I am taking 11mg. a day and trying to reduce by the very slow method. I’m struggling at the moment. There’s a lot of stress in my life just now and I know that isn’t helping but know I have to keep going. I take all my dose with a light breakfast but feel a bit unwell for two or three hours afterward. I did change to taking it at bedtime but that meant I would need to get up 3 or 4 times to use the loo, every night. Does anyone have these same symptoms? If so is there something I can do to change things.
What time of day is best to take Prednisolone. - PMRGCAuk
What time of day is best to take Prednisolone.

Yes, same problem. I went for the multiple trips to the loo instead of feeling awful during the day as I couldn't function. However, keeping my salt down means I now go only once. As soon as I have more salt than I should, I stop peeing by day and make up for it by night.

Some people take in in the early hours if they get up for a call of nature, or even set the alarm! That way it gets into your system ready to fight the little critters (cytokines) when you are ready to get up. Uncoated Pred takes an hour or two to work. Not sure how successful it is, but I suppose it’s worth a try.
Or alternatively some split their dose, say 2/3rd am, 1/3rd evening. That way the 1/3rd helps first thing in the morning, but maybe not enough to make you get up for the loo.
Sometimes it’s just trying different things and then go for what’s best for you.
Thank you . Think I might have a go at splitting the dose. How do I know if my tablets are coated or not? What difference does it make? Now I know that it really is something that happens when taking Pred. I will have more confidence in deciding what’s best for me.
Hi Sue, coated ones are slightly shiny and feel smooth - sometimes called enteric and they take long to work because they get down further into your digestive tract before they dissolve . Uncoated are like aspirin - feel s bit dry in the mouth - and may have a line across them. They usually start working after an hour or so and are dissolved quicker which is why you should take them with food, and why a PPI is also prescribed to stop ulcers!
Sue, the wording on the packets of 'coated' tablets is "Gastro-resistant". I've read here that they take 5 - 6 hours to be effective, so the earlier you take them, the better. I take mine at 10pm so they'll be in my system when the cytokines are released. I don't seem to get the urinary symptoms, thank goodness.
The plain pred look like little sweeteners lol!! and take only a couple of hours to get into your system.
Take care x
I have recently started to take my Pred with some milk about 3.30am ( I'm usually up then to use the loo ) and the difference to how I feel during the morning is great ..... gone is the ''brain fog' and I can actually function ' normally' .... I used to take it on waking up ... about 8.30 and felt awful for the rest of the morning ..... so if you can ... try this .... and I hope it works for you too xx
Thank you. I do wake very early so have decided to set my alarm for 3 and will try that. That ‘brain fog’ has been scary. I didn’t put it down to Pred. Thought I was getting dimentia. Think my husband and children thought so too. Feel much better since asking for help on this site.

"I know I have to keep going"
No you don't. If you are struggling, stop reducing to a timetable and wait a few weeks and then try again - it may make all the difference. Particulalry if you have a lot of stress - PMR and stress make bad bedfellows. And reducing to a fixed timetable almost never works well.
Several people I know (including myself) have gone through stages where they feel unwell a couple of hours or so after taking the pred. Some have found taking it at bedtime helps as they then sleep through the wobbles but if it make you need the loo that doesn't work. Have you tried at other times? Or splitting the dose? That's fine for PMR, less so for GCA. I just stopped going out to do things at the time I experienced the wobbles - it was because I was out shopping at that particular time
Thank you. I try to sort the day out so I stay at home when I have that wobble time. Can’t concentrate when it’s happening. We’re always up early so I am on my feet by late morning. I’ll take your advice and stop reducing for a while. Part of me is anxious as the doctors always seem to encourage us to get off the Pred. as quickly as possible, don’t they? They obviously haven’t seen any one with P.M.R. trying to get out of bed in the morning.😳
Golly you live and learn. I didn't realise that Pred made people feel particularly ill directly (after absorbing it). I didn't realise that having to get up several times for a pee in the night was Pred related. It's odd to read posts about symptoms and not be nodding away. Obviously still got an awful lot to learn!
Yes, I am like you with no ill symptoms or wobbles after taking the steroids. I take mine st 4.30 am every morning and this works for me. I don’t get up through night for a wee either. We are all so different, as Dorset Lady says and we must try our different methods that suit us personally.
Hi Sue,
I've found that splitting my dose works well. I'm also on 11mg enteric pred and have hit a plateau after a flare so sticking with it for a bit. Diagnosed July 2015. I take 8mg at 9am and 3mg at 9.30pm which kicks in around the time the inflammatory cytokines are active.
I do get up for the loo a couple of times a night but it's worth it to wake without pain.
If there's stress in your life it's not a good idea to try and reduce, PMR takes it as a personal insult - if you can, take a duvet day every now and then, rest and read or watch the box sets, it stops the mind churning things over and is mentally and physically refreshing. Best of luck. Let us know how you get on.
Thank you. I was diagnosed in2012 and got on really well. Low dose Pred. and pain and stiffness very low. But after my husband was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago it’s been much worse and the symptoms are more severe. I do try and rest sometimes and watching tv is good as it distracts. I walk my dog every day and it really helps. Just feel a bit overwhelmed with things. None of which are important as Tony is doing well and that’s what matters. Now I know that it is Pred that is making me feel rotten and have had such good advice from everyone I feel more positive.
So glad your husband is doing well, very stressful to go through that for both of you. In my own experience the effects of dealing with awful events only show up later, we deal with things at the time (there's no other option, is there) and when the situation eases our guard goes down and we suffer the delayed mental reaction, just when you think there's a reason to be thankful rather than overwhelmed. Mysterious creatures, aren't we...
Love my walks each day, blows away the foggy brain. Keep the positive feeling, Sue.
I think the Calcium ( Adcal) causes urinary symptoms. I left it off for a few days and they went. I'd been thinking it was Pred, no infection present. I think PMRPro told us about the chalkie nature of Calcium supplements caused bladder irritation. Not sure how to get round that.
I have always taken mine in the morning with light breakfast and no ill affects. I'm now down to 5 going down to 4 this week - it's taken me 19 months from 20 - keep going
I was told to take in the morning as soon as you got up
After reading many of the messages for 10mg and under, I'm starting to get nervous. I've gone down from 20mg to 15, very slowly, and I break it up into morning and evening. When I took the full dose in one go, I was a total mess.
I'm sorry marciahiatt. I think everyone is in a moany mood today. What specifically makes you feel nervous?
There are people who glide like swans through a taper. 7 mgs seems to be a bit of a sticking point for some. I'm going to rest there for a bit until my Adrenals catch up. There are a lot of happy bunnies on 4 mgs or less.