Hello Everyone,
I posted in Dec re a few issues I was having. Swollen right knee, costochondritus and problems with right shoulder. Had a series of acupuncture treatments for the knee which helped but very slowly. My knee was swollen but no pain. Didn't like too much weight on it. ESR and CRP had increased also. Doctor wanted me to continue reducing. I was at 1mg. She is convinced the PMR had gone and didn't see a connection. I was unsure it was still PMR as it was all so one sided Got more fatigued however as time went on and I increased my steroids to 5 in Jan. Felt normal again. Knee swelling disappeared and shoulder improved. Over 3 weeks I reduced down to 2mg before continuing with a very slow taper. Have been having physio on the shoulder which is strengthening it and relaxing the arm muscles. Great results there. I also became very aware of how much tension I was holding onto in that arm. Saw that two many hours deskbound were not helping and had probably contributed to the problem. So all good and becoming more active again. Late Jan the muscle in my left calf started to feel as it had cramped but I didn't experience a cramp. The feeling was of a very tight tender muscle which I put down to becoming more active and the muscles very weak. Then the leg swelled from knee to ankle with the swelling predominantly in the calf. Had been standing a lot that day so put it down to that. Rested etc and over a few days it all came back to normal. Now three weeks later it's come back again. No pain, no redness, just swelling and tender tight muscle in calf. Has anyone experienced anything like this'? Also my Doctor refuses to treat me any longer as I and disagreeing with her tapering advice. I am now on 1.5mg reducing very slowly