Is thee a link between Renaud's disease and GCA trying to search and not finding much on it. But feel my fingers are getting worse and since it effects the arteries was thinking that it may be related?
gca: Is thee a link between Renaud's disease and... - PMRGCAuk

I did read somewhere that a side effect of steroids can cause Reynauds type symptoms. I have found that my hands and feet can be freezing, while in the good old days before pred I had really good circulation.

Reynaud's can be part of an autoimmune disorder too and if you have one then it is more likely you will develop another.
However, yes, there can be a link with GCA. Johns Hopkins says:
"Giant cell arteritis can begin suddenly or gradually with nonspecific symptoms such as malaise, weight loss, depression, and fatigue or with the classic symptoms of headache, scalp tenderness, jaw claudication, visual changes, or polymyalgia rheumatica. Polymyalgia rheumatica, which can occur with or without giant cell arteritis, is characterized by pain and stiffness of the hips and shoulders that worsens in the morning. About one third of patients resemble the preceding patient and present with atypical manifestations such as fever of unknown origin, respiratory symptoms (dry cough is most common), large vessel disease (causing Raynaud’s phenomenon, claudication, or thoracic aortic aneurysm), mononeuritis mutiplex, glossitis, or profound anemia."
That means it suggests the GCA may be affecting other large vessels and so really, ideally, they may need to see if it is under control if the symptoms are getting worse. That usually requires a special sort of CT scan which will show up the inflammation.
You could ask your doctor to refer you for testing for Reynaud's - there will be a vascular lab or a medical physics department that does it in a hospital somewhere near you. They can tell if it is really Reynaud's and whether it is primary or secondary and provide advice on managing it - though really it is a case of keeping warm! There are drugs but most people think they are as bad as the problem! However, if it were secondary to the GCA you might need more pred rather than reducing further.
Hi - only just diagnosed GCA by Rhuemy through raised ESR and symptoms for 2 years.
Waiting for scans. I have had pain and cramp in my hands long before I started Pred. My left thumb actually locks into my palm and I can't release it for ages. So I'm like you - don't know whether symptom of GCA. Babs
I have had Renaud's for years in my hands; hasn't bothered my feet as yet. Never actually diagnosed or tested but doctor suggested that it was Renaud's when I told him my fingers turn blue, purple or white while in the cold in the grocery store or during winter. I wear mittens in the winter, which also fold back so I can use my fingers on the steering wheel (which is also covered). I don't know if the pred is helping it as I haven't had too much trouble this summer. I started on 60mg after biopsy for GCA in January. I'm now on my third week of 15 mg.
I had PMR and am now noticing that my finger tips go blue and hurt - even being in the chiller section of a supermarket for a short time! have now bought silk glove liners and gloves, as they should help to keep what heat I have, in. Have always had low blood pressure and get hypothermia very easily, but have never experienced the real blueness and pain before. My feet seem to be OK though. Interesting therefore, to hear of the link with steroid use....
Got me thinking ,puting my story together think my GP and I have something new to discuss. All ways had poor circulation cold feet in Hong Kong in July and felt cold very easily all ways wore hat
Early 2013 started to feel tired and out of sorts all ways cold,January 2014 one day glasses became tight had them adjusted 4/6 Times over nest few weeks. Balance started to go over next few months put down to problem with scar tissue round caroted archery then early September full blown GCA. Head gets cold inside house these days freezing today. Think I need to get more facts .
I'd have thought feeling cold in HK in July was a big pointer there was something wrong! Other than in the malls at least - good old air-con always made my Reynauds manifest! Or walking down the chiller aisles in S'burys!