I am new to this post. I am 70 years of age and experienced severe headaches in May2017 and then from July to September had pain in my jaw, difficulty swallowing, raised temporal arteries. I was eventually diagnosed with GCA and started on 60mg prednisolone. It has now been gradually reduced to 12.5 mg.
I have a history of oesophageal reflux since2001 but the medication (ranitidine and Omeprazole) led to collagenous colitis in 2014 so I had to discontinue the medication. In 2017 I was diagnosed with hiatus hernia.
I also have a heart murmur after having myocarditis in 1981 and have had raised cholesterol for many years.
My side effects from prednisolone are feeling bloated, put on weight, puffy eyes, BP up, palpitations, dizziness when lying down, generally fuzzy and difficult to get going in the morning, tire easily, occasional stomach discomfort after taking medications.
I am seeing my rheumatologist in March for my 6month follow up. My querie is should I ask if I could be prescribed Methtrexate instead of prednisolone or combine them? I do not want to damage my cardiovascular system more than necessary and do not want to irritate my stomach problems as I have worked for years to improve them. Do you think that the alternative steroids may be less dangerous for me and cause less damage to my heart and stomach?
Thank you so much for any advice.Jenny