Forty, Quaranta, Vierzig, Cuarenta, Quarante, Σαρ... - PMRGCAuk


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Forty, Quaranta, Vierzig, Cuarenta, Quarante, Σαράντα...

56 Replies

As I was feeling like crap a couple of weeks ago, I did not reduce from 45mg to 40mg, as planned. It was disappointing, but it was for the best. And then, last weekend, there was the "Party like it's 1999" London gig, so no reduction there.

Now, still looking over my shoulder, but seeing nothing but shadows, I've decided that today is the day, that I will attempt my biggest feat ever!!!! Yes... you will see, with your very own eyes (if you can see through that steroid induced blur), without the help of an Assistant, I will attempt to reduce my Prednisolone intake to only 40mg a day!


It will be the LOWEST number of milligrams I have been on, since November 13, 2017 and I was only on 40mg then, for a few days!

Wish me luck!!!!!


And for your further entertainment, here are some other notable "40's"

The Hebrew people lived in the Sinai desert for 40 years.

40 in binary is 101000.

In modern Christian practice, Lent consists of the 40 days preceding Easter.

40 is the number of spaces in a standard Monopoly game board.

Ronald Reagan was the 40th president.

40 is the calling code assigned to Romania.

Some Russians believe that ghosts of the dead linger at the site of their death for 40 days.

40 is the highest number ever counted to on Sesame Street.

In Islam, the mourning period officially lasts for 40 days.

40 is the number of Prednisolone milligrams mamaici1 is taking as of today!

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56 Replies

Good Luck 🍀4️⃣0️⃣🍀

in reply to

Awe.... I can't lose with the shamrocks!!!!!


in reply to

Four Leaf Clover 🍀

Shamrock ☘️

I’ve sent you both so you’ll be double lucky! xx

Pongo13 profile image

Good luck! X

in reply toPongo13

Thanks Pongo!

Rugger profile image

.....and LIFE begins at 40!


in reply toRugger

HA! It would seem so!!!!!

Thanks! xxx

SheffieldJane profile image

And of course Alibabba and his 40 thieves. Good luck Melissa, try not to put too much pressure on yourself, it’s just a number, and as we all absorb uniquely, fairly meaningless. It is a shame that whenever we are doing well, we reward ourselves by removing a little more of the Pred. It would be no way to train a dog. Are you happy with a 5 mg drop, rather than say a 2.5 mg drop? Forgive me if I’ve got your numbers wrong. To us PMR “only” folk 5 mgs seems HUGE. 🐘🦏🦍

On the other hand your own intuitive sense is the best guide we have in this.

Wishing you a really easy ride. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Help things by avoiding the mammoth spring cleans. X💛

in reply toSheffieldJane

Can never forget Alibaba and his 40 thieves... wonder how I missed that one? And yes, you'd give the dog MORE biscuits, not less!!!!!

Shhhhhhh, I secretly dropped by 2.5 on Tuesday and have been GREAT since, so I'm taking the plunge again only 4 days later... might be a huge mistake, but I'm an inpatient, rebel! (Don't tell GG!)

The rheumy has had me dropping by 5mg every 30 days (from 80) and it seems to have been working so far, we'll see...

No more cleaning since Monday... this week has been very relaxing; filled with my taking photos of "stuff" and putting out on eBay! By this time next week I expect to have made a fortune! : ) hahahahahahahahahaha

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Grunge just said it’s Ali Baba, so now we know. He is the fount of all knowledge.

I feel optimistic for you yey !

Remember me when you are rich.

You are facing de-cluttering the STUFF! Now that is healthy!

in reply toSheffieldJane

Yes, Muck would have corrected that too if he had seen it! Another "fount" of useless information! Hahahahahaha

Healthy, indeed... It shows I'm "ready to let go." That is a GOOD sign of forward progress, isn't it?

Hmmmm? Maybe I'm subconsciously letting go of Tommy (in a weird way) too?

You will be the first one I call, when I get rich from ebaying!

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to

....a manic inpatient now? I'll have to drop my obsessive habit of proof reading - I've been retired 10 years, but still have eagle eyes!

Just off over t'moor to the Ilkley meet-up, so I'll leave you all alone!

in reply toRugger

OMG! Too funny! Perhaps I should be an "inpatient" on a Psych Ward!!!!

Enjoy!!!! Please tell them mamici1 say's "HELLO!"

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Just so you know, I was one of the original hippie radicals, complete with flowers and peace signs and protest signs (and I still won't wear white socks with my sneakers).

