Hello, does anyone know if pkd puts us in the 'high risk' category of contracting coronovirus at stage 1 of pkd. i just wanted to know for work purposes and if i should be suggesting the option of working from home as my employer hasnt been very forthcoming with options re social distancing. Thank you
Coronovirus and pkd: Hello, does anyone... - PKD Charity for A...
Coronovirus and pkd
Excellent question, we have a chronic disease we have to be careful please check out gov.uk for more information.
Yes, kidney disease is in the high risk group, I don't think it matters what stage of CKD.
I have pkd stage 3 but I was told to self isolate for 4 weeks and reassess situation after that but now the secretary of consultant is saying they didn't say that I'm so stressed as just need a letter to state what's wrong with me Nd stage 3
Thank you guys.

this link to the PKD Charity in the UK may help you https;//pkdcharity.org.uk/news-events/blogs/403-coronavirus-covid19-and-polycystic-kidney-disease

Morning Bee the PKD Charity have a very well written section on its website.
The information is most importantly checked before being published.
"People with PKD but normal or only mildly reduced kidney function are probably at no higher risk of getting seriously unwell from COVID-19 than the general population. Normal or mildly reduced kidney function means you have an eGFR or 60 or higher (also called CKD stage 1 or 2)"
Please read more pkdcharity.org.uk/news-even...
Thanks Susan, I ended up checking with my GP who advised the same but luckily it has worked out as I now working from home.