I don't have many symptoms of pbc but prior to diagnosis in feb 2013 I had to have a cervical biopsy(clear)which took a long time to stop bleeding.since then I have to go to dentist3 monthly due to bleeding gums.anyone else have this problem?
Just been re reading pbc on British liver t... - PBC Foundation
Just been re reading pbc on British liver trust and the bit about bleeding jumped out at me

Hello cazz22.
Have you had a prombothin blood test to check the blood clotting time recently? Normally it can be a shortage of Vitamin K that is required for blood clotting. Vitamin K is one of the fat soluble vitamins of which as you probably know can be one that is less easily absorped with PBC like some have a tendency to have a Vit D deficiency (more than likely in England with very little sun or so it seems to manufacture our own).
You might be wise to seek your GP's advice if your dentist didn't have much of an explanation for bleeding gums.
Peridot is right. If you have been diagnosed with PBC, and there are other health issues going one - such as the bleeding - then you should be screened for all sorts of other vitamin, mineral and other deficiencies, as well as fat/cholesterol levels and other conditions, eg Hypothyroidism, although I don't think that would be linked to the bleeding. They may have done some of these, but it's worth checking and I would definitely see your GP and talk about the bleeding. Talk to the people at the PBC Foundation first, and read their booklet: it and they could help you to feel more aware and suggest points and questions for you to raise with your GP.
If you don't mind me asking, what criteria did they use for the diagnosis of your PBC, and did they explain the results of tests to you? I'm only just taking responsibility for my liver function tests, as a prelude to challenging my diagnosis, having just been told my lfts were clear again (never been abnormal).
I too have bleeding gums but mine is caused by gum disease. However, I am sure the gum disease is caused by sjogrens syndrome, another auto immune condition connected with pbc
I have sjorgrens and also have bleeding gums, I also bruise easily.
hiGrittyReads.im also challenging my diagnosis.was told I had pbc after lymph nodes were found on my pancreas/liver plus a slightly high ggt for several years.asked for AMA test and awaiting results for this. I have had recently other bloods done(only have half a thyroid which works perfectly) to check for iron /vit deficiency which again were fine.my doc/dentist say bleeding easily is not a symptom of pbc however British liver say it is.confusing or what.most of the time I try and blank out I've got this 'thing'and I suppose it could've been worse as they thought at first it was pancreatic cancer.just interested to see if there was anything to report back to dentist and also in case I had to have an operation of some sort.
Yes, i have pelvic pain and trouble with my mouth snd teeth. Its so weird we have this. I have checked both out and am getting treated for both. Thanks , i thought i was crazy...