Hello Everyone
I need help and advice from the Aunties. Since arriving in Scottsdale on Jan 16th. I had a week of jet lag followed by a chest infection. Have had probably 5 good days since I arrived. My 3 sisters arrived on Feb 1st for the holiday of a lifetime and I have been unable to do much with them due to the pain and stiffness I am experiencing, I so hate to rain on their parade.
My GPs plan was for me to be on 12.5 until 24th Jan, having reduced from 15mg whilst in the uk then take 10mg for 4-6 weeks. I have gradually deteriorated on 10mg to the point where I am in pain most of the time, hardly sleeping tearful and weary. I worked on the theory that it could be steroid withdrawal but it is getting worse instead of better.
I have tried upping the dose to 11mg with little or no effect.
I have 42 days left of our holiday. Pred wise I have 93- 5mg tabs, 22- 2.5mg tabs, and 120- 1mg tabs to play with.
I currently take my Pred at around 5am. Any relief usually kicks in around 1pm and I usually feel my best around 6pm- 9pm.
I don't particularly want to see any Doctors here as its like starting from scratch plus I feel I would much rather take advice from fellow sufferers who have worn the t. shirt etc.
I read the posts on a daily basis and have tried to work out some sort of plan from the advice you give to others.
Steroids scare me and I feel a bit of a failure having to increase the dose but something has to change just to give me some quality of life.
My sisters and family here can't get their heads around my condition and ask me on a daily basis if i feel any better??
My husband M has dementia and knows that I am not well but would have no idea what is wrong with me if you asked him. His repetitiveness is very wearing when I am tired but on the plus side he sleeps all night, I am envious and does not wander.
I haven't got the brain power to work out a plan for the next 42 days. Should I go back to 15mg for a few days to give me a kick start or back to 12.5mg?? have I got enough tabs to do this?? Would this be in your remit to give this advice?
I am so brain fogged it took me forever to find how to access the site to write this post.
Thank you in advance for any helpful advice you can give.