I am trying to reduce from 5milligrams to 4 1/2 using the slow method but 36 hours after taking the smaller dose my legs and back are very painful and stiff, now my question is do I keep going hoping that the pain and stiffness will go or do I go back to 5
Reducing: I am trying to reduce from 5milligrams to... - PMRGCAuk

Often we find that any pain that occurs immediately following a reduction can simply be due to steroid withdrawal rather than flaring inflammation, and can improve during the next couple of weeks. However, as you are at a dose which can be a sticking point for many, and as you are already following one of the very slow tapering plans, it might be wise for you to return to 5mg.
Following a flare at the 5mg dose which necessitated returning to 10mg to get it under control, my rheumy kept me at 5mgs for many months second time around. It was some years ago and, during my many months at 5mg, I came across a gentleman in Sweden who had tried a very slow tapering plan following his experience of being unable to reduce from 5mg. I followed his plan but tapering even more slowly, and successfully reached zero Pred, some 3 years ago now. Since then many people have adopted/adapted this plan to suit them and it is proving very successful. It is unlikely that you will suffer any side effects remaining on the 5mg dose for however long you need - I experienced none at all.
Thank you for your reply, I think I will stay on 2 days 4 1/2 and 5 days of 5 for another week and see how it goes. Thank you for your support
That's not quite my version - in my version there is only ever one day of the new dose at a time until you get to alternate days old/new and then you build up the days of new dose. Maybe your body is just objecting to having 2 days of new dose together a bit soon?

By "the slow method" I assume you mean the "Dead slow and nearly stop" plan here:
healthunlocked.com/pmrgcauk... ?
which is based on the concept Ragnar used, the Swedish gentleman mentioned by Celtic.
I assume too that this is after just one single day of the new dose? Did you also do a bit more on the day after the first lower dose?
I find that the first 3 times I take the single day of new dose I feel "strange", can't really put it any other way. Then my body seems to accept what I'm asking it to do.
If it doesn't settle after a few times going back to the old dose - accept you are where you are meant to be for the moment. I've got to 4mg, 3mg is too much, I can just manage alternate days 3 and 4mg but I definitely feel better at all 4mg.
The rest I would say has already been said by Celtic. 5mg is a low dose anyway. Hang around there for a few months and try again. Don't try to force it though.
Thank you yes I am following Ragnar's method it's all a bit of a nightmare trying to do the right thing for me, my doctor just lets me get on with it.
I think it's just baby steps and see what happens. Thank you for your support and advice
I see that you live in my area and I too am trying t get below 3mg. Very hard to know if shoulder pains are a flare or to be expected on reducing. Would love to meet a fellow sufferer as there is no support group in Norfolk would be nice to meet for coffee occasionally for support. My e mail is jukesnormt@aol.com
i notice each lower dose, im just useless. have maybe a 4hr window of productive time. the rest just pooped!