Hip pain - is it PMR?: Woke up 4.30am with very... - PMRGCAuk


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Hip pain - is it PMR?

Telian profile image
24 Replies

Woke up 4.30am with very painful and sore right hip, not had this before. If it's PMR would it be bilateral pain? I have OA but not in the hip!

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Telian profile image
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24 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Hi Telian,

Don't be too sure its not OA! I was diagnosed with bursitis in my right hip last year by physio - have OA in both knees so not walking very well, but when I saw surgeon about my knee he "suggested" that hip was probably arthritis as well!

Whatever, it was very painful.

Get it checked for bursitis, it can be attributed to both OA and PMR. If it is bursitis, exercises/massage/acupuncture may help. When mine was really bad I had a couple of steroid injections in it!

You can find some exercises on web for hip bursitis, but best to check that's what it is first. In the meanwhile, cold and heat therapy may help.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to DorsetLady


The OA were my thoughts as Prof D questioned I had PMR (after all this time) following last consultation when he did US on shoulders and confirmed OA there, you will have read I have it in the upper body anyway, but just needed some down to earth thoughts on this. I've noticed the pain is making its way across my back to the L hip now. Seeing GP Friday so will have a conversation re bursitis, he'll probably order an x-ray knowing him.

Thanks for the useful consultation - again!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Telian

Know where you are coming from I have in both knees, right hip(?) both shoulders, although left is much worse than right. Fortunately hands, wrists, ankles seem to be okay so far - just trying to keep it at bay as much as possible. Unfortunately runs in family on maternal side, my older sister has it really badly - so keeping fingers crossed (whilst I can) and keep do the exercises!

Trouble is most of the "managing of the pain" has to be funded privately.

Ce la vie!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to DorsetLady

I was told by my orthopaedic consultant who has done all of my shoulder ops and replacement that OA is nearly always to be blamed on our mothers!! I am having at least some joy in blaming my mum for it as I always knew she had it but didn’t know it was passed from the maternal side till recently. I know I have it in both shoulders but as I only have the odd session of painful knees and until yesterday no real hip pain I have probably quite naively been assuming it isn’t anywhere else! I am sure I will be disillusioned about this either at my orthopaedic appt next month or the Rheumatlogist appointment in jan

Wenben profile image
Wenben in reply to DorsetLady

Just wondering DL how or what was done to confirm your bursitis diagnosis. My continuing right hip pain seems to be a mystery to everybody !

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Wenben

Bit of a long story...with my ever increasingly painful arthritic left knee, GP suggested physio treatment. Unfortunately 3 months waiting list on NHS so went privately to one I’d seen before for back problems. He was on holiday, so still had to wait almost three weeks, in that time the hip pain hit me. So we discussed that, and he diagnosed bursitis, knowing the history of my knee.

Incidentally he said physio on kneee was useless as leg muscles good and strong and recommended I ask GP to refer me to MSK team at hospital! When I went back to GP he agreed diagnosis and gave me a steroid injection in knee, which along with massage and acupuncture has helped. But unfortunately until the knee is operated on, and the root cause eliminated, it does grumble a bit now and then - so I still have massage/ acupuncture.

Telian profile image

I seem to do much the same as you with regards to maintenance but have been 'lucky' it has been manageable for a number of years, and not having in lower limbs either - hence me questioning what might be happening now.

My parents didn't suffer at all but on my maternal side both were riddled with RA - can still see their twisted gnarled fingers - grandfather had it bad in his knees too - but they still remained as active as possible and lived until they were 89, hope I do too. What do you mean re privately funded - after initial NHS treatment if you need further input?

Again Ce la vie!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Telian

My massage, physio & acupuncture has all been done privately. Steroid injections on NHS, but only so many of them allowed/recommended. Obviously TKR will be on NHS, but the waiting has made it degenerate considerably, and also knock-on effect in other knee, hip and pelvis!

Sure you know the story.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to DorsetLady

Ah the waiting game - think we all know that well, any indication when for your surgery? My friend had a 12 week delay for her broken back op.