Fingers and toes crossed for you, such as I can these days.

in reply toGOOD_GRIEF

We are cut from the same cloth... (white socks with sneakers? Heavens NO!)

Thank you for trying to cross fingers and toes... I know what a struggle that can be!!!!!


PS - Is there no opportunity to say "I told you so," here? Hmmmm, how disappointing! ; )

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

I think I made my point. Or rather, you did. By having some better days.

You're past the worst of the angry, sad, depressed part now. The lower doses of pred makes all that less intense. Like the rest of us, you'll have your less-than-great days on the journey, But now you know you will, indeed, have great days.

Yeah, I'm glad I told you so. I'm glad you heard me. I'm glad it happened.

So sue me! ;\}

in reply toGOOD_GRIEF

You did... and THANK YOU for slamming my head against the wall until I finally listened, and believed you! That is what you have to do with people (thick headed, rebellious, know-it-all types) like me! But most people give up before breaking through... you just kept saying the same thing, over and over! Good on ya! I did not think 40 mg was a a "lower" dose but apparently lower enough from 80 to make a huge difference...

I'm glad you "told me so" too! Even though I may not have consciously believed you at the time, in my heart, it was good to hear and deep inside my unconscious it gave me hope.

Sometimes HOPE is all you need.


GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to


At the moment it sounds like you are finally getting inflammation under control a bit. Fingers crossed the boat isn't rocked. Get through the first few days and hopefully it'll stick!!☠️

in reply to

From your mouth... to God's ears! xxx

Is that the one at the garden centre.? Boom boom. Thanks for the lead in.🌻😁

in reply to


Marilyn1959 profile image

Poopadoop - What an excellent memory and ability to 'connect' threads. Certainly your pred brain isn't affecting your sharp brain or wit. Thank you for making me smile.

in reply toMarilyn1959

She is good, isn't she? Very clever!!!!

I had to go back and look AND it was my mistake!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha

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in reply toMarilyn1959

It's the new glasses. I can see the messages now!

in reply to

I should have gone to SpecSavers!

Rimmy profile image

Dear Melissa

I am daring to 'predict' it will ALL be fine ... so have fun over this weekend - and don't forget to have cheese with the wine (the fat to mediate the sugar that WE must have).

There is some pecorino with whole black peppers in our fridge already - just waiting for me -not to everyone's taste (maybe unless grated on pasta) I know but I adore hard cheeses with some olives.




in reply toRimmy

We are kindred spirits! I love most all hard cheeses! And I love cheese & olives. Bread & olives. Crackers & olives. OLIVES!

I will accept your prediction as "the gospel truth," and carry on accordingly.

Hmmm, it's 10:55 here, perhaps a glass a white with some olive focaccia, olive oil and Pecorino Toscano for brunch.

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

Wish I could say 'I'm coming over now' Melissa - we obviously share many tastes!! We may however - in reality be 'up there' some time next year as Ruth is keen to do some long walks in the UK and we also really want to spend some more time in London in the galleries/museums etc etc. So perhaps one day before TOOO long we can share some of our favourite goodies and more importantly each other's company .... in the meantime we will both just keep on getting 'better & better' - and YES I 'predict' it WILL happen !!!


TOTALLY COOL! That would be fantastic! Yes, let's both keep getting better and better so we can really enjoy it!!!! Brighton is such a FUN town!

vnett profile image

Good luck to you!!!

in reply tovnett

Cheers Vnett! I hope you are feeling well!

Mstiles profile image

Good luck Mamici! Seems like you are on the path to healing and following your intuition to get there after some really hard lessons. All the best!💕

in reply toMstiles

Ohhh thanks Mstiles... I am cautiously optimistic, but still looking over my shoulder!

All the best to you as well!!!!!

JulianJ profile image

Well they do say life begins at 40 :)

Good luck with your reduction.

carolpatriarco01 profile image

Follow your intuition mamici1...

And before you know it you will be pred free🤗😘

in reply tocarolpatriarco01

From your mouth, to God's ears! Thank you.

You are now on 50% of your final highest dose. I am on about 55% of my starting dose. You are 6months plus in I am 2 years in. You are in relative dosage terms doing better than me. Well done!!

in reply to

NO WAY! That can't be right!! WTF? Are you serious? Why haven't you told me to shut the hell up???? Why have you allowed me to go on snivelling like the big cry baby I apparently am?

