I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia rheumatica at the end of May and started taking prednisolone. I had one problem with dosage at 3-4 weeks but that was sorted and I started on 10 mgs this week. I truly believe my PMR has responded well to the medication, I go to yoga twice each week and walk 5 miles easily and other than an arthritic hip I feel extremely well in fact life was normal and nothing changed.
However over the past 3 weeks I have been having mild headaches, they were frequent but would only last a few minutes and I could have 3 or 4 an hour but this had started increasing. I also had jaw pain which again was not too painful but enough for me to dig out a tooth guard my dentist had given me some years ago. I kept thinking, "is this the start of GCA?" but it wasn't severe. Yesterday I started getting a much tighter headache and throbbing over both temporal arteries and pain in one carotid artery, I would suggest it still wasn't severe but because of all the reading I have done on this forum I knew what it was and went to A&E in Queen Alexandra's Hospital in Portsmouth. Other than the triage nurse who took my details on arrival all the other staff I saw new exactly what I had from my symptoms and acted spoke with knowledge. These included the senior nurse in charge, my named nurse, (a student nurse), and the medical student who oversaw my care, there was a consultant I heard in the background but didn't see. I thought I would have to explain a lot more but no, I think everything more or less happened as this forum suggests it should.
I am now back up to a high dose of 60mgs and am feeling utterly deflated, I know I was beginning to feel smug that all was moving forward so well with the PMR and is still doing so.
Not really sure why I am writing, disappointed and a bit miserable I suppose and felt the need. I have to return for a follow up later today as my blood tests were not all back, CRP was up from last routine check but ESR not back and as it was by then 2 am I think they and we felt I was sensible enough to go home. What a wretched thing it all is, not just the underlying vasculitis but the auto immune process and all the added on complications of drug side effects.
Bye for now Judy