I was diagnosed with GCA July 7th 2014. I wrote shortly after that asking if flying a long distance is safe for one's eyesight. I would be flying from San Francisco to London. At the time I decided to wait. I have read that Dorset lady has flown to New Zealand recently without ill effect, but that she also is into this 3 years now.
At the start of this after having PMR for a year without being diagnosed, I had 4 ocular migraines within 24 hours. GCA was diagnosed as my ESR and protein levels were extremely high and I was having a lot of head pain. I was immediately put on 80 mg of prednisone which then stopped all the head pain.A couple of months ago I had a fifth episode of ocular migraine having reduced to 10 mg of pred. the prior 3 days. I was in a park a mile form my home walking my dog. After managing to get home without much vision I took another 25 mg of pred and my sight fully returned within an hour. I have had no more episodes. I then raised to 15 mg and have since reduced very slowly to 13. I used to have these ocular migraines since 17 but had had none for about 20 years. I am now almost 77. I am scared to fly in case the stress will cause them to return, or worse still that I will lose my sight completely. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Delia.