Walking : Could anyone tell me if they have ever... - PMRGCAuk


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Rusty8 profile image
12 Replies

Could anyone tell me if they have ever had this problem was wondering if it is connected to pmr

I know I have problems with hips knees and back but have been able to walk with a crutch today i went out to go to the aquarium got out of car and found bug problems was unable to walk daughter got a wheelchair for me which I know by me saying I had to swallow my pride and use it sounds stupid but I found it upsetting that what ever was going on I wasn't understanding

When I came out things were slightly better can anyone out there help thanks

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12 Replies
PMRpro profile image

I recently used service assistance to get through airports - most of the time I am fine, but occasionally I'm not and if I need help - so what? I have worn glasses since I was 7. My husband needs hearing aids to hear since chemotherapy. It is no different.

It is common to have problems getting moving when you have PMR - either you need to take a load of time or use a bit of help now and again to get through it quicker. You are by no means alone, I promise you.

Ida-June128 profile image
Ida-June128 in reply to PMRpro

Service assistance at the airports is wonderful, I am never too coy to book it although I have to say that BA at Heathrow was far outshone by the Delhi welcome, wheelchair at the foot of the steps on arrival.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Ida-June128

My chairs were at the plane door!!!!! I did it primarily because of a transfer at Chicago - standing in queues and rushing is not me and it could have been tight. As it turned out we didn't have to change terminals but getting through US immigration was SO much easier. In May I was fine without on my own doing direct Munich to Vancouver - but coming back the plane docked as far away in one direction as was possible and the baggage reclaim was as far away as possible in the other direction! Aaaaghhhh!

Ida-June128 profile image
Ida-June128 in reply to PMRpro

Just after I got the PMR but before the femurs I went to Calgary to stay with a friend and then on to Yellowstone to photograph Bison and Coyote in 5 feet of snow. Change at Denver on a tight turn round amid a sea of 5 gallon hats and about 100 different gates to chose from. I just made it but my luggage didn't for the next 24 hours. In hindsight should have gone for the wheelie then.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Ida-June128

I met an internet PMR friend and her husband from Calgary for lunch - they took us to Canmore.

Jealous about Yellowstone...

Ida-June128 profile image
Ida-June128 in reply to PMRpro

It was coooold. I was getting over double pneumonia and under a lot of pressure to cancel the trip from the medics. Very out of breath all the time but some great shots! A man with fibro. was in the group who was swigging liquid morphine cut 50/50 with scotch. Only found out on the way back at the airport, but it did explain why he kept becoming comatose. I suggested to the organiser who I know well that he in future should ask for medical clean bills of health for people over a certain age......but that would probably exclude me.

polkadotcom profile image

Have you got OA in those joints, or is it PMR/steroids causing the problem? I've had one or two incidents like that, but in my case it was the added OA pain in the joint which caused it.

Doralouise77 profile image

I have experienced what you have. I just had X-rays of both hips and back and it showed OA....a previous MRI had showed a large gluteal tear, and I am back to PMR after a lovely stint of first PMR and then GCA....so....lots going on and I'm wondering how OA is treated as this is the first I've known of it. Use the wheelchair if needed and sit tall and proud.......I have used my walker backwards by sitting on the seat and pushing with a cane,,,quite the site I'm sure....best of luck!

HeronNS profile image

OA is usually treated with painkillers, but I remember reading early on when I first was diagnosed with OA that aspirin can actually be harmful, interfering with healing. Acetaminophen tries to claim that it's an anti-inflammatory, but it isn't and would be largely ineffective. I've avoided treating OA with painkillers, some of them are really scary (doctor prescribed celebrex and I refused, wondering why it was even on the market) but for many years now have taken a significant dose of glucosamine morning and evening. There's been little progression of the disease over the years. I have OA in hands, feet, spine (neck and lumbar spine) and was told when x-rayed for another reason that there were slight signs in knees, but hips completely clear. I know there's some controversy about effectiveness of glucosamine. I've taken it for a long time, at the maximum dose, 2000 mg per day. It's not a short term fix. Will do no harm.

Important to do what you can to maintain range of motion. Strengthen supporting muscles also. It seems counterintuitive that a disease which appears to be one of overuse actually requires you to keep on using those joints, but there you are!

S4ndy profile image

If its any help to you, I am 54 and suffering from PMR. I was a fairly active person, working as an exercise teacher. Also have knee, shoulder and back issues. I am now very slow walking, have muscle weakness and get very tired very quickly. I have swallowed my pride and got myself a snazzy blue rollator with a seat and a handy shopping bag that fits in my car and two nordic walking poles with various feet for different terrains which also double as handy prodding sticks :). Its helping me keep mobile, that is the most important thing. Thinking of jazzing up the rollator with a set of funky fairy lights come the winter :) I use our towns shopmobility scheme and zip around town on that. My friends laugh at me, not because of the illness but as I am a self declared menace with the scooter............no brakes on the scooters! You just sorta glide to a stop when you take your hand off the controls. Took out the shampoo display much to my Hubby's embarrassment one day. I just said sorry and smiled sweetly! I suppose what I am saying is do whatever you can to keep mobile and to have a quality of life. Accept the help, pace yourself, laugh at yourself and know that nothing is forever! Oh and a heads up watch out Dorset, I am visiting next week my first few days holiday since this all started last year :) Humour helps me get through it all :D

HeronNS profile image

Here's a question. Before diagnosis, must have had PMR for about six months, went to UK. Spent entire first day jetlagged walking around London, carrying a heavy backpack, expected to be a mess the next day, but in fact for the entire week I was there I was better than I had been for a long time! Now that I've been on pred for over a year, I know, from experience, that walking for more than an hour or two, in several stints, results in increased discomfort the next day. Why?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to HeronNS

Pass... No idea!

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