I saw my rheumy this last week and he has put me on 10mg a week of methotrexate but building up to 20mg. I have to keep on with the predisolone at 20mg as well for the time being. Discussed this all with my Doctor this week, to get the prescription, and he has put me on a weekly blood test regime. Curiously my inflammation marker was low at 3.6 which for me was strange as I have been reducing the pred down to 20mg over the last few weeks and have felt really awful. Absolutely exhausted and headache every day. Sleep is disturbed either by hip / shoulder pain or the headaches. This was discussed with the rheumy and Dr but both feel it is not GCA. I have been signed off work for a couple of weeks as needed to come home after a few hours and have a sleep. Luckily work are very good and I have been able to get away when I need to. Seems I will have a discussion with my boss about it next week. I must say even after a couple of days of not going to work I feel better but that could just be in my mind?
One thing I am a bit concerned about is taking prednisolone, methotrexate, androlic acid (once a week) and folic acid (once a week) and wondered if taking the methotrexate on a Saturday each week and then the androlic & folic acid on the Sunday was OK? I also don't like taking paracetamol for the headaches as I worry about all these chemicals in my system. I think it's going to be hard giving up alcohol to enable me to take methotrexate as a few glasses of wine are looked forward to.
I'm also trying to change my diet and am eating a lot more fish and reducing carbs as much as I can but can't seem to get in the habit of eating enough fruit or drink enough water but at least I'm aware of it so hopefully will get there. Exercise is pretty much non existent apart from the odd stroll and my way of relaxing is cooking which is not helpful on the weight front. If only they could prescribe motivation tablets as I feel I want to exercise but just can't work up the enthusiasm. Probably due to feeling really rough the day after when we have been for a longer walk.
I believe the plan is to give the methotrexate time to kick in, 6 - 8 weeks and then come off the prednisolone. I assume that also means the androlic acid can stop?
I have to laugh I just re read my script before posting and noticed auto correct had changed folic to frolic, if only that we're true!