Hello everyone,
I myself received the dreaded NHS text yesterday tho didn't really class my self a extremely vulnerable. So.... Now I have 12 weeks at home oh the joys.
In my normal life I'm a manager of a multi award winning sourdough bread bakery which I will be going back to eventually. But....... I'm going to use this time perfect my bread making even further. Over the years people on here have helped me with advice so Im offering to help others bake there own bread at home with guidance and support over the Internet, email, WhatsApp etc completely free. If your amateur, professional or never touched a grain of flour before in your life I'm offering free bread mentoring at all levels whether it's sourdough or yeasted bread it's all going to alot healthier for your mind and gut than the soft white you grab from the local supermarket PLUS its also fills in time. Making bread is a great way to pass the time and gives you focus you never know you might even enjoy it. 😁😁. You don't need a big fancy mixer or tons of ingredients to start just the basics. If anyone is interested please let me know. These next 12 weeks are not going to be fun but why not use the time to learn a new skill. If we get a good response with can create a group where people can share there photos skills and more. Hopefully new baking buddy's will be made.
Stay safe everyone. Happy baking