Wow.... I feel a fool!

I had no idea!

I'm so sorry......


in reply to

It was meant to make you feel better!!! 🤢🤑😂🤣😀😫

Sometimes it's hard to see just how good the progress is. Don't forget I started on 15mg and when you get down to those doses the percentage gains/losses are much much smaller in terms of actually dosage.

Please don't apologise. You have had a tough few months and it's been a rollercoaster following your progress and I know you have helped AND entertained us. Not always an easy thing to do 🌻

in reply to

I just feel kind of silly... as I have bitched and moaned A LOT!!!! ... BUT if I have helped in ANY way and more importantly if I have "entertained," than I don't feel too bad! And, I see your point... starting at 80 is different than starting at 15... but still!

You ROCK and I have so much respect for you and ALL the others who have been dealing with this shit for YEARS!

The past 6 months have been a living HELL... and there were many times I crumbled and fell apart. The thought of doing this for "years," is almost inconceivable... but I see that many have done it, before me and that gives me HOPE!

My wish is to keep on entertaining you and "ranting" about concerns, thoughts, and feelings that resonate with you (and others) If I can tap into the fear, doubts, concerns of just one person... to make them realise they are not alone on this emotional roller coaster of a journey, than I will have succeeded and my purpose on this path, validated.

Thanks, Poopadoop! xxxx

in reply to

I am glad you got to my original intention! Xxx

Nikkigabi profile image
Nikkigabi in reply to

Yes you do entertain us and if that helps You in any way, thank God! I feel bad that you are suffering so much. It’s so hard to go from a active happy life to this crap, and I am no where near as bad as a lot of people on here. Stay strong.

in reply toNikkigabi

Oh thank you!!!! That made my day!!!!! Thank you!!!! : )

It is hard to go from one life to a total opposite life! ...but there's a "lesson" here; in going from a busy, crazy, hectic, active life, to one of introspection, self assessment, rest, quite... I'm still trying to figure out what that lesson is, but I know I am supposed to be leaning something! Thank you !

Nikkigabi profile image
Nikkigabi in reply to

That’s what I keep thinking “ I should be learning something “ maybe in time it’ll come to me😕 We retired last summer, sold our house, packed up our house, moved. When got to the new house we had all the unpacking settling in, tearing out the landscaping and starting over! Then we had Christmas...Too much work and a lot of stress at our age. I got hit with PMR in February ☹️ End of that story. I am learning to pase myself some. Yay

in reply toNikkigabi

Wow! Bummer... you got hit, just when you were supposed to be starting a new life of fun, rest and relaxation! That sure stinks! : (

I guess I was lucky, I had 3 good retirement years before I was diagnosed with both PMR & GCA. I worked part time at the hospital and at the local hospice, as and End of Life Companion and a Chaplaincy volunteer. I had an active social life, my husband and I traveled 2-3 times a year... and then it all cam to a crashing halt!

Ahhh well... it is what it is. Be happy and be well!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

And those of us who were born to be Mary not Martha actually welcome the excuse to be introspective and not wearing ourselves out with the demands of modern living....

Telian profile image

Fingers crossed for you Mel - beats my 0.5 reduction, still at it after 4 years! - don't overdo it!

in reply toTelian

Thank you!!! It's weird, I just never realised (as Poopadoop mentioned) that in terms of "relative dosage terms," I could possibly be doing better than anyone else!!!! In 6 months going from 80mg to 40mg, didn't seem like such a big accomplishment to me at all!!!! I just assumed I was bit slow... ; )

Telian profile image

You seem to be but in the beginning it is an easier ride though, not to deflate your ego by any means you are doing well but you will have to slow down as you get to 10/9/8 etc - and that's not a date for the diary! It goes back to being patient then!

in reply toTelian

Yes, I already know that once I hit 20mg (in September, hopefully!) my Rheumy will put me on a "DSNS" plan... I am mentally preparing myself, for a year or so of little to no change in dosage. As long as I can feel "relatively normal, and get back to my volunteering at the hospice, I'd be sooooo happy!!!!

Patience is a virtue, I hear? : )

Telian profile image

It certainly is and I'm certain you will be able to continue your life as you choose if you practice that patience - you can do it girl! :)

in reply toTelian

Thanks! : )

Jackoh profile image

All the very best Melissa- you always make me laugh!! Xx

in reply toJackoh

Thank you!!!!! That is the BEST compliment you could give me... I make you laugh! Totally cool!!!!

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