I will be 73yrs in January and I was diagnosed with PKD earlier this year although I have multiple cysts on my kidneys I have been told it is early stages and my Blood pressure has been fine, I have taken 1 to 2 teaspoons of Honey a day for years, What I would be grateful to know is it still ok to take Manuka Honey the same as I always have done or should I stop now that I have been diagnosed with PKD, also we eat a lot of fish is that ok.
Manuka Honey - PKD: I will be 73yrs in... - PKD Charity for A...
Manuka Honey - PKD

I've never heard of honey being bad. If you are in your 70s and in the early stages you are doing something right!! I have PKD and had a transplant at 53.
I'm not seeing a lot of responses to questions on this site, so I'll jump in. You will find a ton of diet information on the regular "Kidney Disease" form on this site:healthunlocked.com/nkf-ckd/...
There are several "diet" experts there that will give you information about diet, though many will say to speak with a renal dietician as your needs may be specific to you and what others need is specific to them. But overall, reducing sodium, potassium, and phosphorous seem to be an overall theme. You don't say what your labs are showing for any of those or what your eGFR number is, so you might post some of that information if you know it from your lab report. If you don't have a lab report, you can ask your Kidney doctor (Nephrologist) for a copy. If you don't have a Kidney doc, you might want to consider getting one for the road ahead of you.
In my area, renal dieticians are only available AFTER you start dialysis through the dialysis center. I couldn't find one who works with people before dialysis unfortunately, so I had to do my own research including watching videos at "kidney school" kidneyschool.org. Again, those are not PKD specific, but they do offer information you can use to ask questions of your doc.
Oh, I'm 69 and will start Periodontal Dialysis in the spring. So you're in better shape than me! Hopefully you will never need dialysis if you take care of yourself fairly well.
From what I know... Honey is absolutely fine as long as its pure honey.Fish is very good.
Red meats not so much.
A good diet with moderation is the key.