Hi Jevuki, yes,I have been out of breath a lot in the last few months. The worst of it was during a spell of atrial fibrilation. Once that was dealt with,it got a lot better. Still out of breath a lot and sweating profusely.((on my head only) I have to wear a wig due to hairloss(from prednisolon) which does not help. Sorry,I can't give any advise on how to deal with this. Maybe PMRPRO can come up with some ideas.
All the best!
Thanks Toenti, yes I sweat profusely as well comes on with a vengeance and then leaves, happens all day and night my head because wet and I drip off my forehead....its crazy and I am long over the change of life (lol) I asked the Dr and he told me Prednisone would not cause shortness of breath but I have been researching and they say it is a symptom of.
I felt like I was in a tropical jungle in the rain due to pred. It has improved a bit thank goodness, now I am on a lower dose. What is really annoying is that I sailed through menopause with no symptoms at all.
Hi piglette
On higher doses of Prednisolone 18-20mg I used to sweat in a very specific way, in the flexes of my elbows, then a bracelet of beads of perspiration on my wrists, followed by a triangular patch down my back from my shoulders to my waist, l called it Auckland Syndrome as that's where we were when I first experienced it & boy did it to debilitate me!
I had hot flushes during the menopause but this was totally different!
Mrs N

Mine used to start with a fizzy feeling around my nose and it just spread, it was rather like turning into a werewolf except I had water rather than fur! Just horrible.
Mine felt as if I'd been punched in the solar plexus - and then I would glow all over. Then the sweat trickled down my spine...
Isn't it fun...
I live in the shower
And, the GP just rolled his eyes 🙄 one of these days! 😤
I like to think l'm intelligent so l expect him to listen to what l have to say, not only out of interest but he might learn something! 👨🏼⚕️
My middle Rheumatologist always listened, he was well past Retirement (covering Maternity Leave) but l felt he wanted to know, he wanted to find out why? l had a flare just before l saw him in Clinic once & he asked so many questions, he was convinced that this the only way they'd 'discover' a cause or a reason for PMR!
What a sensible chap! It really is time they listened to those of us on the forums who have heard most of the stories...

Such rheumies seem to be few and far between sadly.
Well he's wrong - pred IS seen as a cause of breathlessness as reported in a study from the Netherlands:
Have you been checked for any cardiac arrythmia problems? The autoimmune disorder which underlies PMR/GCA can damage the electrical system in the heart and cause heart rate problems - which cause both breathless and sweats.
Yes, sometimes I gasp, like a hiccup. I used to get breathless also but that seems better now
I have this weird thing that happens... I am almost asleep and I suddenly gasp and immediately take a huge breath....
Doing any activity my hair at the back of my head from half way down starts to drip profusely.. It's so embarrassing..
If I walk further than a football field I get short of breath. Recently I felt it was my weight gain but remember it started with the 50mg of prednisone.
Both have gotten better on lower doses 16 me right now but with activities it is there.
Seeing a pulmonary doc at end of month...
Has anyone done this goofy thing.... I lie down to go to sleep and I get this bubble up my throat and pops thru my lips it feels weird. What I read was too much air on cpap which I don't have as yet...

Lin-calif, your first symptom sounds like sleep apnea. I have it happen occasionally if I'm in an odd position, say nodding off in front of the tv.... Probably worth investigating if it happens often as I think it can lead to more serious problems, and is easily treatable.

I was searching for symptoms of breathing nature, in which I saw this comment. I have, since PMR , HAD THE GASP/chocking type breath hit me. It's quite scary to say the least.

I had to laugh about the bubble in your throat. If I lie on my back, as I am falling asleep, I call it a "puff" that comes out.
But on higher doses, when lying down, I would have a short gasp of breath.
Hi jevuki
Yes, when I was on higher dose of Prednisolone l was at 18mg for a while & it affected my breathing & as for going up a slope, you'd think I'd run a marathon, I sleep on two pillows, l can't lay flat.
My GP ordered Chest X-ray, ECG & Bloods as he thought l had Heart Failure! 😱 Was OK though but he sent me off to another Rheumatologist & she put me on Methotrexate as a Steroid Sparer to get the dose down, which l have now at 6.5mg but thinking may have to go back to 7mg
I still get out of breath on a slope or stairs but BP is more stable now too! All definetly caused by the Prednisolone, our double edged friend!
Mrs N
Before I was diagnosed with PMR I got very short of breath, so bad I was off work because of it, nothing could be found after many tests on my heart and lungs, after going on a high dose of prednisone it went a lot better, It came back as the dose was lowered , I am now on 6mg and I get periods of breathlessness,
I,ve asked if it could be connected to PMR but I,m told no by the hospital, I have been told prednisone could be keeping it under control to an extent , but they can,t pin down the cause.
Hi Hidden
Yes & they give Prednisone to Asthmatics to help them breathe when they can't control their Asthma with inhaled steroids, as we know they work for inflammation but when it gets too high or too low we run into issues.
Hope your breathlessness improves soon.
Mrs N
Thank you all I am calling the cardiologist today this is beginning to make me nervous
Since having PMR and recently lowering the dose, my sweating was pretty constant. I've notice since having to up my dose to 8.5 9, my sweating hasn't happened hardly at all. Regarding breathing problems. The PMR is affecting my rib cage and I can't seem to expand my lungs like I used to. I cough more and have hiccups more, I also get light headed. I have also become anemic which is affecting my breathing, says my Rheumatologist. So, all seems normal. I absolutely HATE PMR and STEROIDS. I'm sure I'm not alone. I hope you don't get over stressed jevuki, with all that your symptoms might be. Its good to check things out. Anxiety can make all things appear worse. Take care.
I see the cardiologist tomorrow and will keep you all posted
Mentioning the sweating, at higher doses, the sweat would drip off my eyebrows and down the sides of my temples.
Well its been a whirlwind since I last posted, they found that my aorta has an anyuerism had a ultrasound of that, may have to have hip replacement, going to ortho for spine issue pinched nerve now have drop foot it just keeps on keeping on. I will take one thing at a time the most serious first. Still have shortness of breath but am chalking up to prednisone down to 14mg doing Dead slow wean.
Stay well everyone!
Hi PMRPRO not sure had the test Friday waiting to hear from heart doctor, my husband says if they did not put me in hospital right away it must be small enough for the watch and wait category....