I've been on prednisone for two years for GCA/PMR. During this time, I've also taken a probiotic. Recently, while researching...I've read these are not a good mix. Just curious....any other opinions out there ?
PREDNISONE AND PROBIOTICS: I've been on prednisone... - PMRGCAuk

I have taken the. Everyday for over 2 yrs.
~Hi there - what was the reasoning behind this whisper?
I'm never ever without mine & would be in awful strife gut intestinal wise - my Functional Medical GP highly recommends and hospitals in NZ are now moving towards looking at this area being as we have high rates of MRSA, ESBL'S plus many more from overuse of antibiotic's. Same applies worldwide no doubt.
Don't always believe what you read unless it comes from a reliable source.
Blessings ~
I hope what you've read (where) is wrong. I take one either end of the day as recommended by many Functional Health practitioners.

The idea they shouldn't mix is probably due to the influence on the immune system. There is plenty of evidence that the gut biome is influential in the immune response. If it is messed up it probably doesn't work well. There are suggestions that this is what is happening in at least some autoimmune disorders.
Taking supplements "to boost the immune system" is not advised along with pred - you are taking it to suppress the activity of your immune system and boosting it in any way doesn't seem a good idea.
However, with probiotics you would assume that getting the gut biome back into balance might make your immune system work better - and maybe even stop the autoimmune process that is causing your illness.
As Megams says - don't believe everything you read on tinterwebs! Most of the articles you see about this sort of thing are from the people who sell them and people who think it is all woo. When you find the "informed" literature the most they tend to say is that it doesn't have a role to play - but even that is changing.
I have suffered from intestional problems for many years. Think it probably is the root cause of my autoimmune troubles. ( leaky gut). Last diagnosis was bacterial overgrowth and I was put on probiotics along with an antibiotic. My takeaway after ten years is that they need to be taken while you are on an antibiotic to balance the bacteria in your gut ( most doctors ignore this fact which makes me angry...one neuro surgeon told me NEVER take an antibiotic without them...) however once done...they are not that necessary. Probably do not do harm but an unnecessary expense.
Thanks 30048. PMRpro gave a very good explanation on the advice against them. I went back and did a little more research. They should be used when taking an antibiotic but not necessarily at other times. I've used them for several years....for IBS. Have had diarrhea since I was a child. For me, there was never an improvement. I just kept taking them thinking they might be good for something else For several months, I've taken Marshmallow Root. Instant success ! Diarrhea gone except for a rare day of eating foods that just don't agree with me. After reading several blogs, I came across one brand that actually advised ( on their packaging ) against taking them when on long term cortisone treatment. I guess everyone is different. At this point, I'll stick to Marshmallow Root and consider giving up the probiotics.

Um - can I just say that it is probably NOT worth taking them while actually on an antibiotic (like bleach they kill 99.9% of all knows germs, good or bad) but they should be started as soon as the abx is finished.
Why not just eat "probiotic" foods?