Hi everyone, is it possible to have normal AMA and still have PBC? Feeling confused.
Confused: Hi everyone, is it possible to have... - PBC Foundation

Hi I am typing for phone so keeping it short. Here is a journal article that references this.
Yes - confusingly!
It is the case that a small percentage of people develop PBC, but just do not have the extra diagnostic feature of high AMAs present.
Any rise in the levels of the crucial indicative liver function tests - eg: ALP, AST, ALT, GGT, etc - should always be taken seriously. If PBC is suspected, given the abnormal levels of these lfts, then in the absence of AMAs, a liver biopsy should be carried out to check for PBC.
According to the official guidelines laid down by 'PBC Specialists' there should always be 2 conclusive tests for a formal diagnosis of PBC.
It is usually: 1) abnormal levels of the liver function tests,
and 2) the presence of AMA-M2.
but if AMAs are absent, then the third test is: 3) a liver biopsy.
Hope this helps,
Take care.
Morning....I was diagnosed with PBC after a biopsy to rule out other causes. My AMA is negative or what I think you are referring to as normal. My LFT's have been high since the beginning. They fluctuate, but haven't seen a normal range since this began in 1997. I cannot take URSO. I was told we are an even rarer group of PBC folks called " Negative AMA PBC". Hope this helps. Be well
Thank you for your reply. Received a letter from my consultant today confirming that I am AMA negative PBC. Not sure if the treatment is the same or what this means as I can't find much information about this. Greatful for ant feedback. Have a good weekend.