Hi. I had a TIA at the end of September, and about the same time developed at the PMR symptoms. The Rheumatologist Registrar that I saw recently dismissed my query as to whether I could be on the GCA end of the spectrum (mind you having receive the copy of her letter to the doctor I wonder if she was talking about me, it has so many inaccuracies!) The TIA consultant is more wiling to counternance the fact that I could be near the GCA end, although he was puzzled as to why my ESR has never been higher than 49 (although the paper below seems to blow that theory out of the window) It is probably academic now, but I think I had quite a few episodes, especially this year that I thought were severe migraines but I now think probably werent at all. (e.g. sudden onset 8 hr headache from hell, with temporal tenderness, subsequent jaw pain when chewing etc, also I had word finding and formulation problems, which I was acutely away of, being a Speech and Language Therapist when I was working. Also visual problems). Various people have said, why are you concerned, you are probably on the right medication now (20 mg of prednisolone - using tapering app to try and get down) but it seems to me it is important to know if one has had GCA in the past (I dont know if that is possible, i.e. to have it once and not now.) My ESR is down to 16 and CRP at 19)
I would be interested to get others thoughts on this. And as an aside I have had no appetite since my TIA, not too bothered about that, as I am keeping off the 14lbs that dropped off suddenly. But just interested to know if that is related and if anyone else has had that.
Sorry long story! I find the site and forum such an enormous help. Thanks to everyone for posting