13 profile image

Hope it's a Duracell battery. Think of those bunnies in the old TV advert. Might be low energy but they just K E E P. G O I N G! 🔋🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰

violetsnowdrop profile image

If we don't occasionally feel down we have no where to aspire to! I would give you a big virtual hug but I'm also known as the BIG HAIRY BEAR--more squash than a pumpkin! To paraphrase a song "The only way is up!"

I would adopt it as a PMR/GCA war cry but then I considered "the only was is down" applies to all of us pred-takers.

CrazyTrucker profile image

This is where my mind went..., The Crisis

by Thomas Paine

December 23, 1776

THESE are the times that try men's souls.


Should anyone care to read more.

As others have said hang in there! Try to think of one positive thing that has happened recently which made you happy. Concentrated on that and how it made you feel. You will get through this!

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to

I love this suggestion Nd am writing it down so I will remember it. 💕

If you know you are lost you can find your way out. As others have suggested think of us all as support. I hope the night time has passed and that today it's brighter. 🌻🌻🌻🌻

SnazzyD profile image

Hello, I think you are at the point where everything seems broken without resoloution. It can seem nothing’s settled or solid that you can get hold of, so just cling on to thoughts of your family and concentrate on just breathing. Like a building site when the new house is just a hole in the ground for ages while the foundations are being laid this is the messy time. Of course you miss having another half but this is early days and it will make you stronger though I’m sure you’re done with character building. It brought me back to years ago when my marriage had fallen apart, I had to move out with just a suitcase and was sleeping on friends’ floors and I had lost my job because the boss’s girlfriend didn’t like me. I concentrated on feeding squirrels in the park whenever I felt there was nothing left to wake up for. There was a very old lady on the bench doing the same. It turned out they were her only friends. Anyway, it looks like you’ve got the pieces ready and doors will open gradually but for now it is wound licking time.

Chrissy1953 profile image

Feeling lost is nothing to fear,

For everything that is lost

Is on the path to being found.

And you my lovely, have wings .

Slowdown profile image

I've been lost a good few times, all for different reasons - loneliness is the worst and the isolation of illness. The most bizarre time was when I was looking after an aunt with dementia who lived next door and would be found wandering in her nightie and brought back by people who looked at me as though I was being deficient in my carer's role. I couldn't lock her in at night, obviously, so I had a buzzer in my little place that went off ear-splittingly whenever her front door opened .. I was with her mostly during the day but at night I never knew if it was my aunt leaving or 'Someone Else' going in. I had my 'cat burglar' outfit all ready, black hat, trousers and top and approached the door very cautiously, hoping not to see an unfamiliar shape (ie not in a nightie) It was nerve-wracking... but sometimes I had to smile at the absurdity of it all. Talk about Pavlov's dog experiments, I reacted to loud noises for a couple of years, jumped a mile when the phone rang... and now that is all in the past. Sometimes the low mood just descends for no apparent reason, although the several issues in your life mean you're dealing with lots of stress and feeling the need for Just Someone to be near. The best we can do is listen to you and respond in our various ways - and how diverse we are, I love the stories your post has elicited. I hope you feel a bit more hopeful today x

yogabonnie profile image

Not quite so lost...as you posted!! The beginning. Next thing you know you will Laugh at some absurd and wonderful thing someone else posts. And Then...all things are possible!

suzy1959 profile image

Hang on in there- one thing is certain, that change is always with us and nothing stays the same for long- good and bad.❤️

Nerak12 profile image

Oh, hang on in their Morrison and things will get better.

HeronNS has given a lovely story about her tree. Sooo true!! I also have one (an eucalyptus) in my garden planted by a previous occupant. The reason I’m telling you about it was I discovered it’s significance when going through trauma therapy (bear with me, this isn’t all about me!). I was in a very dark place at the bottom of a very deep metaphorical gorge and couldn’t see how I could get up the sides and into the light. My amazing trauma therapist asked me to think about all the people who cared about me and all the things and people that had been and still were important to me. Then to think about those like the roots of a tree, below ground, your anchor, your roots. Everything you have and is important to you now is based on that and is the part of the tree above ground. Think of the tree, it’s trunk, limbs & branches and then if you divide the branches up in terms of importance you can add twigs and leaves. (You asleep yet?? )

Having a bad day? Think of it in terms of a wind shaking the tree and you losing a few leaves - they’ll grow again, but looked at in the totality of the tree and it’s roots you still have everything else that remains. I drew it (I’m not an artist) and labelled everything on the tree. It really, really helped get everything into proportion and when I’m having a bad day, I think of my tree.

Why the eucalyptus? It’s roots are as deep as the tree is tall. The wind may shake it, bits drop off all the time,(including a limb this year) but the roots keep it standing tall. Barring a lightening strike or divine intervention that tree and I are carrying on living life!!!

And if you’re wondering... loads of people care about you. They’re on this site!

I had a great day Thursday, crap blue, painful day yesterday, dragged myself around all day. Had to go out to two things last night. Other half away. Woke up this morning and virtually no pain. Go figure (as our friends across the pond say)!! Like Forest Gump said “Life is like a box of chocolates (or was it candy?)........” I like the nutty ones best!!

Hope you’re feeling better today. Hugs down the broadband to you. 😀

PS You can tell me to p**s off if you like. I won’t be offended 😜

morrison profile image
morrison in reply to Nerak12

What a thought evoking reply. Thank you. No p. ..ing off for you.x

Rosbud profile image

Oh I know this feeling , you just out into words how I feel at the moment , huge hugs x

Lin6075 profile image

God Bless you with Better days. I know exactly how you are feeling as many of us here do.

I am coming off a really bad slump, but at least I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I don't think it is a train coming my way (not this time)

Hang in there, we just need to keep reminding ourselves things will probably change tomorrow or the next day.

Best to you


PMR2011 profile image

Morrison you are not lost. You’re right here a solid member of this “virtual” community with the rest of us. Given all you’ve been through recently am guessing it all seems totally overwhelming right now. Is there a way to focus on one hung at a time knowing it will all eventually get sorted? How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

Pop on here anytime, we’ll keep you company, even if we are all a little warped!

York54 profile image

Sending you huge hugs Morrison. You are not lost we are all here for you. Xxx

Cyclegirl54 profile image

I bet you’ve got a happy thought in there somewhere... sending a virtual hug 😀

Mitziecat profile image

Hi Morrison

Your virtual friends will help you to recharge those low batteries. You are not alone on your pmr journey and even the life events that are getting you down. Use every resource available to you including your family and you will come out recharged & a little happier. We are all thinking of you.

GerriMc profile image

Sending you the biggest hug ! Xx

Leilagirl profile image

Oh .. please stay in touch.. it will get better with the right treatment. Depending on diag and so many other physiological findings.. in the meantime.. know we are here for you!

morrison profile image
morrison in reply to Leilagirl

Don't even know why I am awake. So tired. Thank you. X

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to morrison

I hope you are asleep now, and wake up feeling a little better, please let us know, a lot of people out here thinking of you, and give Jack Russell a tickle, hope he has funny bone!!! xxx

Grants148 profile image

Big hugs from me too xx

Purplecrow profile image

Hi Morrison, your friends on this forum are sending positive energy to help support you through this time. Think of us as hot air to keep your 🎈 afloat while you get yourself righted..we love you . ❤️ 💜💜💜

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