not a major problem,but since my intake of tablets is on the up,pmr, underactive thyroid,+ others.I hoped to set a full days tablets out at night ready for a start with pred at 5am ish.I am now told some tablets should be left in sealed blister.Any info welcome. My best wishes to one and all.Dave
have bought tablet box to help org my tablets. - PMRGCAuk
have bought tablet box to help org my tablets.

Hi daveD,
I put my tablets out a week at a time in a tablet box. Most of the boxes are virtually airtlight anyway.
sorry, hit wrong button!
I've not been advised not to do this, but you can always check with your pharmacist if unsure. DorsetLady
If I'm going away anywhere I always use a tablet box or boxes. I haven't noticed any deterioration in the performance of the tablets!
THANK you to DorsetLady &Annodomini. will carry on putting them out in the evening,not at my best at 4.30am.Will also watch out for reply:s to Dillydallys1 problem regards to lack of sleep.All the best to one & all.Dave
I get all mine out of the blister packs and into bottles as soon as I receive them. I take so many daily that struggling with those darned blister packs is not a option whatever the time of day. I can't use a pill box as I can't find one big enough!
My hands have got very weak lately and I know that if I ask the pharmacist they will do it all for me - mine offer that service - but I haven't yet quite reached that point.
LO polkadotcom. glad to see you still have a sense of humor ie pill box.I hope it was humor, it made me smile.& as we say in the midlands,Keep taking the tablets. BEST WISHES Dave.

Ask your pharmacist (not the counter staff) - s/he knows more than anyone except (maybe) the manufacturer! I have one tablet in a blister pack where there is a perforation to take single tablets off the main sheet. Or you can cut the sheet into singles/doubles, whatever you need.
Many drugs must be protected from moisture - and many people keep their medications in a cabinet in the bathroom. Beside your bed, overnight should be OK for most things. But the pharmacist will tell you about any you can't dispense into a dosette box.
PMRpro, Good thinking Bat Man.the pred is my main concern.i am on 12.5 at the moment.I just set up for 1 day, will cut a strip of 3 & leave sealed.the simple ideas are the best.Thank You & All the Best. Dave
There are some medications which should be kept in the blister pack but these will clearly state so on the box. Personally, because I have to take so many tablets each day, at different times, and sometimes forget what I've taken and when, I get my pharmacy to make them up into trays (dosset boxes) and I find that easier (until something has to change then it's a case of manually adjusting until the changes filter through to the pharmacy!).
LO GreyOwl.I have PMR + Underative Thyroid + other bits & bobs.I have been on Mr PMRs strange journey for just a few months,as you well know its life changing.up to now the pred is keeping me active, with out i have NO doubt i would be Knackerd for want of a better word as far as the tablets go being a bloke & a Old grump i can be a bit hit & miss taking them, apart from PRED 5AM ish with out fail. And of course one would lost with out these Forums. all the best. Dave
I use a tablet box and fill it weekly. Like you I have to take thyroxine and pred.
Pre tablet box I gave myself a fright - i usually took the pills automatically first thing in the morning then got distracted and didn't know which I'd had. Ended up phoning up the pharmacist to see what would happen if double dosed or none??? Was ok as it happened but could have been a disaster..... Hence daily pill pots for me.
I now take half my pred before bed and half at 7.30 am. .... Works better for me I feel almost normal!! saves waking in the early hours.
Good Evening suzieh..with thyroid B/P& colesterol tablets i used to just pop them down all together with a glass of water before i left for work no major probs.this PMR is a whole new ball game, 1 with food 1 before food for sleep,since taking thyroxine sleep has always been a problem now with pred its nigh impossible,so 5am is not a big problem,i take pred with fruit & yogurt then go back to bed till 6ish i arise feeling bright eyed &bushy tailed He He.abit down not been able to potter in garden this weekend to wet&windy.All the best hope your journey goes well.take care.Dave