On Saturday, I helped celebrate a friend's 75th birthday. We have known each other since we were 18... it was a surprise party. We hadn't seen each other in about 5 years. We sat and chatted for the next 2 1/2 hours like we had seen each other yesterday. Friendships truly transcend time, don't they?
Just a couple of days later a friend, who I worked with for years in Labor and Delivery, found out she had a malignant growth on her stomach. She is in the process now of treating breast cancer. There may be some of you that have dealt with this or friends of yours who have.
We all are aware of the tragedy that occurred in the Potomac.
Life really can change in a heartbeat. We never know what will happen or when. Having a chronic disease can just add to that sense of the unknown for sure. Will the next lab results be worse? What will that MRI show? Will that family member ever really begin to understand how I am feeling? None of us know any of these answers. I know that many of you may be 'worriers'. I don't happen to be one. I know it's hard to not worry when it is part of who you have always been. Just try to think of how much energy you expend worrying that you could be putting on taking care of yourself instead - making yourself happy, doing what brings you joy. Reaching out to a friend.... making a long needed phone call.
I just read a quote this morning on FB... all my life I took care of my children, then took care of my parents - now it's time to take care of me. Use your time to make yourself happy. Be in the moment. Don't give into needless worry when you might miss the opportunity to be happy right now. Don't miss what a wonderful gift every day is to us. We have 24 hours to make a choice... use it wisely to better ourselves and those around us or waste it hoping 'nothing bad happens'. Seize the day everyone!!! 🥰