Hello . Blood tests results today Gp... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Hello . Blood tests results today Gp is saying my b12 level of 181 is normal (sorry i don't have a range ) Any advice ???? Thank you ./

xJJx profile image
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It depends on how you feel..symptoms count as much as test results..You could wait another few months and have another bloodtest to see if there are changes, also best to get copies of both bloodtests so you can see what ells may not be right such as MCV (high in B12 def), platelet count (low in B12 def), white cell count (usually low) etc.

Another very good option (particularly if you have not had any treatment) is to go for the active B12 test (St Thomas, London), which will give you and your GP a much clearer picture of your actual B12 levels you body can use say. It is in my mind very worthwhile to get a firm diagnosis first before starting experimenting and or treatment.

For more info see:


I hope this helps,

Kind regards,


Frodo profile image
Frodo in reply to

Hi, 'listening in' on this topic, hope that's ok, and very sorry if not. Followed the link but getting 'web page not available' and tried a search on the St Thomas website for Active B12 test but nothing came up.

(My own GP has not even heard of this test, but remarked ' you may be a little bit pernicious anaemic' which in light of all I've read here and the new guidelines doesn't really make any sense. No need to reply about the GP - I know I should start a new thread for my own matters but just thought it might be of interest!)

in reply to Frodo

Hi Frodo,

Am sure everything is OK here! Anyway my post is 2 years old and gsts is now viapath see:


Still the same lab and still at St Thomas'hospital:

Nutristasis Unit at St Thomas'

02071886815 / 89543

St Thomas' Hospital

North Wing - 4th Floor

Westminster Bridge Road

London SE1 7EH

For clinical advice or interpretation of results, please contact the laboratory in the first instance. - See more at: viapath.co.uk/our-tests/act...

If you want to give your GP some info perhaps print some details from this site:




The British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Cobalamin and Folate disorders:


I hope this helps,

Kind regards,


Frodo profile image
Frodo in reply to

Thanks so much, Marre. Very helpful. Doh! Totally did not notice this was posted two years ago. Brain fog! I get an email digest and click through to links, but then must have clicked on a link to this in the sidebar afterwards.

in reply to Frodo

Can do no harm updating info! Just shows you how soon stuff goes out of date.

Leilanilea profile image
Leilanilea in reply to Frodo

Hi, I can't recommend by personal use, but here is info on St Thomas Active B12 test:




Frodo profile image
Frodo in reply to Leilanilea

Thank you!

Leilanilea profile image
Leilanilea in reply to Frodo

You're very welcome!

xJJx profile image

I was lead here from the Thyroid UK site as i have auto immune hypothyroidism and i am still in the stages of getting my med levels right so i asked my gp for a B12 test and Vit D to be added to my next test and she agreed ..

Then yesterday i get the levels

and looking at the symptoms and it sums me up pretty much ...

My Vit D levels where also very low and have been given a script for a weekly dose of something for that ...

So it didnt even cross my mind to look further that my thyroid issues before yesterday ..lol

Thanks you for youe reply ..


B12Turbo profile image

Hi xJJx

I feel that before you begin trying to evaluate what is going on with your body, it is always best to get a full and comprehensive set of blood results, including FBC U's & E's Liver Functions, Thyroid, Glucose + + + + + etc.

I would imagine, (although one should not do so), that your GP is working on the British scale of 150 to 1000 and thus at 181 he is saying you are ok. However; the Americans seem to favour 200 to 1100, in which case, you would might be deemed not to be.

I can state my research, has indicated that whilst some people would be A symptomatic at 200 or so, many others present with symptoms with a serum B12 level as high as 700 to 800, this may well be due to their ACTIVE B12 levels being low. The advise above to contact St Thomas's Hospital for tests is good advise.

Don't worry too much about the 181 figure, I doubt you are in any danger from such a reading, however if your symptoms continue, then I would pursue your GP for futher tests, or better still, a referal to St thomas's.

Good luck B12 Turbo

xJJx profile image
xJJx in reply to B12Turbo

Thank you ...

I am have been reading and getting confused ...

They are tending to be sites like Livestrong which do tend to be US based ...

I was told the range the GP used was `160 to 900 ....

B12Turbo profile image

Hi xJJx

It appears that everyone in the medical world has a differing idea of just what the B12 levels should be and yet at a recent major conference in France on B12, the learned panel could not indicate just what that level should be, simply looking at each other and shrugging their shoulder I was told, when asked the question by a member of the forum floor.

I think you would be well advised to contact Denise Oblein at St Thomas's Hospital in London on 0207 188 7188 and ask her advice as to who you should speak to. You will need a referal from your GP before they can work with you, but the bloods needed for testing can be collected by your local GP, so you will not need to go to London for the tests.

Good luck

B12 Turbo

mummytina profile image

When i was diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia my level was 178 and it is supposed to be or so I was told by the Doctor it needed to be between 200 and 900 so I was started on a course of B12 injections which I had every other day for 2 weeks then I am supposed to have another blood test two months after my last injection which is soon. I hope this helps and good luck

xJJx profile image

So Gp was no help at the 181 level so i am going to self supplement via Amazon....

Leilanilea profile image

The 2014 Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Cobalamin and Folate disorders, The British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) may be helpful to you.


Best, Leilani

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