I had the jab last Thursday, tender arm for 24 hours, no other side effects. Have second 7 Jan. Hope everyone can have there’s soon. Merry Christmas and hopefully Happy and Healthy New year
Pfizer vaccine : I had the jab last... - PCD Family Suppor...
Pfizer vaccine

Thats really great news ! I am in East Sussex and currently we are in the second to highest place of rate of infection, we dont have the vaccine here yet, I cant wait! Could you tell me how you heard about your vaccine appointment, was it a letter or a phone call, and did you have it at your GP surgery or did you have to go elsewhere?Happy Christmas xx
Phone call from GP surgery last Sunday. Another surgery has been taken over I think, for all over 80s, busy but efficient, jab inside, then have to wait 15 mins before can leave, in tent set up on car park, heated and lights, seats for about 12 people. Staff efficient and helpful. Good luck!
I've just been invited to have it this weekend so I booked an appointment for tomorrow. The person on the phone said I should arrive slightly earlier to complete a short form then I'll have to wait 15 mins before I can leave afterwards. Seems very efficient so far, I'll update tomorrow after I've had it.
Thats good, it will be interesting to see how you feel afterwards.
Had second Pfizer jab yesterday, arm bit sore and feel tired, think being trying to do too much, live alone, two Nebulising sessions per day followed by drainage, take up lot of time, plus housework etc. Yes have to answer few simple questions first, and wait 15 mins afterwards. Was nice to go out in car, first time used since first jab, even though had to clear little snow first. Did this reply few mins ago, vanished into thin air! Good luck.
First Pfizer jab done and I feel fine: It was all very well organised and efficient with volunteers to take names, seat people and direct them to rooms when empty. There wasn't a form, just a few questions to answer. Overall it was very quick and everyone was very helpful and friendly. There's a 15 minutes wait afterwards but, otherwise, it was pretty much like having the flu jab (and the possible side effects are the same, apparently).
There are information leaflets and everyone's given an appointment card with the vaccine details, and they said someone would call for the second appointment.
& as Morrison10 mentioned, there was the bonus of being good to go out in the car after being at home for 10 months - especially on such a beautiful sunny day! Good luck everyone and stay safe.
Morning, hope still feel ok from jab, still have slight tender arm from second, no other side effects and don’t feel so tired! Hope you can get your second in three weeks time. Can I ask at what age you were diagnosed with PCD, and where. I wasn’t diagnosed until age 33, now 85, now go to Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, last year found best consultant by paying to look at interests of all respiratory consultants in West Midlands. See Dr Sullivan, she is good, and sent me to paediatric dept at Leicester Royal to see Professor O’Callaghan who did short nasal test, and PCD was finally clinically diagnosed!
PS went to newQE consultant and Leicester in 1999, how years go by,
I also have a bit of a sore arm today, but I sometimes I have that after the flu jab. It's good to hear you feel OK and that you were able to have your second jab so promptly. I was very ill as a child, always in and out of hospital. I have heart problems, detected when I was born and resulting in major surgery when I was 18 years old (after new tests), and I think I was diagnosed with PCD when I was around 8/9 years old, coming up to 40 years ago. I've been under the Brompton Hospital's care since I was a baby/small child and I know I wouldn't be here today without them (and my very supportive family!). Luckily, my GP is very good too so I feel I'm in safe hands and being well looked after overall! I'm glad your PCD is being monitored well too now.
Hi, I’m sorry, can’t get date correct, went to QE and Leics 2019.! Don’t think I’d woken up well, had bad night.I’m also sorry to hear of your heart issues, so good you’ve had great care, hope it continues.
I grew up during war in industrial Birmingham, had mumps when should have been evacuated. Went bed every night in cold wet air raid shelter dug into back garden because of nightly raids. Walked alone to school carrying gas mask and bucket to collect shrapnel, sometimes past prisoners of war repairing roads. Damage to air raid shelter caused me broken flattened nose, still causes breathing difficulties but NHS always refused to consider reconstruction. Food was very short, and I had frequent chest infections. At age 11 spent 3 winter months in bed pleurisy etc, treatment koalin poultices. Only I coal fire in home, fuel rationed, no other heating. First antibiotics when about 25 worked like magic. Have kept own antibiotics for many years, I decide when and which one to take. Did own intravenous injections for 2+years when had pseudomonas infection, caught when flu jab failed. Ive been very careful about going into crowded places since, don’t go hospital in winter months.
About 35 years ago had visit from World Health Organisation Doctor who was visiting about 40 people then known in UK to have PCD / Kartagener. I told her hadn’t been able to follow advice when diagnosed age 33, to lead sedentary life and not go out when cold wet or windy, as had two young children and lived in UK!! She said I had done correct thing by keeping active, working, gardening etc. Good luck, stay positive, but be careful.
Wow, sounds like you've been very lucky, getting through the war and post-war period with all the issues you had to face - but helped by the fact that you clearly have good common sense! Great that you've been able to keep active too. Being able to keep positive is a definite help. Keep well and keep safe.
Im from the U.S. I’m not getting mine until probably the summer :/ super slow over here