Has anyone experienced any bad reacti... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Has anyone experienced any bad reactions to their B12 injections?

3 Replies

I have been having injections for 15 years and now out of the blue my last 4 injections gave me quite bad reactions. Each time they got worse and now I'm worried about having another one. Anyone experienced anything similar?

Any info would be appreciated.

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3 Replies

What do you mean by bad reactions?

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Some time has passed since I posted my question and I'm sorry to not have followed up. My last 4 injections gave me an instant bad reaction causing tightening of the chest, a dizzy not with it sensation and a fierce fire hot flush running through me from my feet to the top of my head causing my face to turn burning red. The last 2 times the reaction was worse and I was immediately given a shot of cortisone to counteract whatever it was going on. My last injection was back mid May and I have never gone so long in the last 15 years without my B12 jab. I've had a prick test done and that showed no signs of an allergic reaction (why would it after so many years)? My blood specialist says he has never heard of anyone ever becoming allergic or having any reactions to the B12 like this and is reluctant for me to have another injection for a while. I'm due for another blood test on 13th Sept but I know I need the jab and it's now becoming a big worry to me.

Has anyone out there experienced anything similar and can offer any help?? It's horrible to have all the original symptoms of my PA come back and the added worry that another injection could have an even worse reaction than the last one!!!

Kangagirl profile image

Yes, please do tell us what you mean by bad reactions. I am fighting tooth and nail to get B12 injections, as I react so badly to anything I take by mouth - nausea, diarrhoea, headaches, generaly feeling awful - so I am worried about the injections, if I ever get them - despite having had them in the dim and distant past when I was in 'better' shape overall, and they did help. Thanks.

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