just wondred if anyone else had this problem
pmr ankle and foot pain on 10mg of pred at the mo... - PMRGCAuk
pmr ankle and foot pain on 10mg of pred at the moment

What sort of pain and where exactly?
My ankle gives way painfully when I walk down stairs - enough to make me cry out. Every evening I have a painful heel that hurts to put weight on. I tend to view these symptoms as associated with PMR but not PMR. I think the heel is Plantars Fasciitis, and the ankle is muscle weakness caused possibly by steroids. It used to be my knee and sometimes still is. I haven’t taken either symptom to the doctor. These pains, I feel,are quite different to the pains of PMR and I don’t let them influence my taper. I expect that I should mention them, but at present PMR is my priority.
I had PF in my heel and stood (excuse the pun) it as long as I could, the pain sent a coldness through me and gradually could not weight bear which in turn would cause other problems - so did have a steroid injection (which I was not happy to have but the pain was causing too much distraction on top of everything else) and am pleased to say it was a complete success.
That was last August and still good. Might be worth a GP visit for you?
Yes I get random foot and Achilles pain. Lasts for a couple of days, disappears for awhile. Totally unpredictable.
Hi. Steroids weaken tendons, in particular, and I don’t know why, the Achilles. Both my Achilles’ tendons have been sore, and I ignored the pain, and a false move ruptured one. Please take care. Sue
thaks for all the replys
I have had foot and ankle pain for all of the 4-1/2 years of PMR...mostly in the left foot. Saved by using KT tape...google how to apply...it’s a miracle! Orthotics, etc. did not help much...but I live in my tennis shoes!