Working out, as in outside. After being stricken w/ PMR last July I realized some of the things I do out in the yard that are more stressful we’re pretty much out of the ? when in a lot of pain, however when my body is pumped full of prednisone so that I’m in no pain I’ve found that the more I do the better off I am when it comes to getting a good nights sleep. This past Christmas I even bought a 34 hp Kubota tractor w/ a loader & backhoe attachment. I have done a LOT of work around my property since acquiring the tractor. Things like pulling up trees w/ the backhoe & I bought a Wood chipper to make mulch w/ the trees I pull up. I’ve also realized that the more I sit around the stiffer I get vs staying as active as POSSIBLE keeps me much more loose & painfree. @ first it was tough after 30 or 40 min. I would be exhausted something I wasn’t used to until PMR hit me BUT now of course w/ help from the PMR. I realized that the real heavy duty work is for now a thing of the past so that’s why I got the tractor (to become my better back, arms & legs) & it has been a blessing. But the thing I’ve realized most is that I can get my abilities bk. that I had b4 PMR, it just takes determination & get up & GO & until this PMR gets tired of being around, prednisone lol. When I sit for long periods my left hip hurts as well as my shoulders but when I get up & stay active I’m pain free & sleep much much better @ night. Just wanted to share that.
With PMR Activity Is A Must.: Working out, as in... - PMRGCAuk
With PMR Activity Is A Must.

Good on you!!!!! Thanks for sharing! We are all different, but I'd tend to agree.. if I find the right balance between being active and doing nothing, it makes for a much happier me!
Well done.
I agree with you until fatigue sets in!......nothing will beat it. However determined that "brickwall" fatigue has to go before we can move properly again.........
Wish there were answers to it😕
I agree although it took some time to get there. If I get lost in a book or puzzle for too long I am very stiff, particularly in the evening. On the flip side - do too much and delayed muscle soreness will get you and it doesn't like to quit! I am doing more and more though and it feels good particularly when the sun is shining. 🌞
Yep I was sore too especially when I first started but now the soreness is no more worse after working hard than it was b4 PMR.
Know what you mean Larry. Always been a physical active type myself. Possible activity levels differ for all of us. I like to be moving & doing something. It's a good distraction too. If I overdo things now though my muscles don't recover & are sore for days. Some days we seem able to perform better than others. It's a fickle illness this GCA/PMR

Yes it is that for sure.
I agree too. I managed two sets of mixed doubles tennis this afternoon. Just socialising with "normal" people has given me a real boost, and I played brilliantly. Declined an invitation to play matches again though. That would be one step too far, but the offer did my ego the world of good!!
I’ll agree with first I was very worried and expected a seriously bad day after something like snow shoveling and wrestling a snowblower around, actually it made me feel good even if I did hurt some the next day..if that makes sense,,,I’m trying to do everything I have always done, just maybe not as much on some thing for sure..warm summer weather feels great...