does anyone worry about flying with PCD? i have pneumonia right now. Do you think it is safe to take a 3 hour flight? I am on antibiotics but still not 100% better
URGENT Pneumonia : does anyone worry... - PCD Family Suppor...
URGENT Pneumonia

I have PCD and have flown many times however, I am otherwise healthy with no associated infection. I personally would not fly with pneumonia unless specifically sanctioned by a doctor. I hope you are well soon.

Hi, I think you definitely need to speak to a doctor about this. In the uk, it is possible to obtain 'fit to fly' certificates, which are helpful if you think there is a chance the airline wont let you board. These can be provided by a GP (you can see one as a tourist I think, but there will be a charge). You should also consider whether your insurance would cover you if you travel when knowingly ill. Unfortunately we cant give medical advice but definitely recommend speaking to a medical professional. The PCD Foundation in the USA may also be able to suggest a solution. Best of luck to you, Lucy (Chair, PCD Support UK)
well I don’t know if an concerned about the airline not letting me fly as the in call pulmonologist told me I could fly. And I don’t think they would know I have pneumonia. I have been on antibiotics for 3 days now so I don’t think I am contagious. I am more concerned about my health and taking a long flight given my already fragile state. Would you mind expanding on what you said about my insurance? Thank you!!

Firstly, I really hope the antibiotics are helping and that you feel better soon. Pneumonia is so horrible! Your point regarding your health and wellness to fly - only you and your doctor can make that decision. If you wanted to delay your flight, you could try speaking to the airline. Re insurance - some travel insurance policies are very specific about the conditions under which a claim can be made. You should make sure that traveling when knowingly unwell, wouldnt invalidate your policy, should you need to claim on it (e.g. if you were ill on the flight and needed emergency medical attention etc). Good luck and get well soon!

Hi, yes pre-covid I got it about 1 or 2 times per year. I once flew with it and found it a difficult and painful flight, but was ok nonetheless. I was in my early 20s and much fitter - but this stuff is so personal and it really depends on the individual. Before any flight I always make sure I have done lots of physio (airway clearance) and I find staying really, really well hydrated helps me. You know your body best and you hopefully have a sense of where this infection falls in the spectrum of previous infections. That said, perhaps worth getting a second medical opinion if youre unsure. Wishing you all the best x
thank you so much. How long was the flight for you? I am sorry to hear. Unfortunately I don’t have my physio with me. Can I ask how many days into pneumonia were you? I’m guessing this was a flight you had no choice but to take it? I agree with the hydration.