it seems that tapering prednisone is a topic that could use its own thread. Let's give it a try, ...with experience leading the way, so "newbies" can locate the wisdom in one chunk!
First off...prednisone is the only drug recognized to treat this disorder called PMR!!!
Unfortunately, prednisone has a reputation among many, as a horrible toxic drug. I don't know where that reputation originated...but it is pervasive, and leads us to the topic at hand..belief among some, that they should immediately begin to taper off prednisone.
i have been prescribed short prednisone "bursts" of 2 weeks, as treatment for upper respiratory ails. It worked brilliantly, and as you know, the taper began at day two of the treatment. No problem.
Now... on to reality of prednisone prescribed as (the only) treatment for PMR!
The NAKED truth regarding PMR and prednisone, is that most people with PMR must continue using prednisone for years, not days or weeks. I am in year 4, on 6 mg prednisone, and still have miles to go.......
So to commence worry about tapering prednisone in the first weeks, is premature, and I believe, seriously contributes to the overall stress of learning to live with PMR.
It is also apparent that some (most??) doctors know little about PMR. When seeing a newly diagnosed PMR patient, they use the prednisone tapering protocol they may have been taught as appropriate for other disorders, which is absolutely inappropriate for PMR.
So, new PMR are embarking on a long journey, which gets better with time. You will be both traveler...and teacher...using what you learn to educate others, and perhaps, even your doctor.
Tapering prednisone is not a science, but an art. It takes patience, tolerance and belief in the messages your body gives you. You will learn to read those messages and respond as appropriate for your needs.
This forum will be your lifeline...informing, comforting, and supporting you through the miles ahead...come here often, ask your questions, and share what you learn.
So, off we go.....