For me I'll find out what I've got first of all, acupuncture is not for me now, had a reaction years ago and they said couldn't have it again. Massage and physio sounds promising, especially when last night could not sleep for the hip pain - I couldn't sleep on the 'good' it made the pain on the bad side more intense yet I could lay on the painful side better, that seems to gel with what you said that massage helps - eventually both legs were 'buzzing' so had to get up, weight bearing seemed to help - today I feel 'stiff' from the waist down!

Thanks DL.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Telian

Yes I find I can lay on my bad shoulder, and it’s easier than laying on good shoulder and bad one free! Sure there’s an explanation, but what?

Try having a small pillow between your knees, that theoretically should align your hips/back and make sleeping easier.

Have a look at arthritis web site - arthritisresearchuk.org/art...

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to DorsetLady

Is this all pointing to Bursitis, OA or PMR what do you think or is it a process of elimination?

Many thanks DL.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Telian

Ahh, the old question - how long is a piece of string!

If the pains are helped by paracetamol or similar then it could be OA or bursitis. You maybe could try a steroid injection as well. X-ray would confirm OA.

Whatever, think it means another GP appointment.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to DorsetLady


After another sleepless night saw GP today instead of Friday - he is unsure about AI and says it sounds like a displaced disc so having x-ray on both hips and lumbar region.

We discussed and he agreed that I should contact Neurology, I'm 50/50 MS, to let them know about the buzzing in the legs, they're the experts and helps elimination.

My latest brain scan shows no further changes but there are signs that indicate MS, however because I already have an AI and am not showing some of the symptoms of MS e g weakness affecting mobility, Neurology are not starting me on any treatment but won't rule MS out - it is in the family my 52 year old brother has just been diagnosed with it and my niece was diagnosed at 30.

I'm happy to be having the x-rays though and to go from there.

I did reply to you yesterday, where I included this MS stuff as it was on my mind, but it seems to have gone walkabout.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Telian

Yes posts have a habit of doing that!

Hope it not MS, but hopefully X-rays may give you an answer.

Let’s hope for better news!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to DorsetLady

That's what I'm hoping too - many thanks DL

He's so lovely my GP but when things get complicated he says 'what to dooo - so many things going onnn..' in his Polish accent - he makes me smile...

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to DorsetLady

Forgot to say will try the pillow - it makes sense and hope it works.. thank you.

PMRpro profile image

PMR is usually bilateral - but sometimes a flare can be one-sided when it starts up.

Have you walked, done lots of things in the last few days. That could prod trochanteric bursitis into life...

Telian profile image

Nothing too exerting - definitely not much walking - lifted a couple of plant pots - not too heavy though, thank you anyway - seeing GP as previously said - got a real shopping list for him now I'm falling to bits...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Telian

Join the club!!!! My right knee is protesting loudly when walking downhill. It's the one I broke skiing...

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Well that’s self inflicted, 😉!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

I was young - what can I say...

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Ahh yes, well with youth comes perceived invincibility! 😳😏

Rugger profile image

My PMR flare last year started as bursitis in my left hip, then over a period of weeks moved to my right hip and both shoulder joints. Increasing my pred from 4mg to 10 mg for several weeks improved things, then slowly tapering down at 1mg / month. I didn't associate the pain with PMR as it was different from the symptoms I had at diagnosis. We live and learn.

I'm not saying yours is PMR and not OA, but see what your doctor says on Friday.

Telian profile image

Thank you Rugger

That's useful to know and you are spot on when you say symptoms are different so we don't associate them with what we know. I now have 'hot' legs all the time but particularly when lying in bed and have to get up - weight bearing makes them and the hip less painful but am stiff as a board in the spine and hips. I had a flare at Easter and am now trying to reduce very slowly 0.5 weekly and am managing to do it - did wonder if any of the recent changes had anything to do with it. As you say we're living and learning all the time.

Somethings happened but can't keep guessing so will see what the doctor has to say this week.

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