Hello all,
My family is leaving to travel to the New Jersey shoreline from California for a family reunion tomorrow. My daughter who has three kids from 6 to 2 years old asked if she could send her hubby over with the kids to swim for the afternoon so she could pack up as their flight leaves at 6:30 am. So I had originally paced myself to have a quiet afternoon with some light cleaning and finishing my packing. I can never seem to say no to my grandkids so of course it was swim day at "mum-mum's."
Housekeeping is one of the items that have been on my low priority list in regards to pacing. Especially deep cleaning, such as scrubbing floors, showers, walls, etc. So my house isn't perfect as I like it or how everyone is used to it. Now the kids use what we call the front bathroom, which has all their suits and baby toilets.
The 4 year old boy, Jacob, had to do his business and went running into the house stripping his swim trunks off. He came and found me as he wanted me to go with him. As I followed him he went into "mum-mum's" bathroom instead of the front bathroom. I asked him why he went to "mum-mum's" bathroom and he told me it was because I just cleaned it and did a really good job. He spent the next five minutes doing his business and talking about what a really good job I did cleaning the bathroom and how he it shined.
So the other bathroom really isn't that messy. I've cleaned the toilet. So mixed feelings. It's not that bad, yet for a 4 year to go on about what a good job his grandmother did cleaning the bathroom amazed me. Most men would not have noticed. It was really too funny. He is such a sweetheart.
By the way, cleaning that bathroom was on my list today and probably won't be finished as I still have to pack and the kids wore me out. His older brother and younger sister had to follow of course and used my bathroom instead of the front bathroom.
My husband thought I should of said no to swimming and stuck to my schedule. Yet I have a great memory to share with Jacob about how thoughtful and sweet he was at 4 years old. We had pizza and ice cream and they fell asleep on their way home so their mom could finish packing. Me, more to clean up and then packing. I took a nap first. Grateful for the memory.
Quote of the day, "really mum-mum you did a good job cleaning the bathroom."